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  1. #1

    Adventure Reviews

    I'm going to be mail ordering Tribes of the Heartless Waste and am also
    interested in buying a Birthright adventure. I have the Sword and Crown
    but I recall that there were some major complaints with certain
    adventures, although I don't remember which ones. Can someone give me a
    quick review or point me to a page that has one?


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  2. #2
    Joe & Jodi Walder

    Adventure Reviews

    Andrew -

    I'm replying on both lists because I want to see which message gets posted

    I kinda agree with what a lot of people have told you (on both lists) - most of
    the stuff is just "okay," with one major exception (continue reading).

    Avoid the Warlock of the Stonecrowns. I don't know what they were thinking,
    but they obviously forgot the adventure was suppose to be a Birthright
    adventure -- and it isn't. There are too many inconsistencies in the adventure
    to mention (especially regarding the "Monty Hall" mentality for treasure and
    monsters that don't exist on Cerilia).

    I don't know what I think about The Sword of Roele adventure. I'm not too
    happy with the fact the "Monkey King" has the famous Sword of Roele in this
    adventure. All of the other sources (Ruins of the Empire and other stuff)
    state that the Sword has been with the Gorgon since Roele's death. I know that
    there's mention that the Monkey King stole the Sword, but, come on! The one
    item that the Gorgon is more than happy to show off and this monkey steals it?
    A *BIG* oversight by the editors. It's kinda along the lines of what was done
    to the Player's Secrets of Tuarhievel. You know, the book that states a human
    is being put in charge of an elven domain (yeah, right) and doesn't go along
    with what's stated in the Ruins of the Empire.

    Legends of the Hero Kings basically is a good place to go to get adventure
    ideas. I'm still not sure that I would run each adventure in the book as
    they're suggesting, but you never know.

    Sword and Crown is not too bad, actually. Heck, it at least gives you a layout
    of Rhuobhe Manslayer's lair - Ruannoch. It's at least worth paying for for
    that information. I'm going to use it, but "clean it up" before running it.

    A must buy is the King of the Giantdowns. It "fleshes out" the Giantdowns more
    than the Rjurik Highlands did. I would advise you to pick this one up out of
    everything that is offered. It is a *BIG* help.

    Hope this helps in your decision.

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