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Thread: [birthright]

  1. #1


    I'm looking at and there is the link to the mb and to the
    webmaster. Isn't there another link that should take me to the actual site.
    Either way could someone give me the homepage of the website with all of the
    goodies that you've been mentioning on the list? thankyou
    - ----- Original Message -----
    From: Mark A Vandermeulen
    Sent: Friday, September 24, 1999 10:36 AM
    Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] -Masetians

    > On Fri, 24 Sep 1999 wrote:
    > > I was prowlin the Book of Priestcraft, and in Nesirie's description it
    > > mentioned that "few Masetians still live" or something to that effect.
    > > anyone know the specific pluses and minuses and such that a Masetian
    > > get? Or what domains they'd be likely to frequent or be regent of? I'd
    > > a seacoast land, but I don't know what anyone else has done with it.
    > The remnants of the Masetians are mainly on the Serpent's Island in
    > Khinasiland. I suspect they might be rare in the other Docandrah (sp?) and
    > Island States there, and Very Rare elsewhere in Khinasiland. I would make
    > them Extremely Rare to Unique elsewhere. Unless you include the former
    > home of the Masetians back in Aduria; there might be some there yet.
    > Mark VanderMeulen
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Oslo, Norway


    World-of-Kor wrote:

    > I'm looking at and there is the link to the mb and to the
    > webmaster. Isn't there another link that should take me to the actual site.
    > Either way could someone give me the homepage of the website with all of the
    > goodies that you've been mentioning on the list? thankyou

    Well the Treatise is as far as I know not available any other way than sending a
    mail to Mark, and about the the real page will appear as soon as we've
    finished the page. I'm sorry this is taking ages, but we are working on it
    (special thanks to Adam and Arjan.... ). I'll come back to you at the end of the
    weekend or monday with a new status...
    About the link, as soon as the site is properly finished I will of course remove
    the boring front page I've got there now...

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