On Goblins:

There is a reason Hobgoblins, Bugbears and Goblins are just "Goblins" in
Cerilia because they are ONE singular race--otherwise why didn't the
designers of BIrthright jsu tleave them under the traditional AD&D paradigm?

Secondly Culturally Goblins fill the role of barbarians since ORogs are very
civilized and organized---they replace "Orc" as the foot soldier of the
armies of "Darkness"
Considering they are creatures of Azrai. Many gamers feel the need to adapt
materialy to modern moralities, but in a world like BIrthright it's silly,
in a Fantasy environment Evil is a real thing, not just an ideal. If you
asked a medieval person if a "Faerie" was evil they's likely say no, just
mischeivious, if you asked them of "werewolves" or such they's say yes.
Looking at Goblins from out "enlightened" viewpoints is silly--they aren't
misunderstood, they are Evil--maybe not every single last one but as a race
they choose to be malicious cruel and "evil".

As a Cultrue I set them up depending on where they are located--in Rjurik
and Aneurian lands they fulfill the role of picts--savages known for
pillaging settlements etc....

In Vos and Khinasi lands they are more organized less barbaric and form a
"Ghengis Khan" type horde which lives on the run

Since most of the human cultures are based on real world cultures doing the
same for the Nonhuman races would be as easily applicable.

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