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  1. #11
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Deleted post. My bad, misread post I was replying to.
    Duane Eggert

  2. #12
    Site Moderator Ariadne's Avatar
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    Whoops! Sorry, that I misread your posting....

    Master of Terror – a character could qualify with 1 level of fighter and 3 levels of cleric (a 4th level character). Prerequisites need to be increased.

    Winter Wolf – a character could qualify with 1 level of ranger and 3 levels of cleric (a 4th level character) Prerequisites need to be increased.

    Moon Hunter – a character could qualify with1 level of ranger and 3 levels of cleric (a 4th level character). Prerequisites need to be increased.

    Guardian of Luck – a character could qualify with 1 level of ranger and 3 levels of cleric 9a 4th level character). Prerequisites need to be increased.
    Yeah, granted. 4th level characters can’t be…
    How about this:

    Master of Terror
    Requirements: All same, but:
    Spells: Must be able to cast 3rd level divine spells, clerics must have access to the Terror domain

    Winter Wolf
    Requirements: All same, but:
    Spells: Must be able to cast 3rd level divine spells

    Moon Hunter
    Requirements: All same, but:
    Skills: Survival 5 ranks, knowledge (religion) 10 ranks
    Special: Must have defeated a single undead with at least CR 7 , a character who channels negative energy is barred from this prestige class

    Guardian of Luck
    Requirements: All same and additionally:
    Skills: Profession (gambler) 9 ranks

    Just an idea…
    As far as maybe not requiring a full 10 levels to capture the prestige class theme:

    Does the Storm’s Fist need 10 levels to accomplish this?

    A case could be made to make this a 7 level prestige class. Thundering weapon at 9th is cool ability, but is it really necessary to capture the theme or is it just an add-on to the shocking weapon benefit (2nd level) and used to rationalize a 10 level progression. Same with Storm’s Blessing +10 - the character will already have electrical resistance 10 (5 from the storm domain granted ability and 5 from Storm’s Blessing 5 at 6th level of the prestige class. Just an example of a prestige class that might benefit from some paring down.
    Yes, I thought this way for the “Storms Fist” and the “Master of Terror” equally. I’ll try to change those two into two 7th level PrC’s and post the changes here…

    Doomguard – I’d redo the special prerequisite to make it access to either the evil or death domains and specify which one applies to a specific deity. Makes the description simple.
    Thanks. Might be confusing otherwise. I’m sure, you know, what I mean

    The revision you just did to the Doomguard will open this up to just about any Halfling character with that surviving in the shadow world bit.
    Well, not really. That “any Halfling” still must be able to cast “animate dead”, which means, he MUST be some kind of spellcaster of at least 5th level. That last sentence only should mean, that you may accomplish your goal as a Wizard or Sorcerer equally good…
    May Khirdai always bless your sword and his lightning struck your enemies!

  3. #13
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Doomguard – I’d redo the special prerequisite to make it access to either the evil or death domains and specify which one applies to a specific deity. Makes the description simple
    I meant to not specify by deity and only specify which domains are required (that is either evil or death). I can see why what I posted made it more confusing. I had only intended to make it simplier sorry.

    The other changes you proposed seem to work - I like the profession (gambler) one too. Althought the Moonhunter special requisite about defeating a specific CR undead is rather uneccesary, IMO. It doesn't say single handedly so a large group could do it with the character just a member of the group.

    Maybe something along the lines of actively defeated either singly or with a group a total of 30+ hit dice worth of undead. What this does is make it a constant theme of the character without specifying any one encounter. Itcould be a few high HD creature or a whole bunch of low HD creatures. 30 HD keeps it from being a an accidental thing - the character must have pursed in some way defeating that number of undead. It also has no specific character level assigned so a low (3rd or so) could possibly meet this requisite. The increase in ranks of Knowledge (Religion) would keep the character from being too low of level to qualify. Although a differrent Knowledge skill might be better - say Knowledge (Shadow World) or Knowledge (Undead) {give the option that is 8 ranks in either Knowledge (Shadow World) or Knowledge (Undead). 8 ranks is sufficient to prevent a character from reaching this goal prior to 5th level, 10 ranks makes it 7th level character prerequisite. I'm not certain if the concept was to force this to be a higher level PrC, that is to have tougher prequsites in order to qualify.

    Change special to the following: "Must either have access to the moon domain or have undead as a favored enemy". Dropping access to the domain from the spells section is consistent with the other PrC and making it a simple choice allows for the option of reaching this with an alternative set of prestige class or other non-standard classes (up to the individual DM). Basically it doesn't force a character to be a ranger or cleric, a ranger/adept could work.
    Duane Eggert

  4. #14
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    In a message dated 1/25/05 2:37:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

    brnetboard@BIRTHRIGHT.NET writes:

    << this will end up becoming a running list due to the rapidness of new

    prestige classes being introduced (and that is only counting WotC products and

    Dragon magazine not even the 3rd party ones) >>

    No kidding! I agree, Royal Library is probably a better place. Hey, admin,

    how do I get it there, again?


  5. #15
    Site Moderator Ariadne's Avatar
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    Originally posted by irdeggman@Jan 26 2005, 01:46 PM
    I meant to not specify by deity and only specify which domains are required (that is either evil or death). I can see why what I posted made it more confusing. I had only intended to make it simplier sorry.
    I&#39;ll try...
    May Khirdai always bless your sword and his lightning struck your enemies!

  6. #16
    Site Moderator Ariadne's Avatar
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    Try this one:

    Storm’s Fist

    Level Attack Fort. Ref Will Special Spells per day
    1. +1 +2 +0 +2 Prestige Domain -
    2. +2 +3 +0 +3 Shocking Weapon +1 level of existing class
    3. +3 +3 +1 +3 Lightning Focus +1 level of existing class
    4. +4 +4 +1 +4 Stormlord’s Blessing +5 +1 level of existing class
    5. +5 +4 +1 +4 One with the Storm +1 level of existing class
    6. +6 +5 +2 +5 Thundering Weapon +1 level of existing class
    7. +7 +5 +2 +5 Storm’s Fury +1 level of existing class
    Class features:
    Armor and weapon proficiency: A lawbringer is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. He is proficient with any armor and with shields.

    Spells per day: A lawbringer continues advancing in divine spellcasting ability. When a new lawbringer level is gained, the character gains new divine spells per day as if he has also gained a level in the divine spellcasting class, he belonged to, before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit of the previous class (improved chance of turning undead, increased benefit from laying on hands, and so on). If the character had more than one divine spellcasting class, he must decide which class to assign each level of the lawbringer.

    Haelyn’s Courage: At 1st level a lawbringer is surrounded by an aura of courage with a radius of 20 feet. This aura grants the lawbringer himself immunity to fear and spell like fear effects and a +4 bonus on saving throws vs. fear effects to allies. A paladin’s aura is enhanced to 25 feet. The ability is supernatural.

    Haelyn’s Wisdom: A lawbringer of 2nd level can use his prestige class level as a bonus on a will saving throw, wisdom based skill check or other wisdom relevant check once per day. This ability is supernatural and he must declare it before use.

    Haelyn’s Inspiration: At 3rd level a lawbringer can encourage those he is leading to greatest loyalty. Their moral turns to fanatic and they would follow him even into the Gorgon’s lair if needed. A follower whose attitude is fanatic gains +2 moral bonus to strength and constitution, +1 moral bonus to will saves and –1 to AC when fighting for the lawbringer. He can inspire a number of creatures equal to his leadership score at one time. If leading units he may inspire one of them, effectively adding one to his EL for the heroes unit effects. Further this unit gains a +2 bonus to moral.

    Law mastery: A lawbringer of 4th level can cast either protection from chaos or dispel chaos as a spell like ability once per day.

    Absolute Leadership: A lawbringer of 5th level gains a +4 bonus to all charisma based skills towards worshipers of Haelyn. His protective aura affects evil and chaotic neutral creatures who suffer a –4 penalty to saving throws vs. fear effects, if they are in the radius of the aura and hostile. This is a supernatural ability.

    Multiclass Note: A paladin of Healyn who becomes a Lawbringer may continue advancing as a paladin.
    Level Attack Fort. Ref Will Special Spells per day
    1. +0 +2 +0 +2 Haelyn’s Courage +1 level of existing class
    2. +1 +3 +0 +3 Haelyn’s Wisdom +1 level of existing class
    3. +2 +3 +1 +3 Haelyn’s Inspiration +1 level of existing class
    4. +3 +4 +1 +4 Law Mastery +1 level of existing class
    5. +3 +4 +1 +4 Absolute Leadership +1 level of existing class
    May Khirdai always bless your sword and his lightning struck your enemies!

  7. #17
    Senior Member
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    I&#39;m pretty sure that Knowledge (Undead) falls under Knowldege (Religion). Certainly knowledge of undead creatures does.
    Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  8. #18
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by The Jew@Jan 26 2005, 12:55 PM
    I&#39;m pretty sure that Knowledge (Undead) falls under Knowldege (Religion). Certainly knowledge of undead creatures does.
    It certainly is lumped in there isn&#39;t it. That would explain why 5 ranks in Knowledge (undead) gives a +2 bonus to turn undead checks.

    Just doesn&#39;t seem right to me somehow. <_< I mean I would imagine a necromancy having great knowledge of the undead but not as knowledge (religion). Sort of seems like it was just thrown in there since it doesn&#39;t fit with the other items covered by knowledge (religion). Well maybe the Complete Divine or Complete Arcana has some better explanation for this. I&#39;ll have to check. regardless I think that Knowledge (Shadow World) would make a good option (that is X ranks in Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge (Shadow World).
    Duane Eggert

  9. #19
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Ariadne, I like them. Nice and compact and still have the feel of a prestige class and special theme.

    I wonder if the lawbringer might benefit from the paladin of haelyn ability to freely mete out justice. Just a thought.
    Duane Eggert

  10. #20
    Site Moderator Ariadne's Avatar
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    New Try:
    Skills: Survival 5 ranks, knowledge (religion) 8 ranks
    Feats: Spell focus (conjuration), skill focus (knowledge religion)
    Alignment: any non-evil
    Spells: Must be able to cast 2nd level divine spells
    Special: Must either have access to the moon domain or have undead as a favored enemy. Must have defeated single handedly a group with a total of 30 hit dice worth of undead. A character who channels negative energy is barred from this prestige class

    Skills: Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks, intimidate 3 ranks
    Feats: Shadow Magic, spell focus (necromancy)
    Alignment: any evil
    Spells: Must be able to cast animate dead
    Special: Must either have access to the Death or Evil Domains or must have lived and survived in the shadow world for at least three months

    More confusing?

    No kidding&#33; I agree, Royal Library is probably a better place. Hey, admin,
    how do I get it there, again?
    @Lee: Since you’re posting from Birthright-L, it’s a bit difficult. Just open a new thread. If it’s in the wrong part, I move it…
    May Khirdai always bless your sword and his lightning struck your enemies!

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