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Thread: Realm 3: Ilien
01-24-2005, 11:43 AM #1Let me claim your Birthright!!
01-24-2005, 12:56 PM #2
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Okay, this is just from skimming:
Ilien has an income of 7 and an expense of 12? How does that add up?
Aglondier has 7 law holdings, which gives 2 2/3 GB in addition to the 7 for tax. And he'll most likely have some tribute from El-Hadid to cover the last expenses. Also how is the 12GB upkeep figured out?
I get it more to:
Castle 3.5GB
Court 5GB
Military 2.5GB
Naval Around 4Gb
Seaport 1/2GB
Shipyard l. 7 2 2/3
Total: 18.1GB?
01-24-2005, 01:13 PM #3
El-Hadid has an income of 16.5 GB and expenses of 9 GB. I don't believe that includes possible trade routes, so there should be plenty of gold to spare a bit to keep Ilien running.
Obviously the information for Ilien isn't complete, or even checked properly yet. I never wrote, nor checked that particular description because it wasn't completed.
His shipyard and ships may be financed by el-Hadid, depending on how close their relationship is. The level 7 castle is a big hit to his treasury, as is his court. He could fund some of his expenses through casting of alchemy spells, but my guess is that it would have to be el-Hadid helping him out. This would explain the level 7 guild in Ilien, because there is no way someone like el-Hadid isn't going to hand over coin without getting something for it. The IHH and ETN may also support Ilien, the IHH's main temple is there after all.
Ilien was always a problem with its income, so it need some ideas I think everyone.Let me claim your Birthright!!
01-24-2005, 02:08 PM #4
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Ilien is a lend of neutrality and many rulers come there to negotiate so I think there is much more tributes from others rules then you think. Maybe even from Imperial City. I see a Ilien like Diplomatic haven of civilized world. It is big city and it is near Imperial City. Is ruler have no prejudges and it have no grudge against any other domain. Then its palace could be free of charge and maybe same trade bonuses because it is multinational territory something like small Muden. : )
Vosgaard's Veliki hrast.
01-24-2005, 02:44 PM #5
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Let's see.
Ilien has trade routes:
Ilien to Seaward, Mieres (sea)
Ilien to Ruorven, Coeranys (sea)
They are mentioned in the Naval book.
I've heard and seen many times how there's also one to Ariya, although I'm not sure what the source is. And then we should perhaps have land routes to Caercas and Alamier, since they're the neighbours and allies.
I doubt that Ilien receives any funding from nearby realms. That'd just make them look weak and an easy prey.
I must say that Ilien has, unlike some other realms, been slaughtered. Before they could sustain a palace and their castle by paying 2GB, now it's more likely be be costing them 7GB. Port was free and I can't remember any shipyard ever being mentioned.
I'd not give Ilien that large an army. The Player's Secret mention how they rely on constables and such should the need arise and it also mentions how El-Hadid has promised to hire 7 units to aid.
01-24-2005, 10:00 PM #6
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Under domain assets I would suggest the following:
Army: PSofIlien makes mention of no army persay but does mention an elite unit among the city watch called the Golden Plumes. I would suggest giving Ilien 1 elite infantry unit (the Golden Plumes), 1 infantry unit and 1 or 2 marines. More would put too much of a strain on the treasury. However, the IHH would no doubt station their garrisons in the city.
Navy (as per Seas of Cerilia): 2 Galleons, 4 caravels, 2 coasters (1 sea trade route from Ilien to Ruorven, Coeranys).
Fortifications: Castle Aglondier level 7
Vassals: None
Tribute: el-hadid could help by donating some gold, as well as the IHH and ETN. Of the latter two their help might be in providing realm spells like bless land.
Highways: Highway in Ilien.
Other assets: Shipyard level 6 and a seaport are of course mandatory. I would go so far as give Ilien 2 seaports as Aenier is also described as having one in both the book and on the map. I would also suggest a Palace to help lower the expenses of the Count and to represent how many realms use Ilien as neutral territory to parlay.
Player Secrets (as per the Ilien sourcebook):
the Ilien treasury
Despite being less than half the size of other domains, Ilien has an impressive treasury. Ilien currently has an estimated 15 Gold Bars in safe keeping. This is not the extent of Ilien’s resources, given that both Axlea and Soleme Aglondier had considerable riches when they died, but much of this hidden wealth was used to rebuild Ilien following the destructive rule of Soleme. A small portion of this
reserve remains.
Ilien’s reserve treasury is considered the personal wealth of the Count and consists of: 5,300 gold crowns, 25,000 silver pennies, 62,000 copper farthings, 4,000 gold crowns worth of assorted gems, and many elven artifacts totaling 10,000 gold crowns. If for some reason this wealth needs to be transferred to Ilien’s treasury, it would be worth 8 Gold Barsé
Note: Ilien's treasury, as well as the Count's personal fortune, are hidden and extremely well protected. Being the apprentice of Moeran Aglondier, either yourself or Seneschal Godene is assumed to know of its locdtion. However, should your DM decide that you do not know the location of the personal wealth, finding it could make for an interesting adventure.
Magical items
Since the time of Karn Aglondier, the rulers of Ilien have all been true wizards. Over the years the regents of this domain have accumulated a literal hoard of magical spells, items, and artifacts **- the inventory of spells being the most impressive. Remember, however, that, your regent PC must be of the required level to learn or cast the spells he has just inherited. Also remember that magic and spellcasting are rare in Cerilia, and great displays of magical might could have a harmful effect on the land and the citizens of Ilien. It is precisely this kind of fear of magic that has held would-be conquerors at bay for so long, so be careful not to
abuse the power.
The following is a list of items and spells the regent of Ilien has access to, but remember that the DM has the final say on all items listed here. Your regent PC must still roll a chance to know spell to learn any spell listed below. Like the treasury, some or all of these spells may he hidden.
1st level-affect normal fires, armor, burning hands, change self, charm person, comprehend languages, detect magic, hypnotism, light, message, protection from evil, read magic, shocking grasp, sleep, wall of fog, wizard mark.
2nd level-alter self, detect evil, detect invisibility, ESP, forget, knock, know alignment, ray of enfeeblement, whispering wind, wizard lock
3rd-blink, clairaudience, dispel magic, fly, hold person, item, lightning bolt, protection from normal missiles, slow, water breathing, wind wall
4th level-charm monster, confusion, detect scrying, fear, fire trap, magic mirror, phantasmal killer, polymorph other, remove curse, solid fog, wall of ice, wizard eye
5th level-advanced illusion, cone of cold, distance distortion, false vision, passwall, telekinesis, teleport, wall of stone
6th level-control weather, enchant an item, guards and wards, project image, stone to flesh, true seeing
7th level-finger of death, power word: stun, spell turning, vanish, vision
8th level-clone, maze, mind blank, symbol, trap the soul
9th level-foresight, imprisonment, temporal stasis, time stop, wish
Magical items: Five potions of extra-healing, scroll-protection from magic, staff of power*, and a gem of brightness
*The staff of power has not been seen since the time of Azlea Aglondier, and is considered lost. Neither Soleme nor Moeran could find the item, but thought it to be somewhere in the city.
Note I did not convert the spells listed above to 3e, just took them straight out of the PSoIlien so there might be need for corrections.
Spies of Ilien
Moeran Aglondier had many undercover agents throughout Ilien and beyond. The late count used his magic to verify the loyalty of these spies in the name of Ilien's safety, and though he detested it, he thought it a necessary evil. The few informations listed below are the ones that Seneschal Godene knows of and will pass to the regent PC-the names of any others died with the count. It is up to the DM whether these agents will step forward and serve the new ruler.
-al-Randzi Bladic: Khinasi male with the Port of Call Exchange.
-Chenai Gedoraen: Female Anuirean servant in the court of Gavin Tael, Baron of Ghoere.
-Lewe Fothrim: Military adviser and friend to Daenal Roesone, noble of Roesone.
-Telsa Dylael: Female human disciple at the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn.
-Emberaen Vendari: Male human hunting guide at Aenier.
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