This is five general observations about Birthright rules, which can be rearranged. I’m interesting of yours opinion about this.

1. General idea of heroes-kings is controversial. Regents have no reason for adventuring – they can make the world better from the office. They have too much duty and gold, to leave the castle and go to the dungeon. A regent on the adventure is easy target for asassination. Adventure is a job of lieutenants and minor nobles, such as a baron of the province or a knight.

2. Strategical system for domain (several provinces) rulers is excelent, but there is no system for minor rulers, such as a baron of the province or a knight. It looks like gold and regency of domain regent comes from emptiness. There is no rules to play regent’s vassals.

3. Whole world is too small. Adventures based on travelling are hard to make, because everything is near. Armies are too fast – you can conquer whole continent in a year.

4. Realm Spells are not compatibile with PHB spells. I don’t know, if a regent-wizard cast Mass Destruction, what damage it makes to the single target creature.

5. Strategical system has some bugs, such as possibility to rule province to the level 10 (Constantinpole-like) in 2 years, or muster maximum number of units from the same province again and again and again with no respect for demographics.