Bob Cauthron wrote:
> In my view, the elder gods are indeed more primal, as I see them as being more "elemental" in nature, akin to "uncaring" forces rather than reflections of mortals such as humans. The elder gods are truly inscrutable and mysterious because of their nature, and not becauss of anything else. Of course, gods are this way to begin with, but the elder ones are more so. As the younger gods attune themselves to their divine nature, they become more like this, but they will not convert completely. Their outlooks will be molded by their past, which includes their mortal origins.<

Well, I must say that this view expressed by a couple of people has
taken me by surprise - I never had considered the Old Gods in this way.
I always figured that they actually walked among the ancient civilations
of Aduria, like the Greek gods in a way, and thus were very distinct
personalities, not omnipresent forces of nature.

Am I completely out to lunch? Does everyone see the Old Gods the way
Mr. Cauthron does?

Interesting ...
