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Thread: Ruins of Empire PBeM
10-14-2004, 12:25 PM #1
Here is a short introduction to the RoE PBeM:
The Ruins of Empire game started back in the autumn 2000 and has been running continuously since. The game uses 3 month turns and usually has 1 turn every 6 weeks or so, but sometimes that slows down a bit around major holidays.
The game does not use the BRCS, and has quite a few house rules, making the learning curve a bit steep (but there is an extensive FAQ to help beginning players learn the game). However, if new players don’t try to manage everything perfectly from the start, it usually works itself out over a few turns. The game usually has between 15-20 players, some of which have been with the game for several years now. There is one DM (Bjorn) and one CO-DM (Even).
The campaign started in 1520 HC, or 547 MR for those who are more familiar with that reckoning. For those of you who have played BR before; that is 4 years before the official start date of 1524HC/551MR. In addition to just changing the start date, I added a lot of stuff and also altered many domains and regents to a lesser or greater degree. This was done to give the game a fresh feeling – many BR players know the setting a bit too well. So while you will find Prince Avan in RoE too, don’t expect him to be the same old geezer you’ve grown used to. You will also find some entirely new domains, like the Wardens of the Erebannien (which is an organization dedicated to protecting the forest) and the Iron Rider (a mysterious Anuirean sorcerer that rides a magical steed).
The game focuses on the South Coast, the Eastern Marches, and parts of the Heartlands (mainly south of the River Maesil). That gives a fair mix of realms and domains of various kinds. I feel that the game is better of with covering a smaller area with a larger number of players, than just trying to run all of Anuire. It certainly encourages player interaction, which is one of the primary selling points of the game.
What has happened so far:
1. The first part (called a Chapter) of the campaign spanned turns 1 – 20, covering the years between 1520 HC and 1524 HC (547 MR to 551 MR).
It focused on the mounting conflict between Diemed on one side and the three realms of Ilien, Medoere and Roesone on the other, culminating in a great war between the four realms. Further to the east, Aerenwe and her allies became engaged in a war against the evil Usurper Duke Jaison Raenech of Osoerde. In addition, the enigmatic and terrible Black Galley Raiders returned to harass the coasts of Anuire.
2. The second part of the campaign covered turns 21 - 40, starting in the spring of 1525 HC (552 MR) and running through the winter of 1529 HC (556 MR).
Duke Raenech continued his meteoric rise to power, and eventually controled the following realms through conquest, vassalage and allainces: Osoerde, Coeranys, Aerenwe, Roesone, Ilien, Ghoere, Mhoried, and Elinie.
However, before he could bring his overwhelming power to bear on the quest for the Iron Throne, the Gorgon started to rumble, and Raenech declared his intention of ridding the world of this most foul of awnsheghlien…
…which ended in the King's death. Yet it was not in vain, for the power of the Gorgon was broken, and Anuire wasshown that when united there is nothing that can stand against the might of Haelyn’s chosen.
3. We are currently in the third Chapter (turns 41 - 60)...
With the death of King Raenech and the apparent defeat of the Gorgon, the people of Anuire seem ready to begin doing what they know best – bickering amongst themselves. Already noble is turning on noble, priest upon priest, and guilder upon guilder. As the widow Queen Raenech tries to hold her husbands Kingdom together, powerful forces have mobilized to tear it all apart. Soon, they will in their selfishness have squandered away this opportunity for peace and prosperity for all…
Meanwhile, for those who care to look, there are ominous signs and portents pointing to a great evil stirring in the Shadows. Will the people of Anuire realize their jeopardy before it is too late, or will the Shadow yet be triumphant?
The game almost always has an opening or two, but since it takes time to integrate new players, I'm not always actively recruiting. If you're interested in playing, have a look at the Available Domains and just send me an e-mail and we'll talk about joining.
I need more before I decide:
In that case you should check out the RoE web-site or go directly to the RoE Forums. In case you are serious about joining, you also need to sign up at RoE Yahoo! groups, since otherwise you won't be able to receive group communication or look at the game files.
04-12-2005, 05:28 PM #2
Wow cool im definatley interested in joining,though im not sure on how to actually PLAY it.....nor the positioning of provinces,etc.Im gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that its pretty different from the birthright : TGA map....
04-12-2005, 09:46 PM #3
NEVER EVER use bright colours when you type: it is bad for our poor eyes...
04-13-2005, 06:58 AM #4
Whheeeeee!!!!!!!!& #33;!!!!!!!
I think I see the problem, choose any of the options below (maybe I should make a poll...):
A) You spend too much time indoords in badly lit areas, playing games. Your eyes are too sensitive as a result. Get out more.
B) You've owned a plain gold ring for too long, you know the one you got for your birthday? Precious...throw it into a fiery chasm and get out into the sun more.
C) Your brightness is turned up too high. Didn't your mommy tell you it would hurt your eyses? Turn down the brightness or get and LCD screen (or maybe on of the old monochrome ones).
04-14-2005, 07:51 AM #5
Believe me, these blue and purple colours are way too much in contrast on a grey field... And I use a TFT monitor.
09-20-2005, 10:15 PM #6
Just wanted to point out that I've removed a lot of (my own) posts from this thread. They contained outdated info that is now available (in updated format) on the RoE homepage.
See you there...
11-05-2005, 03:33 PM #7
Openings Turn 44
Turn 44 is about to start.
Check out the available domains
(see top post for additional details).
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