Okay, 600 years ago people ran around fighting with swords and stuff (or
about that amout of time). Now we fight with computers, missiles and
machine guns. What will Cerillia be like in 1100 MR? Will Ghore be a
Repiblic? Will some Dosiere be the first man in space?

Now, add magic and bloodabilities to the mix. Today for sale we have an
M16 +3 with Distibution and Wounding Properties. Could you cast
"Un-Freeeze Computer" for me? Are Paladins immune to Saddam's Biolgical
weapons? New realm spell created, "Teleport Aircaraft Carrier"!
Teleports an Aircraft Carrier and its normal supporting fleet. Not to
metion this Howitzer of Speed.

Oh, and by the way, what will the Gorgon wear now that plate mail is out
of style? Bulletproof combat suit +5?

What major advances were made between Dessimar and 500 MR? Surely
something was invented in 2,000 years! It seems that the technology and
fighting styles were the same back then.

This comes from thinking about what will happen to an elf with Great
Long life. Let's say your average elf lives about 1,000 years (disease,
etc.). Now he ages 1 year for every 1,000 years. that comes out to a
staggering 1,000,000 (one million) years.