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Thread: New Feats
06-12-2004, 01:02 PM #1
Yes, that was the point: that you should be able to cast the spell already, so that there is no mechanics issue, since paladins get some spells at different levels than clerics or not at all; if you are a cleric you have the full spell list available to you but if you are a paladin you have only part of the spell list available to you...
And here's another one:
Targeted Shot
Some people, after a long time of dedication in the fine art of archery, have become very competent sharp-shooters.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (any bow), Dexterity 15+.
Benefit: Whenever you take a full attack action using a bow with which you have chosen the Weapon Focus feat, you may forgo any number of attacks granted by a high base attack bonus, starting with the one with the lowest base attack bonus. For every attack you forgo, you gain a +2 bonus on the rest of the attacks you make for that round. You cannot make any attacks other than your normal number of attacks granted by a high base attack bonus minus the number of attacks you forgo.
Precision-based damage (like that caused by a successful critical hit or sneak attack) can be inflicted over greater distance; for each attack you thus forgo, the distance within which such damage can be dealt increases by 10 feet.
Normal: A creature with a high base attack bonus cannot forgo any number of attacks to gain a bonus on its subsequent attack rolls. Precision-based damage cannot be dealt with a ranged attack from more than 30 feet away from its target.
06-13-2004, 02:05 PM #2Targeted Shot is different for me. I would have the bonus be used to negate the cover/concealment miss percentage. Then this would be something similar to the Blind Fighting feat for ranged combat. Maybe each shot negates 10%. This gets the ability closer to the prestige class ability of Sharpshooter in 3.0 that gave true strike a certain amount of times per day.
I use a feat called Sniper (which requires Point Blanks Shot, Precise Shot, and BAB +4) allowing Improved Critical and Sneak Attack Damage at any range, though the shooter must take a -4 penalty to hit in order to target a vital area.
Rasp, your feat is cool. I like the aiming idea based on sacrificing multiple attacks. However, I firmly believe a good archer can nail a precise shot (i.e., sneak attack or crit) at much further than 30-60 feet. Perhaps allowing it within the weapon's normal effective range (i.e., 110' for a composite longbow, or 1 range increment).
06-14-2004, 12:15 PM #3
I know what you mean Osprey; and I definitely agree.
My comment regarding precision-based damage was based on the fact that these are the most common examples given, with the very apparent example of armour with any of the various fortification enchantments. I do not mind what such a feat would do regarding criticl hits. On the other hand, sneak attacks can be particularly devastating and also miss on flavour if they can be dealt on any distance; I mean, it is particularly bad, saying that you can target any one who has not yet spotted you (at ranges of nearly a hundred feet away, that is not so difficult, actually) in such a manner that you can nail him down in a second or two!
One comment here: should Rapid Shot still work along with the feat, as it is considered an additional "normal" attack? It would make a devastating combo, since you would be able to make two attacks at your standard BAB + 4!
A little correction made to the Soothing Touch feat: you may take the feat if you have access to the Suffering domain instead of the Healing domain. This is based on the fact that the domain is available to clerics of Nesirie (if I am not mistaken) and the feat is accessible only to those who can turn undead anyway, or variant paladins of Cuiraécen.
06-14-2004, 04:33 PM #4One comment here: should Rapid Shot still work along with the feat, as it is considered an additional "normal" attack? It would make a devastating combo, since you would be able to make two attacks at your standard BAB + 4!
On the other hand, sneak attacks can be particularly devastating and also miss on flavour if they can be dealt on any distance; I mean, it is particularly bad, saying that you can target any one who has not yet spotted you (at ranges of nearly a hundred feet away, that is not so difficult, actually) in such a manner that you can nail him down in a second or two!
Would you have me believe a person can only SEE a vital area within 30'? Please...
Criticals, favored enemies, weapon specialization, and sneak attacks all seemed to be grouped into the same "precision-based damage" category.
Why not allow precision-based damage at long range with the feat? Assume the shooter (beyond 30'needs to use a Full-Round Action to aim, and then may attempt to hit with any precision dmage bonuses at -4 to his normal ranged attack.
This would benefit rangers immensely, letting them take real advantage of the long-range battle which archers should excel at, especially with favored enemies. It's the one real benefit of wide open terrain. Figheter archers could gain their specialization bonuses at range, and rogues their sneak attacks.
However, all of these would be only a single shot per round, with max. 5' of movement - easily justified for long range precision shooting.
Point blank shots (those within 30'still have the advantage of full rate of fire and full attack bonuses, so they remain potent in comparison.
"But just where DID that shot come from?" The camouflaged ranger won't tell 'em, that's for sure. B)
06-14-2004, 10:15 PM #5
Regarding Rapid Shot: I asked, because my initial proposal, as anyone can see, is that "You cannot make any attacks other than those granted by a high base attack bonus minus any number of attacks you forgo." That version specifically rules out the usage of Rapid Shot; that's why I am asking, because I feel I should not allow for Rapid Shot to work along with Targeted Shot.
On seeing vital areas of one's body: I agree with your 30' comment, but shooting at vital spots from 100' away is the other end of the scale! I generally prefer low-powered solutions than over-powered: an under-powered solution will, most of the time, do little harm, while an over-powered solution will always harm a situation.
On the other hand, there could be a tiny little spec of realism otherwise: minus one attack, the range increases by 10 feet, minus two attacks, by an additional 20 feet for a total of 30 feet, and if you forgo 3 attacks, the range increases by an additional 30 feet for a total of 90 feet. I would like to point here that I find penalising their choice of weapon seriously underhanded, so these ranges apply on all bows, whatever their range increment.
How do you like this version? I think it is fine, and it addresses the issue of being a good shot: only those with 4 "normal" attacks per round (the really good archers) can make a shot with a +6 bonus and with an effective range of 90 feet; mind you that Point-Blank Shot deals precision-based damage, so the archer would deal an additional point of damage within 90 feet!
07-08-2004, 10:38 PM #6
I was thinking of this for quite a time and came to a conclusion:
Cooperative Creation [Item Creation]
Your experience in the creation of magical items allows you to help another creator of magical items complete his work - in several ways.
Prerequisites: Any item creation feat, caster level 12, Spellcraft 15 ranks
Benefit: You may help any one person with whom you share an item creation feat create an item that requires that feat to create. You must offer some help in its creation (possibly by casting some of spells required in the item's creation) and expend any number of XP as high as half the required number, rounded down. While both of you are needed while the item is created, you must spend a day for every 1.500 gp of its market price rather than 1.000 gp.
07-09-2004, 01:33 AM #7
Interesting, I like the idea. 3 points though:
First, what if you have 5 people with that feat working together on an item... or 10 ect, heheh, maybe adding in a limit to the number of people who can work on the item would be a good idea, as too many chefs ruin the cake.
Second, It seems like you set it up to just have a max of 2 casters working on the item, as the rate of ceation is 1,500 gp per day. If your intention was to make it without limit than it should be more open ended or to have a higher limit than 2 creators then changing it to: For every caster helping to create the item increases the rate of creation by +500 gp per day. So, having 3 casters working on an item would get it done at a rate of 2,000 gp per day instead of 1,000 gp per day.
If you plan on letting be open ended then it probably should only increase by +250 gp per day or less. Or you cna go by a decreasing scale, so that it goes by +500 for the first 2 additional casters, +250 for the next 2 casters, +125 for the next 2 casters, ect. heheh, would better represent the decreasing usefulness.
Finally, you should probably put in that all casters helping need to be able to create the item also. This would restrict casters from helping to create items that they normally couldnt create."Who was the first that forged the deadly blade? Of rugged steel his savage soul was made." --Tibullus
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07-09-2004, 12:49 PM #8
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I like the concept. But I wouldn't add it to the BRCS for the simple reason that the (fools :angry: ) at WotC haven't seen fit to add something like this to the core rules. Hence this becomes something that greatly changes the core rules while not being something BR specific. That is there is no BR theme that it is capturing only making a change to the core rules (which I like by the way).
We are not trying to create a Book of Feats or a Book of Spells here, there are plenty of those already out there and anyone can use and adapt them to their own campaign without any mention of that in the core 3.5 BR ruleset (i.e., the BRCS).Duane Eggert
07-11-2004, 04:58 AM #9
Answering to your comments:
- I will change the feat as soon as possible to accomodate the concept more accurately. There is a limit of two people working on the item, as you will see, but an additional feat might be able to change that (something I am not very easy about, might I add).
- On the contrary, I think that the idea has a basis in BR; think of the scholarly Khinasi mages who, due to their limitations, learn to co-operate in order to create A FEW magic items, since even these few are debilitating to most BR mages.
07-11-2004, 01:16 PM #10
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Originally posted by RaspK_FOG@Jul 10 2004, 11:58 PM
Answering to your comments:Thinking of the latter, should I make this Khinasi-specific? Like, adding a prerequisite of "Khinasi human"?
Where is the example in the BR literature of this scholarly Khinasi mage concept?
It should be noted that in 2nd ed (in almost all the settings) creating many magic items required cooperative creation - a dwarf and elf working together was a very common theme. But this was mostly due to the game-mechanics involved (in 2nd ed dwarves couldn't be mages of any sort).
So again, I don't see a specific BR reason for this concept, only a way to work around a poor (IMO) core rule.Duane Eggert
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