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  1. #1
    The Olesen`s

    QBasic BR and Suiriene

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

    - --------------78D198F633F
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote:
    > I would like your QB assistant.

    I have atteched the unfinished Assistant. Feel free to make any

    I'll send you the full one when its done.

    BTW-Any tips for ruling Suiriene. I play it in the Eastern Chronicles
    PBeM. Me and Ghamour are working together to conqure the Sperpent. I
    get Mastinean ship designs and the Serpent galleys. I am painting two
    black (with matching sails) and two a sea camoflague color (matching
    sails again) and any others I'll just leave be.

    The painted ones'll be for covert missions.

    Since I can build Galleons, what better to do than ram with a galley to
    hold the ship in one spot the board with all the Galeons troops. Take
    all portavble worth and let the bad guys sink.

    Ever notice that we (as in regents of Suiriene) have navy that is about
    equal (net value? is actually more) to Avan's fleet.

    Pretty impressive

    BirthRight ASiStant.

    - -Lord Govenor Adan el-Dal of Suiriene

    - --------------78D198F633F
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    Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Brass.bas"


    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''
    '''''''''''''''''''''''Roll Random Events'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    d10a = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    d10b = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    RER = d10a + d10b
    IF RER = 2 THEN GOTO 1020
    IF RER = 3 THEN GOTO 1030
    IF RER = 4 THEN GOTO 1040
    IF RER = 5 THEN GOTO 1050
    IF RER = 6 THEN GOTO 1060
    IF RER = 7 THEN GOTO 1070
    IF RER = 8 THEN GOTO 1080
    IF RER > 8 AND RER < 13 THEN GOTO 1120
    IF RER > 12 AND RER < 15 THEN GOTO 1140
    IF RER = 15 THEN GOTO 1150
    IF RER = 16 THEN GOTO 1160
    IF RER = 17 THEN GOTO 1170
    IF RER = 18 THEN GOTO 1180
    IF RER = 19 THEN GOTO 1190
    IF RER = 20 THEN GOTO 1200

    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Blood Challange
    1020 PRINT "The Random Event is:"
    PRINT "Blood Challange."
    GOTO 1069
    1030 PRINT "The Random Event is:"
    PRINT "Assasination."
    GOTO 1069
    1040 PRINT "The Random Event is:"
    PRINT "Festival."
    1041 festgb = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF festgb > 6 THEN GOTO 1041
    PRINT "Regent must spend "; festgb; " GBs"
    GOTO 1069
    1050 PRINT "The Random Event is:"
    PRINT "Feud."
    PRINT "One law holding is decreased by (1)."
    PRINT "Restored by sucessful respone."
    GOTO 1069
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Natural Event
    1060 PRINT "The Random Event is:"
    PRINT "Natural Event."
    1061 boomc = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF boomc > 6 THEN GOTO 1061
    IF boomc = 6 THEN GOTO 1063

    ''''If bad happens
    1062 disc = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF disc < 6 THEN GOTO 1062
    IF disc < 4 THEN GOTO 1064
    IF disc > 3 AND disc < 6 THEN GOTO 1065
    IF disc = 6 THEN GOTO 1066

    1063 boongb = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF boongb > 6 THEN GOTO 1063
    PRINT "Unexpected Boon. "; boongb; " GBs in adjustment phase."
    GOTO 1069
    ''''''Bad 1-3 (minor)
    1064 PRINT "Minor Event (Blizzards, minor flooding)."
    PRINT "Taxation down by 1GB, -1 GB construction progress."
    GOTO 1069
    '''''''Bad 4-5 (major)
    1065 PRINT "Major Event (Plague, Earthquake)"
    1067 txdnb = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF txdnb > 6 THEN GOTO 1067
    PRINT "Taxation down by "; txdnb; "GBs in one province. No constuction Progress."
    GOTO 1069
    1066 PRINT "Major Event (Plague, Earthquake)"
    1068 txfc = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF txdnb > 6 THEN GOTO 1068
    10680 pra = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF pra > 3 THEN GOTO 10680
    PRINT "Taxation down by "; txfc; "GBs in "; pra; " province(s). No constuction Progress."
    GOTO 1069
    '''''''''''''''''''Diplomatic Matter
    PRINT "Dipomatic Matter"
    GOTO 1069
    1080 PRINT "Corruption/Crime"
    1081 cc = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF cc > 3 THEN GOTO 1081
    PRINT "One holding or province's production"
    PRINT "is lowered by "; cc; "GBs until sucessful response."
    GOTO 1069
    '''''''''''''No Event
    1120 PRINT "No Event"
    GOTO 1069
    1140 PRINT "Monsters/Brigandage"
    mb = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF mb < 6 THEN GOTO 1141
    IF mb > 5 THEN GOTO 1142

    1141 PRINT "There is a single monster. Ignoring causes a minor RP loss"
    GOTO 1069

    1142 PRINT "There is a brigandage. Ignoring causes major RP loss."
    1143 mbgbl = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF mbgbl > 6 THEN GOTO 1143
    PRINT "Regent also loses "; mbgbl; " GBs"
    GOTO 1069
    ''''''''''''Trade Matter
    1150 PRINT "Trade Matter"
    1151 tmh = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF tmh > 6 THEN GOTO 1151
    IF tmh = 6 THEN GOTO 1152
    IF tmh < 6 THEN GOTO 1153

    1152 xtrgb = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF xtrgb > 3 THEN GOTO 1152
    PRINT "Unexpected boon grants regent an extra "; xtrgb; "GBs during taxation."
    GOTO 1069

    1153 gblft = INT(RND * 10 + 1)
    IF gblft > 6 THEN GOTO 1153
    PRINT "One of regent's trade routes closes down."
    PRINT "Regent loses "; gblft; "GBs from one holding's or provnice's income."
    PRINT "Thieves suffer major RP loss if unsuessful rsponse"
    GOTO 1069

    1160 PRINT "Intrigue"
    GOTO 1069
    1170 PRINT "Unrest or Rebellion"
    PRINT "Lowest Loyalty Province drops one grade"
    GOTO 1069
    ''''''''''Matter of Justice
    1180 PRINT "Matter of Justice"
    PRINT "Popular demand = lose 1 bloodline; throne = all provinces down 1 grade"
    GOTO 1069
    1190 PRINT "Great Captian or Heresy"
    PRINT "No RP from affected holding or province."
    GOTO 1069
    ''''''''''Magical Event
    1200 PRINT "Magical Event"
    GOTO 1069

    1069 PRINT "Press enter to go on"
    INPUT enter

    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Domain initiative''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    PRINT "Input your level. Type only the number."
    INPUT level
    dint = INT(RND * 10 + 1 + level)
    PRINT "Your domain initiative score is "; dint; "."
    PRINT "Press enter to go on."
    INPUT enter
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Collect RP''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    3000 PRINT "Select your class from the menu below. Enter only the nuber choice."
    PRINT "1. Fighter"
    PRINT "2. Paladin"
    PRINT "3. Ranger"
    PRINT "4. Priest"
    PRINT "5. Thief"
    PRINT "6. Bard"
    PRINT "7. Wizard"
    INPUT class
    IF class = 1 GOTO 3100
    IF class = 2 GOTO 3200
    IF class = 3 GOTO 3300
    IF class = 4 GOTO 3400
    IF class = 5 GOTO 3500
    IF class = 6 GOTO 3600
    IF class = 7 GOTO 3700
    IF class > 7 THEN CLS : PRINT "Try Again": GOTO 3000

    3100 PRINT "Fighters collect RP from:"
    PRINT "Law Holdings and Provinces."
    GOTO 3010

    3200 PRINT "Paladins collect RP from:"
    PRINT "Law Holdings and Provinces."
    PRINT "Paladins collect 1/2 RP from:"
    PRINT "Temple Holdings"
    GOTO 3010

    3300 PRINT "Rangers collect RP from:"
    PRINT "Law Holdings and Provinces."
    PRINT "Rangers collect 1/2 RP from:"
    PRINT "Guild Holdings"
    GOTO 3010

    3400 PRINT "Priests collect RP from:"
    PRINT "Temple Holdings and Provinces."
    PRINT "Priests collect 1/2 RP from:"
    PRINT "Law Holdings"

    3500 PRINT "Thieves collect RP from:"
    PRINT "Guild Holdings, Trade Routes, and Provinces."
    PRINT "Thieves collect 1/2 RP from:"
    PRINT "Law Holdings"
    GOTO 3010
    3600 PRINT "Bards collect RP from:"
    PRINT "Provinces"
    PRINT "Bards collect 1/2 RP from:"
    PRINT "Guild Holdings"
    GOTO 3010
    3700 PRINT "Wizards collect RP from:"
    PRINT "Source Holdings and Provinces"
    GOTO 3010
    '''Go on
    3010 PRINT "Press Enter to go on"
    INPUT enter
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Taxation'''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    4000 PRINT "Enter the level of the province to be taxed"
    PRINT " Enter the population number only."
    PRINT "Press 'n' if you have no more provinces to tax"
    INPUT lev$
    IF lev$ = "n" THEN GOTO 4500
    PRINT "How will you tax your citizens? Type only the number"
    PRINT "1. Light"
    PRINT "2. Moderate"
    PRINT "3. Severe"
    INPUT txlv
    IF txlv = 1 THEN GOTO 4100
    IF txlv = 2 THEN GOTO 4200
    IF txlv = 3 THEN GOTO 4300
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''Light Tax
    4100 IF lev$ = 1 GOTO 4101
    IF lev$ = 2 GOTO 4102
    IF lev$ = 3 GOTO 4103
    IF lev$ = 4 GOTO 4104
    IF lev$ = 5 GOTO 4105
    IF lev$ = 6 GOTO 4106
    IF lev$ = 7 GOTO 4107
    IF lev$ = 8 GOTO 4108
    IF lev$ = 9 GOTO 4109
    IF lev$ = 10 GOTO 4109
    IF lev$ > 10 THEN CLS : PRINT "That is not possible.": GOTO 4000
    4101 tax1 = INT(RND * 3 - 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax1; "GBs from this province (1)"
    GOTO 4400
    4102 tax2 = INT(RND * 3)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax2; "GBs from this province (2)"
    GOTO 4400
    4103 tax3 = INT(RND * 3 + 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax3; "GBs from this province (3)"
    GOTO 4400
    4104 tax4 = INT(RND * 4 + 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax4; "GBs from this province (4)"
    GOTO 4400
    4105 tax5 = INT(RND * 4 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax5; "GBs from this province (5)"
    GOTO 4400
    4106 tax6 = INT(RND * 6 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax6; "GBs from this province (6)"
    GOTO 4400
    4107 tax7 = INT(RND * 8 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax7; "GBs from this province (7)"
    GOTO 4400
    4108 tax8 = INT(RND * 10 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax8; "GBs from this province (8)"
    GOTO 4400
    4109 tax9 = INT(RND * 12 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax9; "GBs from this province (9)"
    GOTO 4400
    4110 tax10 = INT(RND * 8 + 1) + (RND * 8 + 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; tax10; "GBs from this province (10)"
    GOTO 4400
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Moderate Tax
    4200 IF lev$ = 1 GOTO 4201
    IF lev$ = 2 GOTO 4202
    IF lev$ = 3 GOTO 4203
    IF lev$ = 4 GOTO 4204
    IF lev$ = 5 GOTO 4205
    IF lev$ = 6 GOTO 4206
    IF lev$ = 7 GOTO 4207
    IF lev$ = 8 GOTO 4208
    IF lev$ = 9 GOTO 4209
    IF lev$ = 10 GOTO 4209
    IF lev$ > 10 THEN CLS : PRINT "That is not possible.": GOTO 4000
    4201 mtax1 = INT(RND * 3)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax1; "GBs from this province (1)"
    GOTO 4400
    4202 mtax2 = INT(RND * 3 + 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax2; "GBs from this province (2)"
    GOTO 4400
    4203 mtax3 = INT(RND * 4 + 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax3; "GBs from this province (3)"
    GOTO 4400
    4204 mtax4 = INT(RND * 4 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax4; "GBs from this province (4)"
    GOTO 4400
    4205 mtax5 = INT(RND * 6 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax5; "GBs from this province (5)"
    GOTO 4400
    4206 mtax6 = INT(RND * 8 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax6; "GBs from this province (6)"
    GOTO 4400
    4207 mtax7 = INT(RND * 10 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax7; "GBs from this province (7)"
    GOTO 4400
    4208 mtax8 = INT(RND * 12 + 2)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax8; "GBs from this province (8)"
    GOTO 4400
    4209 mtax9 = INT(RND * 8 + 1) + (RND * 8 + 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax9; "GBs from this province (9)"
    GOTO 4400
    4210 mtax10 = INT(RND * 8 + 3) + (RND * 8 + 1)
    PRINT "You collect "; mtax10; "GBs from this province (10)"
    GOTO 4400
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''Severe Taxation

    - --------------78D198F633F--

  2. #2
    The Olesen`s

    QBasic BR and Suiriene

    this was not meant for the BR list, sorry!

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