At 01:52 AM 27/5/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I guess I should provide some more information on this issue - I was
>pushing the lateness envelope on my way to work when I entered the orig
>The campaign will begin (we're still designing characters) with all of the
>PCs being of a reasonably well of status (at least that was my intent - as
>all at this time had wanted to be of the blood). No single PC will be of a
>direct royal lineage. At best the fifth cousin aspect previously mentioned
>is as close as they get. After a few "cementing" adventures to get the
>group dynamics settled, I am going to involve them in a plot to unleash one
>of the Lost upon the world. (This has been a predominant thread in my
>writings to the list - and I'm finally going to use it.)
>I intend for some direct confrontation here, with the players //almost//
>getting wasted by this very powerful bad guy (Atar from the Viper's Eye
>desc. in BoP). As they run (at least as the smart ones run) they suddenly
>find this Lost One confronted by an ancient and powerful spirit. In this
>massive dungeon they have somehow stumbled onto a temple that was part of
>Atar's "prison compound".
>It will be after the Lost One leaves off, deciding these 4th-5th level
>characters are not really a problem, that the spirits haunting the temple
>(dedicated to Anduirias) will reveal to my chosen PC that (s)he is indeed
>the lost child of the Reole bloodline, not of Michael, but of a line
>divided about three generations previous to the Last Emperor.
>At this point I'm not sure what to do. The non-blooded guy wants to
>eventually have a bloodline - but his is also the power gamer in my group
>and allways trys to be the autocrat. Maybe the role is suited to him. At
>the same time I have a far more easygoing player who has been dying for the
>chance to try a role of group leader. Its a toss up.
I would have thought that making any character the Emperor of Anuire would
have been dangerous. I say this because I have found that when one
individual reaches a position significantly above the other PC's and the
other players feel useless, more like sidekicks than full flegded party
members. So I would argue that if you did make one PC Emperor that you
firstly find influential positions for the other PC's (particularly if you
want them to interact still) such as Lord Marshal (as well as vassal regent
in his/her own right) for a fighter or Archprelate for a Priest and so on.
This allows other characters to remain powerful enough to act as a balance
against the Emperor, for example the Lord Marshal could prove to be popular
among the troops and officers of the Imperial army and as a consequence the
Emperor must be careful of pushing him around least he find himself facing
a possible coup.
This may also serve to solve you problem of who is the leader by providing
each PC with positions within the Empire that are approximately of equal
influence even if the Emperor is technically senior. Hope this helps.