On Mon, 18 May 1998 carla@maxisp.com.au wrote:

> Mages do get tax as normal from a domain if they are its regent don't
> they? And likewise with guilds?

Yup. Holdings give regency only to certain classes, but anybody
can make money. =) Mages with very powerful sources (level 7+) can also
use them to make trade routes; however, since the province level on at
least one end is then probably going to be quite low, they may not make
very much money from them.
Here's a thought: do you need the source (7) to *maintain* a trade
route, or just to make it? For example, if the province increases in
level, or you made the route in the first place after using Enhance Source
and/or a mebhaighl stone?

- --Ryan