It appears that the subject of Surveys has hit a sour note with many folks
on the List. Because of this new rules will need to be followed when a
member wishes to conduct one. From this point forward all responses to a
survey *must* be sent directly to the person performing the poll, *not* to
the List. Any member is allowed to Post a Survey's questions once to the
List, but bear in mind the survey *must* be related to BR or BR related
topics. Once the Poll is concluded the Poller may post the final results to
the List. Do *not* send repeated Posts showing the "results of the survey
so far." Only Post the final tallies.

Thank you for your time.


"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-

BR Netbook: