Hi everyone,

We like to play up the formalities of the court in RP, but we are making it up on the fly. We don't mind doing that, but I was wondering if anyone had a quick and easy guidelines for formal address in Cerilia.

Here are some questions I have. First, addressing the regent. We've been using my liege, or simply "regent" (as in "Yes, regent" for this. What do you guys do?

Second, magicians and wizards. Any special titles here? I don't think simply saying "lord" or "lady" does justice to the special status achieved by magic users in some societies.

Third, I like to assume someone is actually in charge of each province, who then reports to a higher authority. I've been calling this person a Baron, but I have no clue what sort of a person he should be. Mayor is more city level... anyway, any suggestions on this?

I'm about to go to a new area in our campaign and this Baron person will be there, and so will his court magician. Would like them both to have special titles (Baron and Magister would be fine... but wondering again what you guys do...).
