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  1. #1
    Senior Member Osprey's Avatar
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    Last night an idea struck me, toying with the whole idea of Paladins of Neserie freely multiclassing as clerics in the 3.5 system.

    What if Paladins of Neserie are in fact exceptionally well-suited to be clerics? Here's the effects:

    There could be 2 paths for a Paladin of Neserie:

    1. The Devoted Paladin: this is the straight Paladin, replete with paladin spells and an aquatic animal companion. Pretty much straight out of the PHB, except for being Neutral Good.

    2. Protector of the Ways (other names could be appropriate here too): Instead of gaining an animal companion and spells, a Paladin of Neserie's divine caster level (Paladin level/2, round down) stacks with their spellcasting levels as a Cleric of Neserie. Naturally, a paladin's turning level (Paldin levels - 3) would also stack with the cleric's.

    This would basically allow for more militant versions of clerics of Neserie who are still quite strong with their divine magics compared to paladins, and reasonably potent against the undead, while gaining the other advantages of paladins: divine health and grace, aura of courage, lay on hands (a particularly appropriate one for Neserie's champions), and remove disease, while still getting 2 of Neserie's domains as clerics, allowing them to choose their particular focus within the faith.

    What do you think?


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I like it Osprey... but I would prefer to see option 2 over option 1.
    "It may be better to be a live jackal than a dead lion, but it is better still to be a live lion -- and usually easier."

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Osprey's Avatar
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    I like it Osprey... but I would prefer to see option 2 over option 1.
    Well, me too, but the point was to allow both so that straight paladins of Neserie aren't simply weaklings compared to other paladins.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Looks great to me. I'm sure that jrdeggman will be delighted that your are revisisting paladins :P
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  5. #5
    Senior Member RaspK_FOG's Avatar
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    I have been working on my own paladin write-ups as well, with the hope that Irdeggman would discuss them with me so that we could work a bit on them...

    While I wasn't awfully happy with what I got, I really liked my ideas about paladins of Avani's spell-casting (effectively possible of starting at 1st level&#33 and paladins of Cuiraécen's inability of casting spells or turning but ability to take a bonus fighter feat at 1st level plus every 4th level and use their paladin levels added to any fighter levels they have for these feats (for example, a 4th-level paladin of Cuiraécen with Weapon Focus (longsword) would be able to take Weapon Specialisation (longsword), since his paladin levels count as fighter levels in regard to those bonus feats).

  6. #6
    Senior Member Osprey's Avatar
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    I like the Paladin of Cuiraecen idea Rasp...sounds very cool, obviously trying to bring back some of the old 2e features into the 3.5 BRCS. Go for it.

    And Rasp, if you're not getting feedback there, then why not bring em onto the forum and we'd be happy to give some feedback.

    And while you're at it, how about some reciprocal feedback for this idea about cleric/paladins of Neserie? Workable?

    Not everything has to be a revival from the original game...if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but if was just a case of Neserie's paladins being kinda weak and flat in the old game, well then maybe some real flavor is exactly what they need.


  7. #7
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    I got them RaspK. I got back into town on Tuesday and have been sick as a dog since so I haven't had much time to put things together, still feel miserable.

    Paladins have been voted on, with multiclassing as the default and a separate classes (which RaspK) has sent to me, as the variant - and so I see no reason to open it up again. Let's see what RaspK and I can come up with shall we? Since no one else bothered to send me anything other than "I have an idea".

    I had worked up a paladin of Cuircean and Avani version prior to receiving RaspK's so will compare put them together and get back with him to come up what we feel is the best version. At least that is my plan.
    Duane Eggert

  8. #8
    Senior Member Osprey's Avatar
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    Looks great to me. I'm sure that jrdeggman will be delighted that your are revisisting paladins
    Boy, did you call it! :lol:

    Hey Irdeggman,

    Did ya notice this is in the Royal Library? Yeah, no official proposals for the BRCS here. Just ideas that I wanted to throw around and get feedback on. So nobody's asling you to "open it up" again.

    As for your class variants, well...that's great, I'm just not the most patient of folks, and let's face it: the BRCS isn't exactly getting finished at breakneck speed.

    So while I'm waitin', I gets to workin' on my own ideas 'cause the train keeps chuggin, chuggin, chuggin...

  9. #9
    Senior Member RaspK_FOG's Avatar
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    First of, one idea I had for the paladins of Nesiris after I sent the write-ups to Irdeggman was adding their caster level in regard to healing/restorative/etc. spells, and that their spell list would tend more towards the hospitaller feeling than the divine warrior one the default paladins' spell list gives off.

    Furthermore, to capture the feeling of 2e a bit more as presented in the BoP, I give them a bonus feat at 5th level (all four paladin classes), selected from a seperate list for each deity. Maybe work it down a bit more towards 2e and make the feat a choice according to order instead of deity, but I feel this is fine. And nope, paladins of Cuiraécen do not get an additional fighter feat related to weapon use! :angry: Just kidding with the smiley, alright? :P

  10. #10
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Osprey@May 30 2004, 09:32 AM

    Hey Irdeggman,

    Did ya notice this is in the Royal Library? Yeah, no official proposals for the BRCS here. Just ideas that I wanted to throw around and get feedback on. So nobody's asling you to "open it up" again.
    Got it Osprey, and saw where it was posted - good location. Things have just had a way of creeping over in the past and I wanted to make sure that the can of worms wasn't opened up again.

    I just e-mailed RaspK my comments on his stuff along with what I put together so we can try to come up with what we think is the best work to present to the general public.

    Like RaspK mentioned about Nesirie and the similarities to the hospitaler - I had already done something similiar (it is in my write up). Changed the spell progression, the spell list (focusing on healing, water and aiding spells), lowered the BAB and hit dice to account for these along with the no special mount feature - it comes out pretty well balanced. Added in the water breathing/water walking and freedom of movement (in water only) as class abilities to capture more of the feel of 2nd ed. We'll see what RaspK thinks when he reads the full write up.
    Duane Eggert

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