======== Original Message ========
I'm gonna jump into the discussion discussing the Taint of Azrai.

I'm not going to argue how a DM(or Player) should view having a
Bloodline of Azrai, what I'm going to discuss is this stuff about
acquiring Azrai's bloodline by doing various things.

Ok, Let's say my bloodline is that of,oh, let's pick Reynir[because I
like wolves]. Ok, for some reason or another, I do a horrible, and
despicable act, who knows, maybe I killed my parents and raped the
horses. Alright, I'm blooded, so my folks probably were too. For
simplicity sake, let's say the were both Reynir as well. Now, why the
heck should I get, or even have it possible to get, an Azrai bloodline
out of this[assuming all of the horses were unblooded]? There's no
Azrai related blood within 100 miles of our farm[at the East end of
Albiele], so where woulde it come from? Frankly, I see no reason for
Azrai to enter into this at all. Now, surely it was an evil act and
all, and standard Alignment penalties will derive from it[unless I was a
hideously evil person already], but it shouldn't do anything to my
Reynir bloodline except maybe raise it's Strength for the Bloodtheft

Now, Bloodtheft IS NOT an evil practice in, and of, itself. What is
evil is going around just offing folks for the sake of it, but if you're
a goodguy Paladin, and you happen to kill a horribly evil blooded
individual by heart piercing, or even a good person by accident, then
there shouldn't even be any alignment penalties.

Now, the only time that this taint of Azrai stuff needs to come in is:

1) The character already has an Azrai Bloodline
2) The victim has an Azrai Bloodline
3) Maybe some artifact in the area[bloodstones?] have Azrai's power in
4) Investiture of some sort involving an Azrai blooded individual

Apart from those, I just don't see it. Now, as to how you figure the
bloodline change, that's up to you.

As a final note, let me remind everyone, that nobody out there is
arguing that especially good acts will bring about an Bloodline of
Anduiras spontaneously, so why should Azrai's be any different. As far
as I'm concerned, Azrai's bloodline acts exactly like all of the others,
and before anyone goes pointing to the physical manifestations of it, or
something like that, just remember that BE introduces the Blood Ability
that causes that, which is only associated with Azrai[I think it is
Bloodform], so even that is just a Blood Ability.

Ok, that's enough from me for now, and, as usual, let me say that all of
this is just my own, humble, opinion. So, most of you can disregard it,
however those of you for whom I DM, hahaha, you have to live by it,
muhaahahahahaha[unless you can convince me why I'm wrong].

Thanx for listening,

Tripp'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.
======== Fwd by: Joel Parrish ========

The only ill effect I could see from that act is maybe a blooded centaur a
few months later..... ;)