I'd like to advertise the fact that I'm trying to set up a section
of my homepage in which I will post BR poems, short stories and adventures,
if you have any please send them to me.
I'm also taking additions to my "Art of War" section. Here is what I
have so far:

>The use of the Warding spell:
>One of the most effective methods of achieving victory is by not fighting
at all. In the spirit of this ideal the powerful enchantment Warding is very
effective. With the use of it a wizard of great power can weave a
inpenetrably dense wall of fog around a said number of provinces, isolating
them from the rest of the world.
>There are several uses to this spell. The first can be to isolate yourself
when an enemy is more powerful than you are. The second use is to isolate a
portion of your state and an undefended portion of an enemy's state. In this
manner your armies can march unapposed into his provinces, and you can
invest them before he realizes what is happenning.
>If the enemy's armies are concentrated in one province then it is possible
to isolate that province; trapping in the process the enemy forces, and
leaving the entire realm undefended. If the enemy refuses to accumulate in
this manner then it is also possible to lure him into one of yours. When his
armies storm into your province then you trap him. This leaves you free to
go around him and into his realm.
>Obviously the posible uses of this spell are limitless, and the creative
general will undoubtably find new combinations with it. If used with
discretion this spell can and will win wars.

Thank you all in advance, The address is below.
