> As for only doing it on CD: I don't like that idea. When I'm 'gaming' I
> prefer having real books, and not only printouts. I like the general idea of
> CDs, but I want the sourcebooks in paper. If you're sitting there you
> suddenly realize you want to look something up that you didn't think about
> when printed out the pages. (Obviously, this won't happen if you print out
> the whole source books, but then what is the purpose of a CD?)

Speaking for myself, I could do without having to print out any
information I wanted from a CD. It would, in all probabililty, work
out cheaper than buying a load of books, but printing things is
problematic at the best of times as far as I, and I would guess, a
lot of other GMs and players, go. Personally, I'd stick with books.
Or do the CD as an option.

My 2GBs.

John Rickards

"He who is looking for something has lost something."
"And he who is not looking?"
"He gets run over."

PS. Dan. Hahahahaha.