At 03:06 PM 9/20/97 +0800, Brett Lang(

>Finally, that dwarves should not affect source levels beneath the surface
>seems sound to me. After all, if elves can do this in their forests,
>dwarves ( being so closely tied to the elemental earth in Cerilia ) should
>be capable of the same in their subterranean underworld.

I know this is a point of contention; I for one don't believe Dwarves would
be that environmental. Dwarves are a utilitarian race, caring little for
magic. Their works within, and outside, the mountains would only be
concerned with practicality not on how much damage they where causing to
the Source level. They find a cave full of gems...they take the gems, they
find a vein of magical gold...they take the gold. They have no need for the
Source itself, but what makes it up could be very valuable to them. Someone
else had pointed put Dwarven Mages were analogous to Elven Priests, but I
think its more extreme. Its hard to imagine a fantasy people who are not at
least a little spiritual, particularly in a universe where the spirit world
is very tangible. They may not worship "gods", but they can't deny the
existence of the powers. Now with magic and Wizards, its different. Magic
can be seen as a crutch, a tool that only weakens those who become
dependant on it(they could even use the Elven loss of their lands as being
caused by this). Magic has no "moral laws", that is there is not a greater
then mortal power insuring that magic is not used to harm the community its
supposed to benefit. To often power corrupts, and many Mages think
themselves better then others. They end up using their magic to gather more
power for themselves. Normally this should fall into the Dwarven "might is
right" mentality, except it is not equal. Not everyone has the same chance
of gaining that power and using it(True Mages are born, not made), so most
Dwarves would find magic unfair. Magic allowed Azrai to seduce the Elves(a
good Dwarven legend, at least), so in a way they could fear it. In short(to
late...I know), there are plenty of logical reasons Dwarves(or even other
societies)would disdain magic and its use. Thereby making Sources nothing
more then great places to get resources from. In fact, I would think that
Dwarves would be better at utilizing these resources. Perhaps every time
they Rule up a Province all Guild Holdings in that Province go up a level
as well(reflecting the new source of quality materials, that make the local
businesses grow). If there are no GHs then maybe they earn 10GBs every time
they Rule up that Province. Well thats my 2GBs.


"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-

BR Netbook: