Muster Cost for Brecht Units

Note: Most of the Brecht units already have cost listed or they are the
same as the rule book. This list only covers those units I think should
be different from the norm.

Unit: Cost: Maintenance:

Schaefrich Welchen of Berhagen 5 2
Daniguard 4 1
Blackgate Stormlords 6 2
Mor's Head Hunters 3 1
Mor's Head Hunter Scouts 3 1
Drachen's Champions 4 1
Grabentod Raiders 5 2
Massenmarch Talons 4 2
Massenmarch Wings 5 2
Massenmarch Claws 2 1
Stille Wachter 4 1
Rheulgard Foresters 2 1
Treuchlen Giyarden 4 1
Mercenary Reavers 2 1
Kiergard Orogs 3 1
Rzhler Irregulars 3 1
Rzhler Elite Infantry 5 2
Rzhlev Varsk Riders 7 2
Rzhlev Archers 3 1
Rzhlev Artillerists 5 2
Rheulgard Unrau Garten 4 2
Royal Infantry of Muden 4 2
Royal Knight of Muden 5 2
Royal Marinies of Muden 6 2

- --
Ian Hoskins

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