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Thread: Lieutenants

  1. #21


    - -----Original Message-----
    From: James Ruhland
    To: birthright@MPGN.COM
    Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1998 3:34 PM
    Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Lieutenants

    >Ok, agreed with what follows, as stated. But the Q. pertained to how many
    >*Character* actions these blighters (LTs and unblooded/Scions) get per turn

    Ok, let's clarify a few things:

    Commoner: Unblooded character, not in the employ of a regent.
    Scion: A Blooded character, not in the employ of a regent.
    Lieutenant, Blooded: A scion in the employ of an already established Regent
    Lieutenant, Unblooded: A commoner in the employ of an already established
    Regent: A scion with a domain or realm under his/her control

    Commoners and Scions:
    Can perform 3 character actions each per domain turn. Commoners cannot
    perform domain actions at all, while scions are able to establish themselves
    as regents through the Create Holding domain action. This is the only
    domain action that a scion may use in a domain turn. Free Actions are
    considered to be character actions for these individuals.

    Lieutenant, Blooded and Lieutenant, Unblooded:
    Can perform Up to 3 character actions; 2 character actions and 1
    domain action *for his/her Regent* (called The Lieutenant Action) that
    affects his/her regent's domain, or 3 character actions if the regent fails
    to assign a Lt a domain action to perform or neglects to use his/her
    Lieutenant Action. Free Actions are considered to be character actions for
    these individuals. Note that this is a way to get around what I have
    described under Regents (below)

    Can perform Domain/Realm actions, Character Actions, and Free Actions:
    He/she gets 3 domain/realm actions to perform. He can replace the
    domain/realm actions with a character action if he/she wishes. As far as
    Free Actions goes, there is a contradiction between the rulebook and the
    cardsheets describing free actions, so in order to integrate the two, I use
    this method IMC: A regent (and only a regent, not LT's, Scions, or
    Commoners) can perform as many free actions previous to the starting of the
    domain turn as he/she wishes. After the domain turn starts (i.e. during
    action rounds 1, 2, or 3) he can perform a number of free actions equal to
    his or her character level.

    Note that Free actions when performed by Lt's (either blooded or unblooded)
    or Scions and commoners are considered to be character actions.

    Hope this clarifies things,


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  2. #22


    Your LTs. do alot more than loaf around. How do you think you make trade
    agreements with other countries, Your running a kingdom you can't go
    galavanting around the world all the time. Also, when you make a declaration
    who do you think hires the pages to run around your whole realm yelling at the
    top of their voices and posting these declarations. When you recruit new
    troops do you think you go around trying to get people to join, I've never
    seen the president at a recruitment office. Also, who's training these
    soldiers, or at least overseeing the training. Who hires the staff for your
    castle? Who buys the horses for your stables? Well i think I made my point,
    Your LTs. are a very important part of your realm, and I'm sure your regent
    does plenty to keep them busy. Lieutenant actions are "special" favors you
    ask of them, as you lean over to your right hand man, while sitting on your
    throne and ask him to make SURE that it gets done. Also remember that an
    unblooded LT. is very limited as to what he/she can do, and a blooded LT.
    probably has ambitions, property and Holdings of their own to take care of.

  3. #23
    James Ruhland


    > Your LTs. do alot more than loaf around. How do you think you make
    > agreements with other countries, Your running a kingdom you can't go
    > galavanting around the world all the time. Also, when you make a
    > who do you think hires the pages to run around your whole realm yelling
    at the
    > top of their voices and posting these declarations.
    I have nameless flunkies and bureocratic drones for that kind of work (as
    exemplified by the fact that you don't need a single Lt. to conduct the
    activities you mentioned).
    Each realm has all the minions you need to take care of these
    administrative duities. Lt.s are special. At least I thought they were.

  4. #24
    Bryan Ruther


    Yeah, the rules do say 1 lieutenant action period, but I have allowed the extra
    lieutenants to take one free acion that would be appropriate to their class. This
    gives an advantage to having priest and rouge lieutenants....


    - --
    Mankind being originally equals in the order of creation,
    the equality could only be destroyed by some subsequent
    Thomas Paine, Common Sense

  5. #25


    Player characters are special too, but you still have to wash yourself,
    buy food and do other basic things. your LTs. are the ones you send to do the
    jobs that are beneath you, they take care of hiring the nameless flunkies to
    do the other actions. Some of your LTs. may enjoy doing some of the work
    themselves or may have Holdings that they need to take care of.

  6. #26 (Benja


    On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 12:11:22 -0600 "James Ruhland"
    > Ok, so this is gonna seem like a "duh" question, prolly (which
    >is why I've
    >waited to ask it). Regarding Lt actions I've always been under the
    >that you get one Lt action, period (I.E. no matter how many Lt.s you

    You can have 1.5 billion LTs, but you only get 1 LT action per Domain
    Turn. You can send them off to do non-actions, such as deliver routine
    messages between regents, perform free actions, etc., but only 1 LT can
    do 1 domain/realm action per Domain Turn.


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  7. #27
    James Ruhland


    All the below is true (though it's come as a shock to some of my characters
    that they must concern themselves with the basic nesessities of life: they
    thought that's what the servants were for).
    Time for a little digression on the difference beteween Lieutenants and
    your average retainers. The Ruler of every realm (including possibly
    Wizardly Source Realms) are assumed to have all kinds of butt-boys and
    minders. You got your Senechal, your Ministers of the Treasury, a few
    Generals (these blighters might even be capable of leading the army if the
    Regent finds himself too busy; but IMO you're inviting disaster of you do
    that. . .). Priest-Regents have all kind of parish priests, Guilders have
    their ship captains (for trading vessels), local Guild Factors, etc. These
    guys do the actual scut work. When the Regent issues an order (I.E. Lets
    Create a Guild here and then Rule it up, boys.), these are the flunkies
    that go out and actually perform the job (the Regent "supervises", that's
    why it takes a Month/Action to do these things: the Regent keeps
    interfiering with skilled professionals who otherwise would get the job
    done in a week). But their response to any crisis is "ohmygod! We'd better
    tell the boss!", and they're not very flexable (I.E. don't send your
    Treasurer to train your soldiers.)
    Lieutenants, on the other hand, are Very Special Flunkies. They may have
    specialties in a particular area (I.E. be a good leader of men, or a
    spellcaster), but they can respond flexably to a crisis (just 1) perhaps
    not as well as the Regent and 2) perhaps not as effectively outside their
    specific area of expertise). When the local butt-boys, sycophants, and
    minions yell to the regent for help, these are the Agents that he can send
    to respond effectively to the crisis (I.E. they ran out of red tape and
    don't know to look in the storage shed for more, or something). These are
    your ambitious, competent folk. If they had had a Bloodline (or, if they do
    have one, if they had been in line to inherit), they'd have made good
    Regents themselves (these are your second sons & Daughters of other
    Regents, who grew up learning all this stuff but didn't get the tap when
    the Old Dude kicked the bucket, or dudes who are just competent for some
    reason or another).
    They may be ambitious, as well. One must watch them constantly. . .
    > Player characters are special too, but you still have to wash
    > buy food and do other basic things. your LTs. are the ones you send to
    do the
    > jobs that are beneath you, they take care of hiring the nameless flunkies
    > do the other actions. Some of your LTs. may enjoy doing some of the work
    > themselves or may have Holdings that they need to take care of.

  8. #28
    James Ruhland


    I think you missed the meat of the Q: I agree they can only do one
    Domain/Realm action per turn, irregardless of how many you have. But as you
    implied, what about other activities? (I.E. Character actions?)
    > You can have 1.5 billion LTs, but you only get 1 LT action per Domain
    > Turn. You can send them off to do non-actions, such as deliver routine
    > messages between regents, perform free actions, etc., but only 1 LT can
    > do 1 domain/realm action per Domain Turn.

  9. #29
    Gary V. Foss


    DavTyr wrote:

    > Player characters are special too, but you still have to wash yourself,
    > buy food and do other basic things. your LTs. are the ones you send to do the
    > jobs that are beneath you, they take care of hiring the nameless flunkies to
    > do the other actions. Some of your LTs. may enjoy doing some of the work
    > themselves or may have Holdings that they need to take care of.

    I kind of like to compare Lts to the Vice President and the cabinet members in the
    United States. You know, they still hang around, do a couple of things here and
    there, but basically support the actions of the President while sublimating their
    own agendas and getting only a small percentage of the credit that is largely
    undeserved in the first place.

    Just because there is a whole bunch of them doesn't mean they get more stuff
    done. In fact, not getting stuff done could be seen as a virtue in
    politics/government. Very active governments have a tendancy to get into wars and
    cause massive economic upheaval, the mangy buggers.

    So I don't give a regent more than a single Lt action because:
    A. It whacks game balance.
    B. It smacks of RL bureucratic hoopla.
    C. It lacks adventure appeal if players run NPCs all the time or delegate
    every Random Event to them.

    - -G.

  10. #30
    rad smith


    > Your LTs. do alot more than loaf around. How do you think you make trade
    > agreements with other countries, Your running a kingdom you can't go
    > galavanting around the world all the time.

    > Your LTs. are a very important part of your realm, and I'm sure your regent
    > does plenty to keep them busy. Lieutenant actions are "special" favors you
    > ask of them, as you lean over to your right hand man, while sitting on your
    > throne and ask him to make SURE that it gets done.

    i agree completely with this. for example, i have 3 lieutenants, and
    haven't taken a single action with any of them.

    i have a thief, who's constantly busy running my spy network. i have a
    general who trains the army. i have an architect who is currently building
    a palace (oh, and those enourmous catapults on top of the castle walls)

    all these people are busy; but none of them are doing an domain "actions"
    per se. (so while the general is mustering troops, that's a free action
    not a lieutenant action.)

    - --

    i've got my hand in your head
    i've got my hand in your head
    and i'm pulling out all of your mind

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