Speaking of spy lieutenants, how does everyone treat the Lieutenants action?
Do your regents always find exactly who they are looking for or do they come
up wrong. Since it takes a full Action(month) to look for an Lt. I usually
let them find the type of character they are looking for, but maybe not
exactly (missing one or two skills the regent was looking for), since there
is no GB cost. If the regent is willing to spend GB on the action, I give
them better lieutenants according to how much they spend. I do this because
my players were trying to create an army of super Lts, and I had to do
something to curb their power. Plus, if they don't spend any GB on them, I
will sometimes throw a disloyal Lt. or a spy/traitor in their midst, due to
the fact that maybe they didn't screen as carefully. Any sugesstions?