Hi everybody, I've visited this site a few times in the past, but being a 2nd Ed player, I haven't felt the urge to interact much.
I've downloaded the 3rd Ed suppliment, and i've got to say - it looks great, really proffessional. I'm seriously considering going to get myself a set of 3rd Ed basics and starting a new campaign. But before I do so, I was just wondering how far off this atlas of Cerillia project is? I'd really like to be able to use all my source material in the new games (plus all the stuff I couldn't afford while Birthright was still in print.
Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place for updates - I haven't seen any dicussion on the project dated after Febuary.
So, thanks to anyone who can help me out.

Mr. Froggatt
(PS - like the new website, lookin' good)