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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    If you were to pick a presidential candidate on the basis of social standing — and really, darling, who doesn't — you'd have to pick Howard Brush Dean III over George Walker Bush. The Bush lineage is fine. I'm not criticizing. But the Deans have been here practically since Mayflower days and in the Social Register for generations. It's true Bush's grandfather was a Wall Street financier, a senator and a Yale man, but Dean's family has Wall Street financiers going back to the Stone Age, and both his grandfathers were Yale men. ...

    Howard Dean's grandmother asked George Bush's grandmother to be a bridesmaid at her wedding ...

    Both seemed to have sensed early on that their class, the Protestant Establishment, was dissolving. While Dean was at St. George's, the school admitted its first black student, Conrad Young, who, the official school history says, left after two years. By the time Bush and Dean got to Yale, a new class of striving meritocrats was starting to dominate the place.

    Both, impressively, adapted to the new society. Dean married a Jewish doctor, raises his kids as Jews, lives in Burlington, Vt., and has become WASP king of the peaceniks. Bush moved to Midland, Tex., became a Methodist, went to work in the oil business and has become WASP king of the Nascar dads.
    Bred for Power (registration required)

    Maybe that shouldn't surprise me. But it did.

    Does America have Regents? Did the battle of Deisimar somehow get glossed over in my American history class?

    I don't believe in conspiracy theories for the simple reason that three people can keep a secret if three of them are dead. But this makes me wonder....

    Did Al Gore, Jr's Investiture ceremony suffer a critical miss? How many RP's did Bush burn to affect the Supreme Court Decision? Is Howard Brush Dean III hiding his Bloodmark with makeup? The people want to know!

  2. #2
    Birthright Developer
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, QuestingMage wrote:

    > The people want to know!

    Your real-world political trolling is distinctly unwelcome. This isn`t a

    forum for discissing modern politics. Quite a few of the people here

    aren`t even from the US. Please don`t bother.


    Daniel McSorley

  3. #3
    Administrator Green Knight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    This is just sad.

    Find another board to fill with garbage!


    > Fra: QuestingMage <brnetboard@BIRTHRIGHT.NET>

    > Dato: 2003/09/13 Sat PM 03:37:41 CEST


    > Emne: Contest Holding: America [36#1949]


    > This post was generated by the message forum.

    > You can view the entire thread at:


    > QuestingMage wrote:

    > </span><table border=`0` align=`center` width=`95%` cellpadding=`3` cellspacing=`1`><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id=`QUOTE`>If you were to pick a presidential candidate on the basis of social standing — and really, darling, who doesn&#39;t — you&#39;d have to pick Howard Brush Dean III over George Walker Bush. The Bush lineage is fine. I&#39;m not criticizing. But the Deans have been here practically since Mayflower days and in the Social Register for generations. It&#39;s true Bush&#39;s grandfather was a Wall Street financier, a senator and a Yale man, but Dean&#39;s family has Wall Street financiers going back to the Stone Age, and both his grandfathers were Yale men. ...Howard Dean&#39;s grandmother asked George Bush&#39;s grandmother to be a

    > idesmaid at her wedding
    ...Both seemed to have sensed early on that their class, the Protestant Establishment, was dissolving. While Dean was at St. George&#39;s, the school admitted its first black student, Conrad Young, who, the official school history says, left after two years. By the time Bush and Dean got to Yale, a new class of striving meritocrats was starting to dominate the place. Both, impressively, adapted to the new society. Dean married a Jewish doctor, raises his kids as Jews, lives in Burlington, Vt., and has become WASP king of the peaceniks. Bush moved to Midland, Tex., became a Methodist, went to work in the oil business and has become WASP king of the Nascar dads. </td></tr></table><span class=`postcolor`>Bred for Power (registration required)Maybe that shouldn&#39;t surprise me. But it did. Does America have Regents? Did the battle of Dei

    > simar somehow get glossed over in my American history class?I don&#39;t believe in conspiracy theories for the simple reason that three people can keep a secret if three of them are dead. But this makes me wonder....Did Al Gore, Jr&#39;s Investiture ceremony suffer a critical miss? How many RP&#39;s did Bush burn to affect the Supreme Court Decision? Is Howard Brush Dean III hiding his Bloodmark with makeup? The people want to know&#33;











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