At 07:26 PM 8/27/2003 -0400, Ryan Caveney wrote:

>I`ve advanced a theory: elves physically cannot, rather than merely prefer

>not to, live anywhere the source potential of the province drops too

>low. Burn down the forest and build cities and plant crops, and the elves

>must move or sicken and die of magical malnutrition -- or kill you and regrow

>the forest.

At the very least I think their ability to increase population level

without decreasing source potential should apply to provinces with

primarily forested terrain only rather than any province they control. In

keeping with that same logic, I think it would be a good idea to

incorporate several tweaks to elven domains. Things like their maximum

population level is equal to the source potential of the province rather

than the maximum level of Table 27 in the Rulebook. The difficulty of

raising their population level using the Rule action should be greater than

that of human (or other non-elven) races.
