One of the things about original D&D was that it borrowed from Tolkien`s

take on elves in that they did not have an immortal soul. (He got a lot of

his stuff on elves from various mythological sources, but attributing this

matter to JRRT is much simpler for our purposes here.) Game mechanically

this had relatively few effects other than the difficulty with which elves

were raised from the dead and their longevity--which made things like aging

effects from creating magic items, casting certain spells or the occasional

undead pretty harmless to them.

In 3e, of course, elves are not nearly as long lived as they were in

previous editions, and the majority of the aging effects have been excised

(along with the anti-aging ones.) For BR purposes, however, we have elves

that are immortal, not just long-lived. They are more in keeping with

Tolkien`s elves . They do not worship the gods for various reasons, some

of which may have to do with the nature of their own spiritual make

up. Elves certainly can die, but do they have an immortal soul that goes

on to some BR equivalent of the D&D planar cosmology to reach an ultimate

heaven-like existence? What do you guys think?
