Please give comments and suggestions. I would like to make a whole different idea for Dark Elves in BR than Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, or any other D&D world, but I want to keep a thread of consistance to fit the whole.

Dark Elves-Awnsidhelien

What there are dark elves you ask. Well of course there are those of the Sidhelien that still ride the gheallie Sidhe and the Manslayer still lives. But that is not all, the true Dark Elves of Cerilia, the Awnsidhelien (awn-SHEE-lin), are totally different; yet their history is the same.

The dark elves are few and far between, they are a dark and reclusive race, suspicious of all other races. Early in history the elves contested human settlement in Cerilia. During the War of Shadows they allied with Azrai, but at the height of the battle of Mount Deismaar most elves changed to the side of the Five Tribes. The elves that stayed loyal to Azrai retreated with the rest of the Empire's forces. They joined together as a single tribe and moved far to the West to find refuge among the Vos. At first they settled in the Provinces of Kurmansk and Liispyk. Once there they tried to return to the old ways and continue the fight against the others. That was not to be, the elven leaders that had changed side declared these elves Awnsidhelien, or Dark Elves and started a campaign to destroy them. These battles were long and bloody, but kept secret from the other races to preserve the honor of the Sidhelien. With three Elven realms so close the Awnsidhelien, a name they now called themselves with pride, there was no peace for them here. After a few pitched battles the surviving Awnsidhelien once again retreated. This time they thought they could find refuge with the younger realm of Taur Annwrn. But that realm had only given a small number of warriors to Azari’s army and never really had fallen into his trap. In secret Cwmb Bheinn and Taur Annwrn warriors attacked the last group of Awnsidhelien. It seemed that after a span of almost 500 years of secret war the last of the Awnsidhelien were destroyed, but again that was not to be. A small number had moved out of Taur Annwrn earlier and made a hiding place in the Eastern part of the Grovnekevic Forest where it meets the Orlenaskyy Mountains. They would have been hunted down and finally found had not the realm of Taur Annwrn disappeared in a mysterious manner. Now the Awnsidhelien have hidden for many years and their number begins to grow. They have kept themselves hidden even from the Sword Rust Tribes and kill any that come close to their home. The battle between the Awnsidhelien and the Sidhelien still continues.

The Awnsidhelien (awn-SHEE-lin), or Dark Elves hold court in the deepest, most secluded dark woods in northern Vosgaard. They stand slightly taller then most humans. They are far more graceful and slender. Most average six to six ½ feet in height, and weigh 130 to 150 pounds. All have dusky gray skin, like a light ash, and dark hair. The total population of dark elves is roughly 5000. Because of a special interbreeding program only about 50 carry the bloodline of Azrai, the distribution is as such; 6 Great, ~10-Major, ~20-Minor, the rest tainted. Those elves that are blooded have pure white eyes, devoid of pupils and irises, yet all dark elves cannot tolerate bright lights. (-2 to attack if unblooded, -4 if blooded). Dark elves posses an unnatural beauty, and their voices carry a spellbinding quality. They are a brooding race and treat others with coldness.

Dark elves have been given priestly powers, same as the goblins, by Azrai to prove his power. This makes the dark elves believe even stronger in their own superiority over their cousins. They are creatures created with faerie dust and starlight, blasted by the power of the shadow. They have lost touch with the true magic of the land so now have begun to slowly age. They still live much longer then any of the other races, but this makes the dark elves value each day a little more then their cousins.
The dark elves heart is one of conflict. They feel emotions to each extreme; they can be moved to wild delight in one instant, dark brooding the next, then suddenly unyielding anger all in the span of a few minutes. More then anything else these elves feel the lose of their heritage and the hatred toward the cousins they felt betrayed them.
Dark elves have a resistance to sleep and charm spells (90% resistance) Since they have lost their immortality, they are affected by aging attacks, but not normal disease. Dark elves have infra vision and can see 60 feet in darkness. They also can see by starlight or moonlight as if it were day. They do not need sleep, but must rest the same amount of time a human needs to sleep. If they don't, they will become physically exhausted.
Dark elves have no special attack bonuses and no ability to detect secret doors or concealed objects, but are able to surprise opponents as described in the Players Handbook. Dark elves can pass without a trace in all natural settings and ignore ground characteristics when moving.
Dark elves follow any nongood alignment. Since the lose of their touch with true magic dark elves regents do not get the population and source bonuses for ruling provinces. Their woodland homes are very dark and the heart of it is a twisted mockery of nature. The society has developed that only blooded females are taught to be priests, the reason for only allowing is the first Awnsidhelien priest was a female, Lwlewellyn Ergsbane. She fought at Deismaar alongside Rhuobhe Manslayer, and was the first elf to accept Azrai as a god and worship him as such. In addition, since the race started with only about 500 elves after the battle, females were a prized commodity. The dark elves practice a strong breeding program and women have taken over the leadership of the race. All males are taught magic, but blooded males are the only ones taught true magic, they are mostly Fighter/Wizards. Since these elves have lost their connection with true magic non-blooded dark elves cannot be true wizards.

Racial Ability Adjustments
+1 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution, -1 Strength

Racial Level Limits