Results 1 to 9 of 9
  1. #1
    There are over 3000 members for the forum but only about 970 0f them have ever posted? Though that is a very impressive amount of members, wouldn't it be a good idea to only keep the ones that have at least 1 post this year?

    Other wise the place is just cluttered with a lot of people that can view everything without being logged in anyways.

    Well, that is just my 2 copper for the moment, take it as you will.

    Happy Hunting
    "The Light Grows Dim, Darkness seeps in the cracks."

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    BR mailing list
    anything, but this bit of nonsense has me rather upset.

    Mailing lists and boards are not just for each individual person to speak

    out. Many people belong to them just to get information or see what is

    coming up in particular topics.

    Were I to be "pruned" or what have you, it would make me more than a little

    angry just because I don`t always have anything to say.

    So yes, I took it the way I wanted it, and feel free to tell you it is none

    of your business what others do or don`t do if they are not actually

    bothering you.


    ----Original Message Follows----

    From: Sarelth <brnetboard@BIRTHRIGHT.NET>

    Sarelth wrote:

    There are over 3000 members for the forum but only about 970 0f them

    have ever posted? Though that is a very impressive amount of members,

    wouldn`t it be a good idea to only keep the ones that have at least 1 post

    this year? Other wise the place is just cluttered with a lot of people that

    can view everything without being logged in anyways. Well, that is just my 2

    copper for the moment, take it as you will.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    it peeved if suddenly cut for not posting "enough". A

    while back I asked if anyone would be interested in having an updated

    listing of some of the spells I had posted long ago, that had ended up on

    the old Only one of which made it to the "new", which has

    since begun to be remade once more.

    Never did get an answer to that... Maybe I`ll just start sending them


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  4. #4
    Birthright Developer
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    Anthony Edwards wrote:

    > I don`t usually say anything, but this bit of nonsense has me rather upset.

    Why? It was just one random guy with too much time on his hands rambling

    out loud. If Arjan started talking about "pruning" people, you might be

    concerned, as he`s the only one I know of with access to the database.

    Seriously, if you get upset every time some guy on the internet suggests

    something idiotic, you`re going to spend a lot of time upset. :)


    Daniel McSorley

  5. #5
    Site Moderator geeman's Avatar
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    California, USA
    sense to "prune" people for not posting. It`d only

    penalize people who are simply reading the site--which is pretty close to

    the definition of not doing anyone any harm--so why punish them for

    that? Worse, it would force people who prefer to lurk to post some inane

    comment every six months or so just so they could remain "active" without

    having to sign up again... and can we speculate what the quality and

    content of such posts might be. "Yah, dude. I like that too, man. -- Joe

    the Lurker" That really would be a waste of everyone`s time and bandwidth.

    It might be sensible, however, to "prune" those who have not shown up

    (logged onto the site) for a year or three. Some of these people might

    have long since thrown their computers out the window, joined a monastery

    or died by now. Especially pointless are probably those people who have

    only logged onto the site once and then vanished.


  6. #6
    Moo! Are you happy now? Arjan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Sarelth@Jul 24 2003, 11:04 PM
    There are over 3000 members for the forum but only about 970 0f them have ever posted? Though that is a very impressive amount of members, wouldn&#39;t it be a good idea to only keep the ones that have at least 1 post this year?

    Other wise the place is just cluttered with a lot of people that can view everything without being logged in anyways.

    Well, that is just my 2 copper for the moment, take it as you will.

    Happy Hunting
    As a matter of fact, i am really happy with it.

    the goal of the D20 BRCS is to make BR popular again amongst DnD fans.

    After the release the number of registrations per week DOUBLED&#33;&#33; thats great&#33;

    and... thats not all. every time i log in i see "guests" on the site. so even besides the "lurkers" or whatever you call them there are people that are interested in what we have to say here etc.

    Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

  7. #7
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    ve poster during the winter cause of school and summer

    is slow because I am busy with other things. I cannot say when I will post

    or log in but I regularly clean out my email account and even have this

    email made for the BRlist. I wouldn`t like it if prunning did happen. I

    could understand if it posed a problem for Ajran somehow but unless it does

    I don`t see a need for it.

    I agree with Daniel about getting upset about someone`s suggestion. It is

    taking things a bit too far when its only been a suggestion.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
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    Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
    clutter do you think would be cleaned up by pruning

    the members that don`t wish to waste band-width when they have nothing

    they wish to say?

    Some of us (lurkers) don`t generally have the time to keep up with

    every thread, nor time to post the "yep, I agree" type posts to add to

    the previous dozen that have said exactly the same thing - but instead

    filter the conversations for the gems from some of the seriously

    talented for use in our own games.

    My 2c.p.


    -----Original Message-----

    Sarelth wrote:

    There are over 3000 members for the forum but only about 970 0f them

    have ever posted? Though that is a very impressive amount of members,

    wouldn&#39;t it be a good idea to only keep the ones that have at least

    1 post this year? Other wise the place is just cluttered with a lot of

    people that can view everything without being logged in anyways. Well,

    that is just my 2 copper for the moment, take it as you will. <img

  9. #9
    Well, I never intended that little idea to cause such a stir in the ranks. It was only a thought I had, nothing more. As someone pointed out, I am not an Administrator, nor is Arjan interested in this idea, but I do resent being called an idiot for my opinion. It was a simple idea, nothing more.

    [Sarcasm Alert]
    Thanks for being so sensitive to a fellow fan of the site.
    [/Sarcasm Alert]

    I guess I have to apologize for having an opinion on something though, so I guess I will do that now. Sorry that I happened to have had an opinion that was different than a lot of peoples.

    I think it is cool that there are over 3000 members in this forum/mailing list. My opinion does not count for much on whether people should be deleted or not and it never will. I have been in some forums that people are deleted every month if they do not post, they say it is to improve the quality of the posts and to remove the lurkers that are not contributing in any way to the growth of teh community. This makes some sense to me, not a lot, but some.

    I am not saying that everyone that has never posted should be punished for it, I was only making a suggestion that someone might want to look through the members lists and see if there are any people listed that could be removed with little worry.

    I joined this site as a lurker back in 2001, I have not posted a lot in that time, as I did not feel the need to. I see a lot of people that have said far more than me. Does that really give someone the right to say my thought was Idiotic, which infers that I am an idiot? Because I stated my opinion am I am moron?
    "The Light Grows Dim, Darkness seeps in the cracks."

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