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Thread: roleplay: Oath to Haelyn
05-28-2003, 08:05 PM #1
Hi, all
In spite of not being so religious, i've found an interesting text in the Bible, right in the Psalms section. Some time ago, it inspired me to write the following text. i posted it on the old Br.Net site, though i'd like to offer it again for the new forumers.
this text is an attempt to improve roleplaying on the tabletop, which is called 'Oath of the Regent'. the Oath is an attachment to the standard action Ceremony - Coronation (see p.107 in Birthright d20 Rulebook). Note: the god invoked here is Haelyn as default but should be changed to the appropriate state god of the domain.
Mechanics: action Ceremony - Coronation with Oath; cost 2 GB; the character promises to keep his integrity as regent to his god at the ceremony and his officers spreads out this event to the whole domain. Thus, your people accepts it by a "trust vote". the Oath grants an increase by 1 level in Loyalty of all provinces within the realm for the first Season of his rule. this action fits better to landed regents, but adaptations are possible (at the DM's discretion).
[100th Prayer]
"I will sing of mercy and judgement: to you, O Lord Haelyn, I will sing praise!
I will behave myself wisely in a perfect life - O when will you come unto me?
I will walk within my house with a blameless heart.
I will strive to lay my blood prowess at your glory.
I will set before my eyes no vile thing:
The deeds of men who turn aside I hate; they shall not cling to me.
Men of perverse heart shall depart from me: I will have nothing to do with evil!
Whoever slanders his neighbour in secret, him will I put to silence:
Whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure.
My eyes shall be upon the righteous of the land, that they may dwell with me:
He whose walk is blameless will minister to me.
No-one who practises deceit will remain in my house:
No-one who speaks falsely shall stand in my presence.
Every morning I will early destroy all the wicked in the land;
That I may cut off every evildoer from the plains of the Lawmaker."
[100ª Oraçao]
"Quero cantar, Oh Haelyn, a justiça e a graça: louvar-te ao som da cítara!
Eu buscarei trilhar um caminho perfeito - Quando virás a mim?
Desejo caminhar de coração sem manchas, com toda a minha casa.
Empenhar-me-ei em dispor a potência do meu sangue para vossa grandeza.
Jamais terá lugar debaixo dos olhos qualquer ação vil:
Odeio o proceder do homem criminoso; não se unirá comigo.
Para longe de mim o coração perverso: que eu desconheça o mau!
A quem, a se esconder, denigra o seu amigo, eu o farei calar-se:
O homem de olhar soberbo e coração inflado, não o suportarei.
Para os bons do país volverei os meus olhos, hão de habitar comigo:
Aquele que seguir a estrada da inocência há de ser meu ministro.
Jamais consentirei que habite em minha casa o que pratica o mal:
Não poderá viver diante da minha face quem profere mentiras.
Quero cada manhã reduzir ao pó os maus da minha terra;
Assim extirparei dos campos do Senhor da Lei todos os malfeitores."
Comments are welcomed. :)
/Edit: all Portuguese words w/ their accents, changed last "Lord" to "Lawmaker"/* Southlander *
-"My crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not decked with diamonds and Indian stones,
Nor to be seen; my crown is called 'content';
A crown it is, that seldom Kings enjoy."
05-29-2003, 10:32 PM #2
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I took the liberty of translating the hymn into Danish!
Jeg vil synge om barmhjertighed og dømmekraft: Til dig, Åh Herre Haelyn, vil jeg synge lovsang!
Jeg vil opføre mig vis i et perfekt liv – Åh hvornår vil du komme til mig?
Jeg vil vandre i mit hus med et troskyldigt hjerte.
Jeg vil bestræbe mig på at lægge mine blodevner for din ærværdighed.
Jeg vil ikke se på nogen nedrige ting:
Bedrifter af mænd, der vender sig bort, hader jeg; de skal ikke betyde noget for mig.
Mænd af perverterede hjerter skal forlade mig: Jeg vil intet have at gøre med ondskab!
Hvem end der bagtaler sin nabo i hemmelighed, ham vil jeg gøre tavs:
Hvem end der har hoverende øjne og et stolt hjerte, ham vil jeg ikke udholde.
Mine øjne skal være på de dydige i landet, at de må dvæle hos mig:
Han hvis vandring er skyldløs skal stå mig bi.
Ingen der udøver forræderi skal blive i mit hus:
Ingen der taler falsk skal være i mit nærvær.
Hver morgen vil jeg tidlig ødelægge alle de onde i landet;
At jeg må afskære enhver ond udøver fra Herrens stepper.
05-29-2003, 11:07 PM #3
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Why translate it? You could simply have looked it up in a Danish bible!
> The_Masetian wrote:
> I took the liberty of translating the hymn into Danish!
> Jeg vil synge om barmhjertighed og dømmekraft: Til dig, Åh Herre Haelyn,
vil jeg synge lovsang!
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05-30-2003, 07:07 AM #4
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I do believe there to be some difference between a catholic and a protestant I wrong?
05-30-2003, 01:20 PM #5
----- Original Message -----
From: "The_Masetian" <brnetboard@BIRTHRIGHT.NET>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 2:07 AM
> The_Masetian wrote:
> *Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*
> I do believe there to be some difference between a catholic and a
> protestant I wrong?
Not really. Protestant Bibles don`t traditionally include the so called
apochrapha, books such as the Macabees. If you weren`t looking for them,
you wouldn`t miss them. Catholic Bible`s tend to give greater weight to the
Vulgate in translation, while Protestants have a longer tradition of seeking
to translate the earliest texts. Much of these distinctions are blurred in
the 20th century. Protestant Bibles often (but by no means always) include
the apochrapha, and Catholics put greater weight on Greek and Aramaic
sources. Sections of the Psalms don`t show much difference, if any at all.
I find greater differences between versions of Protestant Bibles, than I do
between Prot and Cath.
Kenneth Gauck
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05-30-2003, 08:35 PM #6
hi, all
I'm so stupid ... :P
i've forgotten to specify *which* Bible was the very source. well, while reading a Portuguese copy of the Catholic Bible i found the Psalm 100 (101). this text seemed to fit perfectly the setting of Birthright, thus i looked for it in English and then changed a bit to post here -- my sources were 2 British Anglican Bibles, 1 of them in old English and the 2nd in revised-modern English. unfortunately, i havent found a Cath English Bible...
by the way, everyone's encouraged to post this hymn into any language desired... perhaps, we could simulate Nordic tongues as Rjuven, German as Brecht, Arabian as Basarji, Russian as Vos, hence any forumer who are from those countries could post a translated version. ;)* Southlander *
-"My crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not decked with diamonds and Indian stones,
Nor to be seen; my crown is called 'content';
A crown it is, that seldom Kings enjoy."
05-31-2003, 08:34 AM #7
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06-01-2003, 05:05 PM #8
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Southlander wrote:
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>Southlander wrote:
>...copy of the Catholic Bible i found the Psalm 100 (101). this text seemed to fit perfectly by the way, everyone`s encouraged to post this hymn into any language desired... perhaps, we could simulate Nordic tongues as Rjuven, German as Brecht, Arabian as Basarji, Russian as Vos, hence any forumer who are from those countries could post a translated version. ;)
Mmmh, I took my bible from the shelf, blew the dust away that was on it
from years of standing untouched there, but could not find a Psalm 100
But Psalm 101 (100) resembles the english text you posted, this is:
(simply replace Haelyn-Jahwe):
Psalm 101 (100)
Ein Herrscherspiegel
101 [Ein Psalm von David.]
Singen will ich von Huld und Gerechtigkeit, auf der harfe will ich Dir
spielen, Jahwe.
Einhergehn will ich auf schuldlosem Weg; wann wirst Du kommen zu mir?
Ich will wandeln in der Reinheit des Herzens in meinem Hause.
Nicht stelle ich mir vor Augen eine Sache, die Sünde ist.
Wer Böses verübt, den hasse ich, nicht habe ich Gemeinschaft mit ihm.
Ein ruchloses Herz bleib´ ferne von mir; was böse ist, will ich nicht
Wer insgeheim seinen Nächsten verleumdet, den will ich vernichten.
Wer stolzen Blickes ist und aufgeblasenen Sinnen, ich will ihn nicht dulden.
Meine augen suchen im Land die Getreuen, sie sollen wohnen bei mir.
Wer wandelt auf rechtem Wege, der soll mir dienen.
Nicht darf im Hause mir wohnen, der übet Betrug.
Und wer lügnerisch redet, vor meinen Augen soll er nimmer bestehn.
Morgen für Morgen vernichte ich alle Frevler im Lande;
Und banne aus Jahwes Stadt alle die Bösen.
However how useful such thing will be, considering the "large" presence
of Haelynite churches in Brechtür I don´t know...
Michael Romes
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06-01-2003, 09:04 PM #9
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Thats very cool.
I play whith an anuriean cavalier, that follow Haelyn. I will make that Oath whith my PC.
:)It´s my job to keep the punk rock!
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