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Thread: Dragons

  1. #1
    Senior Member marcum uth mather's Avatar
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    LaCrosse, Wi
    So one of my parties just killed a dragon, and i was wondering about what to do know? i am looking for feedback on this. in my campain dragons were always kind of a myth. everyone thought they were there but know one was sure. well the gorgon invaded morheid and used a dragon for shock troop. party still doesn't know how the dragon was convinced to help. any way a palidin from the group , with the help of two clerics and a theif and magician killed it know every one wants to know now what? a littel help please, as in what would you do with the courps? can anyone make armor? what about the othere contries feelings on the matter? and will wizards flock to take it away? i wasent ecpecting them to kill it so im at a littel loss right know

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Seems to me like a nice adventure start up for the party. You have several possiblities:

    - characters are now heroes and famous dragonslayers. they are heired from a regent to slay a famous monster or even awnsheglien.

    - other people try to steal "dragonstuff" like dragonscales to be famous themself

    - no one believes the characters, they are seen as thiefes and maybe even hunted

    - give them a nice quest for the creation of a famous dragonscale armour, maybe also hired by some regent

    ...and so on...
    my purpose is now to lead you into the Pallace where you shall have a clear and delightful view of all those various objects, and scattered excellencies, that lye up and down upon the face of creation, which are only seen by those that go down into the Seas, and by no other....

  3. #3
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    marcum uth mather wrote:

    >This post was generated by the message forum.
    > You can view the entire thread at:
    > marcum uth mather wrote:
    > So one of my parties just killed a dragon, and i was wondering about what to do know? i am looking for feedback on this. in my campain dragons were always kind of a myth. everyone thought they were there but know one was sure. well the gorgon invaded morheid and used a dragon for shock troop. party still doesn`t know how the dragon was convinced to help. any way a palidin from the group , with the help of two clerics and a theif and magician killed it know every one wants to know now what? a littel help please, as in what would you do with the courps? can anyone make armor? what about the othere contries feelings on the matter? and will wizards flock to take it away? i wasent ecpecting them to kill it so im at a littel loss right know
    That is just my opinion, but:
    1) The Dragon should have fled as long as it could. Dragons in Cerilia
    are all experienced and intelligent (INT 15-16) creatures, not dumb
    monsters fighting until dead.
    2) The Dragon should have tried to negotiate with the party before they
    could kill him - after all most Dragons speak Karamhul or Sidhelien, so
    he should have been able to communicate.
    3) Even for a party of a Paladin, 2 Clerics, a Thief and a Magician I am
    surprised and shocked that they should have been able to kill a Cerilian
    dragon: Have all of them succeeded the saving throw against the fear
    that Cerilian Dragons radiate? Has noone of them been paralyzed by his
    mere gaze? Have you remembered the magic resistance of dragons and all
    the powerful other abilities of Cerilian dragons, e.g. spellcasting as a
    9-16th level wizard? All the stuff from the Dragon, Cerilian cardboard?
    Or did you use just some normal D&D dragon from the monstermanual?

    As they did slay it, I could imagine several things:
    1) they did not slay it. It was only a powerful illusion, cast by a
    Magician of the Gorgon to cover the withdrawal of the dragon, that was
    too valuable to be wasted and the Gorgon ALWAYS has a recovery plan.
    2) The dragon was only the distraction while the Gorgon´s army invaded
    another province, killed the defenders and will invest it next month.
    3) The body, scales, teeth of the dragon could be used as "power
    components" a variant in 3E to avoid the XP payment for magical items
    and thus are priceless to any spellcaster across the continent. The
    party will be harassed by thiefs as long as they have only a single part
    of the dragons body.
    4) In the Chronicle of Cerilia the fight of a Brecht against a dragon is
    mentioned in which the Brecht recognized that bathing in the dragons
    blood bestowed temporarily invulnerability - a powerful liquid...
    5) Have the Paladin know that Dragons are intelligent and neutral
    creatures, not necessarily evil . Punish him for not trying to
    communicate with the dragon if it was been under a spell, forced to obey
    the gorgon due to his e.g. only egg laid in 1500 years hold hostage or
    something like this.
    6) They are now known and revered as dragon-slayers thoughtout the
    continent - the remaining 5 Great Wyrms finally have a good cause to end
    their quarrels, unite and make it their lifes primary task to bring
    total destruction to the partys friends, relatives and finally kill them
    under pains ;-)
    Michael Romes

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  4. #4
    Senior Member marcum uth mather's Avatar
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    actualy the were fighting a aduren dragon from the southern contenent. so still powerfull but not so much:) the palidin is invonerable to fear. the two clerics spent all there time healing him along with the mag.

  5. #5
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    On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:06:06 +0100, marcum uth mather
    <brnetboard@TUARHIEVEL.ORG> wrote:

    >This post was generated by the message forum.
    > You can view the entire thread at:
    > marcum uth mather wrote:
    > actualy the were fighting a aduren dragon from the southern contenent. so
    still powerfull but not so much:) the palidin is invonerable to fear. the
    two clerics spent all there time healing him along with the mag.

    Another thought: If your paladin was one of Avani, perhaps he should be
    punished for destroying a vast resource of knowledge? Not only is a dragon
    not necessarily evil but this would be another reason to realize that he
    could have tried to communicate before killing.
    Michael Romes

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  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:06:06 +0100, marcum uth mather
    <brnetboard@TUARHIEVEL.ORG> wrote:

    >This post was generated by the message forum.
    > You can view the entire thread at:
    > marcum uth mather wrote:
    > actualy the were fighting a aduren dragon from the southern contenent. so
    still powerfull but not so much:) the palidin is invonerable to fear. the
    two clerics spent all there time healing him along with the mag.

    Hmm. The last is irrelevant. If it had been a Cerilian Dragon it would have
    radiated the FEAR in a 50-yard radius (2E). To heal the paladin the clerics
    would have had to touch the Paladin. The Paladin was adjacent to the Dragon,
    else he would have not been able to attack him. So the Clerics would have to
    make saving throws vs. fear even when they do not fight the dragon, but only
    heal the Paladin.
    Michael Romes

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  7. #7
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "marcum uth mather" <brnetboard@TUARHIEVEL.ORG>
    Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:06 PM

    > actualy the were fighting a aduren dragon from the southern contenent.
    > so still powerfull but not so much:) the palidin is invonerable to fear.
    > the two clerics spent all there time healing him along with the mag.

    I lament this waste of the cleric. Its why I prefer to see spell storage
    devices used for healing. They`re cheap, and cost effective when it means
    the clerics of the party can wield weapons or cast offensive spells. Those
    clerics who don`t think they have enough offensive spells need to figure out
    what their god is all about and turn that into a weapon, even if research is
    required. My campaign has a PC cleric of Haelyn who uses Divine Favor, Aid,
    Bull`s Strength, and recently Divine Power to impressive effect with his
    greatsword. In routine fights he isn`t quite what the fighters are, but
    he`s close. In key fights, he can power up and be just as effective.

    Kenneth Gauck

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  8. #8
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by kgauck

    I lament this waste of the cleric. Its why I prefer to see spell storage
    devices used for healing. They`re cheap, and cost effective when it means
    the clerics of the party can wield weapons or cast offensive spells. Those
    clerics who don`t think they have enough offensive spells need to figure out
    what their god is all about and turn that into a weapon, even if research is
    required. My campaign has a PC cleric of Haelyn who uses Divine Favor, Aid,
    Bull`s Strength, and recently Divine Power to impressive effect with his
    greatsword. In routine fights he isn`t quite what the fighters are, but
    he`s close. In key fights, he can power up and be just as effective.

    Kenneth Gauck

    And that is the main thing I like most about the 3rd ed clerics, their ability to spontaneously cast cure spells. While their spells per day is less than it was in 2nd ed their potential usefullness is greatly increased. In 2nd ed how many clerics had to use their "bonus spell slots" to ensure that they had enough curing magic memorized? Now they can prepare for combat or support and still fall back to curing if the need arises.
    Duane Eggert

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Why the dragon only attacks the paladin?
    Dragons have a vast knoledge of magic.
    How much lvl are the party?
    The Dragon should try to grab one of the pc and fly very to the skys and them...
    drop it!
    It´s my job to keep the punk rock!

  10. #10
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
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    Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
    I could just imagine the group I run encountering a dragon - whichever
    of the party had the worst initiative roll would be left as a sacrifice
    in the dust of his/her rapidly retreating `friends`.

    The only answer I could think of that has not been better covered by
    other replies is that the dragon was a summoned creature of seeming.
    IMC, the Gorgon has secretly become a fairly potent mage in addition to
    his melee skills, and is able to travel to the SW (whether as an ally or
    enemy of the cold rider is still up for debate) - all those centuries
    where he`s not rampaging Cerelia he`s got to do something with the spare
    time. While there he has learnt enough to manipulate the seeming and
    bring it through for his own purposes.
    The first clue to the players is that the corpse decays rapidly when
    touched by shadows, eventually leaving them with no body. No evidence,
    but the reputation as either slayers or liars.
    Borrowing from one of the other ideas mentioned, the next dungeon
    crawl adventure is actually a trap set up by one of the real Cerelian,
    where the party becomes quickly webbed / held / paralysed, the dragon
    then offers an ultimatum "I simply can`t have anyone going around with
    the reputation of dragon-slayers, it dimishes my image, so I can either
    eat you now, or you can do this series of tasks for me..."

    Just a thought ;-)


    -----Original Message-----
    From: marcum uth mather
    marcum uth mather wrote:
    So one of my parties just killed a dragon, and i was wondering about
    what to do know? i am looking for feedback on this. in my campain
    dragons were always kind of a myth. everyone thought they were there but
    know one was sure. well the gorgon invaded morheid and used a dragon for
    shock troop. party still doesn`t know how the dragon was convinced to
    help. any way a palidin from the group , with the help of two clerics
    and a theif and magician killed it know every one wants to know now
    what? a littel help please, as in what would you do with the courps? can
    anyone make armor? what about the othere contries feelings on the
    matter? and will wizards flock to take it away? i wasent ecpecting them
    to kill it so im at a littel loss right know

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