After mulling it around, the development team has come up with a "plan" to proceed with this portion of the project.

Those listed as editors (Doom, Mark Aurel and myself) will be responsible for compiling and condensing the comments made to the chapters we have responsibility for. It is important that people give constructive comments (Doom already referenced a good example of a well constructed comment) so that something can be be done with them. Comments like - "I don't like it" or "it sucks" just don't leave anywhere to go.

It is also important for people to say what they like so that what the majority likes gets included. More often than not people only comment on what they don't like so things can get overshadowed. It would be good if the threads created referenced the chapter they were pertaining to, like Chap 2 - blood abilities or Chap 1 - skills. This will help the proper editor to focus in on what area he needs to be most concerned with.

Timelines have not been set for revision yet - more on this later. IMO it will take at least a week for the majority of the netforce to mull through the product presented so far.

Things have seemed to settled into a more condusive discussion atmosphere, this should be encouraged. Personal comments and insults should be kept at bay since this is a group project. Also we, as a group, need to keep our focus on the goal - to create the best Birthright 3rd ed product we can. This is a D&D campaign so we definitely don't want to cross medias (i.e., make it look like Star Wars or d20 Modern). Also D&D 3.5 is upcoming, I'll believe it after I get it in my grimy little paws, so we can keep in mind that when that occurs there may be some revisiting of this product. It depends on what the netforce as a whole expresses an interest in. So this is an ongoing project, at least for the near future.

Please keep on reading and commenting, we editors need something to work with. We are not set in stone on anything - if we personnaly disagree with something we can always remove it from our personal versions, as can anyone. We (all of us on the are trying to come up with something that the majority of the netforce thinks is workable. :)