View Full Version : Player tips

01-15-2010, 09:27 PM
Discussion thread for Player tips (http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/index.php/Player tips). If you would like to add a comment, click the Post Reply button.

01-15-2010, 09:30 PM
OK, this was an index I made ages ago thinking that everyone would have lots of tips to share. Despite my best efforts at pun-craft the interest has been zero.

I have an example page on barbarians, and a handly link to the domain action summary I made, but otherwise the page is empty - should I delete it? Alternatively does anyone want to fill out a page or two?

01-15-2010, 10:16 PM
Well, I like all the punning titles and it would be a shame to lose them. It does seem odd that no one has ever wanted to share any tips.

01-16-2010, 05:17 AM
Well, perhaps like myself, they find that they want to share tips...but they aren't holding a firm enough grasp of how to actually do it. :o

I have lots of tips, from ruling with a Paladin: making sure that not only do you have your Law Holdings, but also pin down some Temple holdings as well.

As a Ranger, not only are Law Holdings of value, but Guild Holdings make you much more wealthy and able to act against your enemies with an increased treasury.

Of course, even if your Paladin or Ranger (or ANY Regent) doesn't directly control holdings other than Provinces and Law, make sure you are the absolute master of your own nation before trying to expand into other nations...

On and on; but easily done in a casual conversation, but somewhat intimidating to put in a permanent "This is how its done" sort of format.

01-17-2010, 04:16 PM
I'd been thinking of fairly informal pages, but hadn't played enough to feel confident to populate them myself.

I ask because the main page is already busy, and I was thinking about a new index for 'game resources' - Ken's pages on governance, pages on mining, glassmaking, and other 'skills' stuff that people have done.

01-21-2010, 01:06 AM
i love the idea with more player tips and custom stuff. Aswell with much more houserules on the wiki.

Im sure alot of people would benefit from it, and could pick up some useful information.

01-21-2010, 06:54 PM
i love the idea with more player tips and custom stuff. Aswell with much more houserules on the wiki.

Im sure alot of people would benefit from it, and could pick up some useful information.

That was the initial hope - I made the index pages at the bottom of the main page of the wiki figuring that people would find it easy to hang their pages off a single index. In practice most people have modified existing pages rather than starting their own, and relatively few people have made their own pages - house rules is probably the most 'filled' of the index pages that I made.

User:Fred may in retrospect have been an error, I used Fred (along sometimes with Barney, Betty and Wilma) as examples of how to add pages to an index, in practice few Fred's were ever replaced by a real page.