View Full Version : How Convert 2E NPC blood abilities

07-29-2009, 05:02 PM
Has it been stated what to do when converting AD&D 2E Birthright's NPC into D&D 3.5 when they have blood strength not enough high for their blood abilities.
For exemple:
Guilder Kalien is Major with Shadow form (great)
Baerdonnal Tuare is Major with Resistance(great) and Divine wrath
Maeve is major with Travel

I think each NPC is a different case. Some NPC don't really need to keep all their power wheras some of them like Kalien was become what they are thank to their power
I offer different possibilities.
- Do nothing and accept some inconsistency between NPV sheet and rules
- Improve the blood strength to fit with blood abilities
- Replace a NPC blood ability by its lower version
- If lower version do not exist, delete blood abilities from NPC sheet
- If lower version do not exist, create a lower version of the blood abilities (either modify rules or add a variant abilities in NPC sheet)

08-01-2009, 06:11 PM
I'd suggest another possibility is to allow a feat to be used to get a minor power, or to upgrade a power a level - that way you should be able to iron out minor inconsistencies.

The brcs scion level system will be another necessary tweak to any npc.