View Full Version : Draft Capt 4e Background
06-23-2009, 03:10 AM
This is the latest I have been working on.
I have borrowed ideas from Fedual Lords and modified it to fit Birthright. I also used the basic formatting of the bonuses from Forgotten Realms and the guidelines from the PHB2.
This is a work in process and will tie into other rules depending on what social standing your are from.
Once again, any constructive feedback would be appreciated.
06-23-2009, 11:30 PM
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have uploaded it to the download section.:D
06-24-2009, 03:58 PM
First page, under Social Standing, first paragraph :
"the clergy usually interact with all social standing with little difficulty but due to the religious diversity of Cerilia they might be as welcome in various area within their influence"
I think you are missing a negation somewhere. Perhaps "they might NOT be as welcome..." ? Otherwise it does not really make sense.
Second page : Tuarhievel, not Taurhievel
Third page : Rhuobe, not Rhoube
And Mur-Kilad, not Mur-Kalid
Those details aside, the regional backgrounds fit. Your description of Cerilian society, however, while perfect for the human lands of Anuire, simply does not match the rest of Cerilia. You would need to do another one for each other major region, and possibly for the elves and dwarves as well.
06-24-2009, 04:26 PM
Actually, you mean "Rhuobhe" :)
06-25-2009, 12:28 AM
First page, under Social Standing, first paragraph :
"the clergy usually interact with all social standing with little difficulty but due to the religious diversity of Cerilia they might be as welcome in various area within their influence"
I think you are missing a negation somewhere. Perhaps "they might NOT be as welcome..." ? Otherwise it does not really make sense.
Second page : Tuarhievel, not Taurhievel
Third page : Rhuobe, not Rhoube
And Mur-Kilad, not Mur-Kalid
Thanks for picking those up I have editedf my master copy with those fixes.
Your description of Cerilian society, however, while perfect for the human lands of Anuire, simply does not match the rest of Cerilia. You would need to do another one for each other major region, and possibly for the elves and dwarves as well.
As for the other non-human races, they do not follow this structure and under each realm discription in the various 2ed books it details how they rule their realms.
Human social structure I would have to disagree with you though. Some of the region may pay less attension to it but they still know of it. A High Noble from Anuire might expect people to interact with him in a certain way but that does not mean he will get what he expects from a Vos Boyar of Tsar as he would have a slightly different expectation.
I will cover this more in the description of each background. I have only done the basic game bonuses for backgrounds.
Anuire: I would agree follows this social structure and it fits perfectly.
Brechtur: Most of the realms still have nobles as their rulers and they still have this social structure breakdown. High Nobles just might not be as numerous as they are in Anuire.
Khinasi: They still have this sort of social breakdown as well.
Rjurik: They might not be called the same thing but they still have this break down. High Noble could be a High King selected from the Jarls or perhaps in some areas they do not have High Nobles at allh but have the next level down.
Vos: Still have Tsars, clergy & freefolk (sometimes slaves).
It seems to me that all the human regions follow at least the basic social standing structure in one way or another.
07-02-2009, 04:07 AM
This is an expanded draft of the backgrounds and is a sample of 1 of the Anuirean regions. I haven't finished the Adventurers part yet.
The vast Northern Marches hold much unspoiled land. Some of this territory is the wildest in all Anuire. Humans, Sidhelien, Goblins and monsters call this land home.
You add Elven, Goblin or Rjuven to your list of languages known. You also add Nature to your class skill list, and you gain a +2 bonus to Nature checks.
The Gorgon who once dominated this region is now no longer around leaving a vacuum of power in this area. Some of the minor Awnsheghlien that subjected themselves to the Gorgon’s power now try grab whatever power they can for themselves.
The northern part of the Aelvinnwode is now under the protection of the Sidhelien realm of Tuarhievel. After the Rjurik invasion of Dhoesone, many humans fled to Cariele and further south but a small number have remained and call the western part of the Kingdom home and live in harmony with nature and the Sidhelien as best they can.
It’s a rough life on the frontier, but this existence has made the human residents tougher than almost anywhere else in Anuire. On the other hand, folks here also act less civilized than most, as they look more toward survival than toward mere creature comforts. Living in constant fear of invasion or destruction, they have adopted a code that preaches living for today, rather than for the future -- what’s the use of long-term investments when there might not be a tomorrow? Tuarhievel is now a greater kingdom than it used to be as the Sidhelien have regained some of what has been lost over the centuries.
the Aelvinnwode: An immense elven wood stretches hundreds of miles across the Northern Marches, its placid coolness capable of making one forget the wars of kingship raging elsewhere in the land. This forest, the Aelvinnwode, blankets most of the region. Though its green depths include many varieties of trees, hardy evergreens are dominant this far north.
Cariele: This is the last Anuirean ruled realm in the Northern Reaches. It constantly has to fend off marauding monsters or goblins from Thurazor, the Five Peaks & Markazor. The capital is a fortified town protected by a mighty castle.
the Five Peaks: Still some of the most rugged and wildest lands in Anuire. Bandits, goblins, trolls and various monsters roam these lands. Adventurers often travel here in search of gold and glory.
the Gorgon’s Crown: Once it was the seat of power for the most feared monster in Cerilia, now various factions control the mountains and foothills. The most notable would be the Cerilian dragon, freed from its captivity by the Gorgon and now calls the lands of Kal-Saitharak and the fortress of Battlewaite its home and lair.
Markazor: Now free from the Gorgon’s power this fledgling goblin realm is still in chaos, which is lucky for its neighbours. If you are a goblin you may choose the following background benefit;
You add Stealth to your class skill list and you gain a +2 bonus to Stealth checks. You add Karamhul to you list of languages known.
Mur-Kilad: Due to centuries of the Gorgon’s influence and being forced to work side-by-side with goblins, this dwarven nation is a place of evil and spite. Outsiders are not welcome in this kingdom and the dwarves here hold a fanatical hatred for their cousins in Baruk-Azhik for some long forgotten grievance. If you are a dwarf you may choose the following background benefit;
You add Intimidate to your class skill list and you gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks. You add Goblinoid to your list of languages known.
Tuarhievel: the last elf kingdom in the Aelvinnwode, remains a place of dark forest and brooding beauty. The natural world holds sway in Tuarhievel, making a place of great magic. The rulers of Tuarhievel have managed to reclaim some of their forest realm back from the former human realm of Dhoesone and now rule over the forests that used to be part of this realm. If you are an elf you may choose the following background;
You add Arcane & Nature to your class skill list and you gain a +1 bonus to Arcane & Nature checks.
Thurazor: The goblins of Thurazor are the most civilized of all their kind. They engage in diplomacy and trade with the other Anuirean realms. That does not mean it is a safe place to travel in. Their armies are always at the ready, looking to blow off some steam before the infighting starts. If you are a goblin you may choose the following background benefit;
You add Bluff to your class skill list and you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks. You add Anuirean to your list of languages known.
The sidhelien in Tuarhievel have become slightly more tolerant of humans, which is reflected by the small percentage that calls its western provinces home. Unfortunately the elves of the Sielwode have become more xenophobic and conduct regular patrols of all its borders to keep out or kill intruders. The gheallie Sidhe is very prominent with this ancient forested realm.
The folk of Cariele are a pragmatic and notably fatalistic lot. Battered all day by the fierce northern winds that blow down out of the Tael Firth, the people of Cariele have grown hard and tough working with their axes all day. These people do not seem to care for anyone but themselves and cannot be bothered by strangers. In return, Carieleans find they receive precious little interest from the rest of Anuire.
Goblins infest much of the Northern Reaches and constantly harass their neighbours. The goblins of Thurazor are more likely to open diplomatic talks before attacking, Markazor goblins live in a chaotic realm and more hot-headed than their brethren in Thurazor, but perhaps the most aggressive goblins come from the Five Peaks and the Gorgon’s Crown, where they only answer to clan leaders.
Gnolls and Orogs inhabit parts of the Five Peaks and the Gorgon’s Crown. Small bands may also call the goblins kingdoms home. They are never welcome in any of the other realms in the Northern Reaches and are usually hunted but adventurers or the realm's soldiers.
The Five Peaks has always been a favourite hunting ground for would-be heroes and nobles seeking fame and fortune within this rugged land. Now with the Gorgon gone from the world, his former kingdom has become a greater attraction for adventurers. Many speak of the treasures lost within his great citadel of Kal-Saitharak, now guarded by one of the fabled dragons of Cerilia.
07-02-2009, 09:59 AM
Interesting choices there, TPDarkDraco. I assume that the rest of Dhoesone has passed under Rjurik control once more?
I think you're going to need a good rationale for each change you make, even considering that removing the Gorgon is a good idea. Is he a god now?
07-02-2009, 10:30 AM
Interesting choices there, TPDarkDraco. I assume that the rest of Dhoesone has passed under Rjurik control once more?
I think you're going to need a good rationale for each change you make, even considering that removing the Gorgon is a good idea. Is he a god now?
Yeh Dhoesone is back under Rjurik control.
As for the Gorgon, he hasn't become a god but a vessel for the Cold Rider to become Azrai once again. Thats the very basics.
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