View Full Version : Races
02-23-2009, 11:27 PM
After wrestling with some issues, I have converted my group over to Birthright 4th ed, but as they know everything is subject to change, and after there characters retire and I take a very needed short rest (we are going to Level 30 and only half way there), I am hoping to have some more guidelines in place. As far as the races here is what I have
Anuirean - One additional Language, Add Diplomacy to Class skill, and a +2 bonus to
Brect - Add Streetwise and Thivery to Class Skill list and a +1 bonus to each skill
Khinasi - Add arcane to class skill list with a +2 check, Add one additional language
Rjurik - Add nature to class skill list and a +2 bunus to check, also reroll any nature
skill check keep the higher of the two.
Vos - Add intimidate and Nature to class list, and a +1 bonus to each.
As for Dwarfs, Elfs, Half-Elfs, and Halflings use PHB stats.
02-24-2009, 06:46 PM
I did a 4e writeup for the Sidhelien on this website even though I ended up not using the full writeup in my own 4e Birthright game. With humans I didn't change anything except giving them an extra +2 ability score based on their historical (2e) ability modifier.
With the other classes I just ended up changing their racial powers to give them the birthright flavor. Halflings lose Second Chance and gain Shadow Jaunt. Elves and Eladrin are considered Sidhelien (one race) but each of them get a different racial power between the following two (one is based off Swiftcurrent the Water Genasi power while the other is based off the Tiefling power).
Sidhelien Swiftness - Sidhelien Racial Power
You swiftly pass though enemies and rubble with a graceful but deadly surge.
Move Action - Personal
Effect: You can shift up to your speed over ground or liquid terrain. You take no penalties for squeezing during this movement, can move through enemy spaces, ignore difficult terrain, and take no damage if the surface or substance you move across would ordinarily deal damage to you.
gheallie Sidhe (Hunt of the Elves) - Sidhelien Racial Power
You harbor deep hatred for those who've dispossessed you. This extends to humans or humanoids, or whoever stands in the way of the elven dominion.
Minor Action - Personal
Effect: You can channel your fury to gain a +1 power bonus to your next attack roll against an enemy that hit you since your last turn. If your attack hits and deals damage, add your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier as extra damage.
Special: When you create your character, choose Dexterity or Intelligence as the ability score you use when extra damage with this power. This choice remains throughout your characters life and does not change the powers other effects.
02-26-2009, 07:02 PM
Why didn't you give the Brecht an additional language while you gave the Anureans and Khinasi one?
Brechtur borders on every human culture whereas all of the others do not.
The Brecht are the premier merchants and thus deal with everyone. In fact the guilder (a 2nd ed Brecht specific class) gave bonus languages based on that concept.
A case could be made for Anureans having a bonus language since they nearly occupied the entire continent but there is no history of Khinasi and Rjurik coming into close contact. And neither for Anureans and Vos having much contact either.
02-26-2009, 09:44 PM
I think that if anything the Anuireans should have a language penalty - most empires do not demand that their core citizens learn the languages of the child states, rather the converse.
02-28-2009, 02:04 AM
I did a 4e writeup for the Sidhelien on this website even though I ended up not using the full writeup in my own 4e Birthright game. With humans I didn't change anything except giving them an extra +2 ability score based on their historical (2e) ability modifier.
With the other classes I just ended up changing their racial powers to give them the birthright flavor. Halflings lose Second Chance and gain Shadow Jaunt. Elves and Eladrin are considered Sidhelien (one race) but each of them get a different racial power between the following two (one is based off Swiftcurrent the Water Genasi power while the other is based off the Tiefling power).
Sidhelien Swiftness - Sidhelien Racial Power
You swiftly pass though enemies and rubble with a graceful but deadly surge.
Move Action - Personal
Effect: You can shift up to your speed over ground or liquid terrain. You take no penalties for squeezing during this movement, can move through enemy spaces, ignore difficult terrain, and take no damage if the surface or substance you move across would ordinarily deal damage to you.
gheallie Sidhe (Hunt of the Elves) - Sidhelien Racial Power
You harbor deep hatred for those who've dispossessed you. This extends to humans or humanoids, or whoever stands in the way of the elven dominion.
Minor Action - Personal
Effect: You can channel your fury to gain a +1 power bonus to your next attack roll against an enemy that hit you since your last turn. If your attack hits and deals damage, add your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier as extra damage.
Special: When you create your character, choose Dexterity or Intelligence as the ability score you use when extra damage with this power. This choice remains throughout your characters life and does not change the powers other effects.
I like the idea with the elves. I was going to take it a little further and make elves of certain area, ones that have forsaken any involvement in the outside world Eladrins ... and elves that are a bit more worldly be actual elves from 4th edition.
03-19-2009, 05:49 PM
I felt that after the wars with the Vos, the Brecht tend to stay to themselfs, they were part of the empire at one point, and the Vos tried and almost wiped them out, these are not a trusting people, but have become stonger for it. but becuase they are guilders maybe i need to look into giving them the language bonus also, or at least the regents who have trade routes with other lands.
The Anureans and the khinasi today have become more diplomatic, Hence the languages bonus.
The only race the anureans have not come in contact with is in fact the vos, well not direct contact with, but rather through the Khinasi and Brecht, as far as the Rejurik, well the Giant Downs was the battle zone between the Anureans and the Rejuriks and at one point and time both races deemed the other was not able to gain control, and what these wars left behind was the giant downs which is still unsettled today, (lots of room for adventure and builing up here).
In 4th edition, i notice that ability point giving was a very strong adjustment hence why 2 points are given out per 4 levels now instead of one, this is why i steared away from that aspect.
The Swordgaunt
03-21-2009, 11:39 PM
On Brechts, I'd say that as a culture of tradesmen, language is right up their alley. On Anuireans, I agree with Andrew. Empires are not usually too interested in the languages of lesser cultures.
03-22-2009, 10:27 AM
Hmm, I wonder how widespread Anuirean still is? It's been 500 years since the empire fell, but it would have been the language of the ruling class, government, and so probably also of traders - the one language that everybody spoke.
If so then to trade all you might need is Anuirean (a.k.a. common).
Alternatively if the 500 years killed that sort of thing off long ago you might find that the Brecht are master linguists - or you might find that most trade is within national borders and only a few merchants actually know other languages than their native tongue.
Whatever works though - language is a McGuffin, RPGs are all about talking, so you need 1 person to be able to talk to others, and frankly, 1 PC or all of them makes little practical difference in a close-knit party.
03-26-2009, 10:28 PM
I felt that after the wars with the Vos, the Brecht tend to stay to themselfs, they were part of the empire at one point, and the Vos tried and almost wiped them out, these are not a trusting people, but have become stonger for it. but becuase they are guilders maybe i need to look into giving them the language bonus also, or at least the regents who have trade routes with other lands.
The Anureans and the khinasi today have become more diplomatic, Hence the languages bonus.
The only race the anureans have not come in contact with is in fact the vos, well not direct contact with, but rather through the Khinasi and Brecht, as far as the Rejurik, well the Giant Downs was the battle zone between the Anureans and the Rejuriks and at one point and time both races deemed the other was not able to gain control, and what these wars left behind was the giant downs which is still unsettled today, (lots of room for adventure and builing up here).
In 4th edition, i notice that ability point giving was a very strong adjustment hence why 2 points are given out per 4 levels now instead of one, this is why i steared away from that aspect.
I had my reasons for wanting the Humans to be more powerful then usual because it makes them a more appealing race and therefore more popular which is how it should be for Cerilia. Also I would add that the +2 mod were based on their 2e countparts and I did not allow the +2 any bonus to go in the same ability as the cultural ability score bonus so no one could get a +4 to an ability score.
03-26-2009, 10:33 PM
Just because I have them all up and pdf'd. Here are my write up for the Sidhelien and Cerilian Halfling from my old thread.
Sidhelien (
Cerilian Halflings (
04-08-2009, 12:17 PM
Hi guys. I have been reading the posts here and I have come up with these for the human races. I have used the 2nd Ed material as my main inspiration as well as a little from 3rd Ed. I am looking at doing a complete players guide conversion of BR to 4th Ed and this is my start. Let me know what you think so far.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Wis, +1 Cha, +1 Str
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Anuirean and choice of one other
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Bonus Skill: You gain training in Diplomacy
Skill Bonus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
Defense Bonus: +1 to Will, +1 to Fort
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 Cha
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: High or Low Brecht and choice of two others
Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat at first level. You must meet the feats prerequisites.
Brechtur Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the rapier.
Bonus Skill: You gain training in Bluff
Skill Bonus: +2 Bluff, +2 Perception
Defense Bonus: +1 to Ref, +1 to Will, +1 to AC when wielding a rapier and wearing light or no armor.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Int, +2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Basarji and choice of two others
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Bonus Skill: You gain training in either Diplomacy or Arcana
Skill Bonus: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Arcana
Defense Bonus: +1 to Ref, +1 Wis
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +1 Dex, +1 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Rjuven, Anuirean
Rjurik Hardiness: You can use your second wind as a minor action instead of a standard action.
Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat at first level. You must meet the feats prerequisites.
Rjurik Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the longbow. If you already have this proficiency then gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Bonus Skill: You gain training in Nature
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Endurance
Defense Bonus: +1 to Fort, +1 to Ref
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +1 Con,+1 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Vos, Goblin or Abyssal
Barbaric Rage: While you are bloodied, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. This increases to +4 at 21st level.
Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat at first level. You must meet the feats prerequisites.
Bonus Skill: You gain training in Nature & Intimidate
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Itimidate
Defense Bonus: +2 to Fort
It seems like a lot of redundancy. They all share most of the traits and I don't actually see a reason for giving them bonuses on ability scores. They are all human and can all be of various int, wis, str and other, within some human limits. No point for either to be anything special compared to the other. At least that's the way I see it.
With skills there may be something.
04-08-2009, 03:47 PM
Good job getting to this point. I know it isn't easy to spend all of the time trying to convert. I have some great ideas but haven't had the time to do a conversion. Once my current play session is over I think I might tackle it.
My only suggestion, certainly to make life easier, is pick what type of bonus you want to give to humans, then adjust it for each human sub-race.
For example
Ability Scores:
Bonus At Will Power:
Bonus skill:
Skill Bonus:
Defensive Bonus:
My rational is that all humans are still humans which means they need to be similer in the types of bonuses they get, but make them different per region. People will argue with which regions will get what, but they will leave the balance side of things alone.
So in the above example lets see what makes sense.
Ability Score: This is the obvious but probably one that is argued the most here. The best options
- One perm +2 stat for each human race then give them all a variable +2
- To link all humans give them all +2 Str and then another +2 depending on the region.
- Leave it the way it is the players handbook and give all humans a +2 variable.
- The way you have it.
Languages: I don't see this being too useful as a way to seperate human races. A commoner tolling away in the fields in any part of the world probably won't know much more than the local language. Language seems more dependant on class or what you do for a living than just being human.
Make your own choice, your way works fine, but adds work that might not be needed.
Bonus At Will Power: This is a good human bonus. Simply give it to all humans. No need to change this out depending where you live. If one human excels at a bonus will power shouldn't they all? If you wanted to use this then you would have to pick the Bonus at will power for each human sub-race. Perhaps even create a unique one for each one.
Bonus Skills: Now this isn't a bad way to seperate races but gives extra benefits to certain classes that don't typically have the skill as a class skill. It works but you might be better off just going with the Skill bonus and making sure you give a good boost to the Bonus skill you planned on giving them.
Skill Bonus: This is very similer to Bonus skills and the best way to show what is important to different culture. I would say go with one or the other with this being what I feel is the better choice.
Defensive Bonus: Another good one. I would just suggest to keep the +'s the same to keep it balanced between humans.
I am sorry if I was longwinded with my response. You did a great job and many of your choices are good. I am just thinking that if we can simplify the process so all humans generally get the same types of benefits but just changes per region then it would be easy to create a new human culture from across the seas by following the same template. Perhaps the board can help create a good template for all humans.
My choice would be ...
Ability Score: +2 per region, +2 variable for all humans
Bonus At will power for all humans
Skill bonus: +2 to two seperate skills
Defensive bonus: Total of +2 in any of the defensives.
Clean and simple.
04-08-2009, 07:59 PM
I went at humans pretty much the same way at first but I stalled out on the Brects. However I ultimately decided that since Birthright was human-centric then it may work to give the 4E human a slight boost to make them more appealing to the player. I did this by not changing anything with the humans and just assigned them a cultural ability modifier giving them the same +2/+2 as other races.
Anuirean: +2 Wis
Brect: +2 Dex
Khinasi: +2 Int
Rjurik: +2 Con
Vos: +2 Str
I did tell them that their unassigned bonus could not be in the same ability score as their culture bonus so no-one could get a +4 ability score at the start (because I think that would have been definitely more overpowered then I wanted to make them as I just wanted it to be slightly more appealing).
This method is easy and simple. It plays off a method that is already developed in the PHB (+2/+2). And it doesn't require a complete racial write up for each human culture.
04-08-2009, 10:54 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys. A couple of interesting thoughts from that. I will try to explain some of my reasoning for what I have done.
My main arguement for not keeping humans as per the players handbook is because 4th Ed is based of generic humans from all the earlier additions. Birthright was always different and humans had modifiers to reflect their differences. I really enjoyed this flavour as a player and ultimately as a DM as I have DMed BR since its initial release. BR doesn't have humans it has Anuireans, Brecht, Khinasi, Rjurik & Vos races as well as the Elves, Dwarves etc. I am not coming from a human point of view but a new race point of view. If that means a write up on each race that that is fine with me. It adds more flavor. I think just about all the write up for the human races has been done in 3rd Ed Birthright PDF campaign setting. That is what I am using.
Ability Modifier:
I have come to these adjustments based back on 2nd Ed modifiers and flavour descriptions for each race in their individual campaign expansion. Obviously I have given them the +2 instead of the +1 they got in 2nd Ed. On top of that I gave them the other ability modifiers based on classes in 4th Ed. In 2nd Ed each expansion listed the character type/s most likely found with the human races so I based my mods of this to reflect that e.g. Vos will tend to go towards Fighter, Barbarian & Cleric thus the ability modifiers reflect this.
bbeau22 & dundjinnmasta: the +2 fixed based of 2nd Ed mod and then the floating +2 might be better than some of my split adjustments. I think I will go with that change. Makes sense and is easier than trying to define too much like I was doing.
This was more to reflect the culture of each area. I know that commonfolk would probably not know this but they are commonfolk. Adventurers are special and have probably had more previllages growing up. Rjurik & Vos got a very narrow choice because they are the most barbaric and insular people with not alot of contact with the other races. Brecht & Khinasi got more choices because of their trading/seafaring/involvement with the empire thus reflecting more exposure to other langauges. Anuire was the empire so they are not as interested in other langauges but do have the exposure thus the one extra they got.
Bonus At-Will & Feat:
The differences here were more to even out what some races got and others didn't. Not sure if I want to leave it standard as the players handbook. Would love some more suggestions in this area.
Bonus Skill/Skill Bonus:
I guess my inspiration for the bonus skill came from the Eladrin, where they have training in a bonus skill of their choice. I wasn't giving a choice but a skill that reflected the cutural up bringing. Maybe the bonuses could but I think I would keep the training in a particular skill.
Defensive Bonus:
Once again flavour and racial background. It is kept even as they all get a +1 to 2 defences. This comes back to their ability mods that I gave them. I don't want them to be generic humans and all get the same bonuses.
Other Abilities:
Once again for flavour and cultural area. I like the Vos and the Rjurik ones as it reflects their harsh way of life and climate. In 4th Ed other races (eg elf, half-orc, dwarf) get other abilities that do something why not the different human races in BR. I was going to try and give them each an Encounter power of some sort like FEY STEP or ELVEN ACCURACY but I got stuck on this so I went for other things.
04-09-2009, 04:00 AM
I agree that humans shouldn't be just like the players handbook but more interesting. You certainly have thought much of it out. I haven't looked at the Players Handbook in a little while so my balancing could be a bit off.
Languages are a minor detail. Certainly adding them in doesn't really hurt anything. All good.
At Will power feat: My suggestion would be to perhaps pick specific powers for each human if you gave an At will power to every human race. Could even be something non-combat related. This is a hard one and would take time to create and balance.
In an ideal world and I had all the time I wanted to create a 4th edition version, I would actually give each human race an at will power feat chosen from their racial powers available.
I would then create a few racial powers for each human race. They could choose which power they get to start and could also have the option to take other powers instead of class powers as they level.
Goodluck with the translation!
04-09-2009, 12:04 PM
Here is my version of the Cerilian Dwarf.
Dwarves, Cerilian
We derive from stone; we are the children of the mountains and we stand firm as stone.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 4 46
Average Weight: 250 300 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 5 squares
Vision: Darkvision
Languages: Karamhul, one other of your choice.
Skill Bonus: +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Enduarance
Dwarven Resistance: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against poison & arcane effects.
Dwarven Weapon Proficiency: You gain training with handaxes and battleaxes.
Encumbered Speed: You move at your normal speed even when it would normally be reduced by armour or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magical effects) affect you normally.
Density of Stone: You can use density of stone as an encounter power.
Density of Stone Dwarven Racial Power
You are born of the stone, you are made of stone. Nothing can harm you.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn gain resistance to all damage equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier. This increases to 6 + your Constitution modifier at 21st level.
04-09-2009, 12:42 PM
The Goliath already has a better version of that Dwarven ability. If you are going to change the dwarves I would say that getting rid of Stand Your Ground and giving them a Encounter Power is probably okay but since there is already a similiar power I would just snag it.
Stone's Endurance Dwarven Racial Power
Your foes' attacks bounce off your stony hide.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn.
04-09-2009, 10:50 PM
I had forgotten about the Goliath ability. I was going back to the 2nd Ed BR dwarves woh had 1/2 damage from bludgeoning damage and 3rd Ed where they had DR 5 vs bludgeoning & piercing damage.
I was trying not to make the Encounter Power to powerfull but now that you have reminded me of the Goliath ability I will change it to match it. I don't think I will be using Goliaths in BR but if I do then I see no problem with two races having the same Encounter Power.
The other thing I will be doing in my campaign is restricting dwarven characters from taking any Arcane classes. 1) to keep in line with BR dwarves not having any wizards or source holdings and 2) harking back to 2nd Ed where dwarves were no magical and only used priestly magic.
04-13-2009, 12:10 PM
Here are the reworked Human races.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Wis, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Anuirean and choice of one other
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Military Training: You have spent time in service of your lord. While you are adjacent to an ally you gain a +1 to your melee attack rolls.
Skill Bonus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
Defense Bonus: +2 to Will
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Low Brecht and choice of two others.
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Brechtur Fencing Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the rapier and parrying dagger. While you are wielding a rapier & parrying dagger and wearing light or no armor you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This stacks with the parrying daggers defensive properties.
Skill Bonus: +2 Bluff, +2 Perception
Defense Bonus: +2 to Ref
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Int, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Basarji and choice of two others
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Khinasi Education: Chose one of the following at character creation. You gain +1 to arcane attacks due to your education in magic or You gain 10% discount to all equipment (mundane and magical) due to your education in mercantile endeavors.
Skill Bonus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Arcana
Defense Bonus: +2 to Ref
Racial Traits
Average Height: 58- 64
Average Weight: 145 230 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Rjuven, Anuirean
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Rjurik Hardiness: You can use your second wind twice in an encounter.
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Endurance
Defense Bonus: +2 to Fort
Racial Traits
Average Height: 58- 64
Average Weight: 145 230 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Vos, Goblin or Abyssal
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Barbaric Rage: While you are bloodied, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls on melee attacks. This increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Intimidate
Defense Bonus: +2 to Fort
04-13-2009, 02:59 PM
Here are the reworked Human races.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5’6”- 6’2”
Average Weight: 135 – 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Wis, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Anuirean and choice of one other
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Military Training: You have spent time in service of your lord. While you are adjacent to an ally you gain a +1 to your melee attack rolls.
Skill Bonus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
Defense Bonus: +2 to Will
This one looks pretty good. I am not in love with the military training but is isn't bad.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5’6”- 6’2”
Average Weight: 135 – 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Low Brecht and choice of two others.
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Brechtur Fencing Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the rapier and parrying dagger. While you are wielding a rapier & parrying dagger and wearing light or no armor you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This stacks with the parrying daggers defensive properties.
Skill Bonus: +2 Bluff, +2 Perception
Defense Bonus: +2 to Ref
This is pretty good all around other than the special fencing proficiency. This bonus will only apply to a small amount of warrior types and no other classes. We need to try to make it so a greater amount of classes can enjoy the benefit.
Is it too powerful to have a simply +1 bonus to AC if you are wearing light or no armor? Also include they have bonus proficiency to rapier and parrying dagger.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5’6”- 6’2”
Average Weight: 135 – 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Int, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Basarji and choice of two others
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Khinasi Education: Chose one of the following at character creation. You gain +1 to arcane attacks due to your education in magic or You gain 10% discount to all equipment (mundane and magical) due to your education in mercantile endeavors.
Skill Bonus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Arcana
Defense Bonus: +2 to Ref
Khinasi education is a little clunky. The either or is a little strange because they look like they might work well together. This is a great example of having a Khinasi racial bonus feat. Here is how it would look...
Bonus Feat: You can pick one extra feat from the Khinasi racial Feats.
Khinasi Racial Feats:
Magical Defense: Those that hail from Khinasi have grown up with magic being a part of their lives. Because of this many people from Khanasi know how to defend themselves if attacked by a magic users. +1 def vs arcane attacks.
Magical Apptitude: Wizards that hail from Khinasi have an extensive amount of resources to become successful wizards. +1 to Arcane attacks.
Mercantile Endeavors: 10% discount on all items because of the strong guild system built in Khinasi and the natural understand all folks have for them.
They will also have access to these feats as they level taking one of these instead of a class or standard feat.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5’8”- 6’4”
Average Weight: 145 – 230 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Rjuven, Anuirean
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Rjurik Hardiness: You can use your second wind twice in an encounter.
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Endurance
Defense Bonus: +2 to Fort
I think this one is perfect.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5’8”- 6’4”
Average Weight: 145 – 230 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Vos, Goblin or Abyssal
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Barbaric Rage: While you are bloodied, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls on melee attacks. This increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Intimidate
Defense Bonus: +2 to Fort
This is great. Not sure about Abyssal.
04-14-2009, 12:07 AM
Thanks for the input.
Brecht: How about they have proficiency with rapier and gain the +1 to AC if wielding it and wearing light or no armor. Parrying dagger defensive properties wil still stack.
This will then be able to be used by all classes as they can then have their implement, holy symbol etc. in off hand.
I don't think the +1 to AC with the proficiency is too powerful as you do have to wear light or no armor. That is my view anyway.
Khinasi: Yeh it is a little clunky as I had the hardest time with this one. The reason they don't have feats to chose from is because I was trying to keep the format with the Human races the same. Thus they have a choice of 2.
I like your break down of 3 and I think I will just rework it to reflect these 3 choices and word it a bit better.
Vos: The choice of Abyssal is because of the high population of Gnolls in Vosgarrd and this is the language they speak.
04-14-2009, 03:23 AM
Thanks for the input.
Brecht: How about they have proficiency with rapier and gain the +1 to AC if wielding it and wearing light or no armor. Parrying dagger defensive properties wil still stack.
This will then be able to be used by all classes as they can then have their implement, holy symbol etc. in off hand.
I don't think the +1 to AC with the proficiency is too powerful as you do have to wear light or no armor. That is my view anyway.
Khinasi: Yeh it is a little clunky as I had the hardest time with this one. The reason they don't have feats to chose from is because I was trying to keep the format with the Human races the same. Thus they have a choice of 2.
I like your break down of 3 and I think I will just rework it to reflect these 3 choices and word it a bit better.
Vos: The choice of Abyssal is because of the high population of Gnolls in Vosgarrd and this is the language they speak.
The Brecht sounds like a happy medium which is great. You know where I stand but what you got going on is good.
I am glad you like the Khinasi idea. Of course, I was the one pushing you to keep them all similer and then I go ahead and mess with it myself. So shame on me. This will at least open the possibility of giving others racials feats as you go forward and flesh out your rules. I put all three simply because different classes might find different ones more useful.
And yes, my wording was terrible as I was coming up with it on the fly. I would love to see how you word it when you are finished.
04-14-2009, 11:13 AM
Vos: The choice of Abyssal is because of the high population of Gnolls in Vosgarrd and this is the language they speak.
Don't gnolls just speak gnollish? Particularly in BR where the Abyss is presumably a particularly nasty part of the Shadow World? Why not have them speak khinasi or brecht as the third option depending on which the tribe in question raids more often
Shouldn't the brecht have the option of the mercantile power as well? The Khinasi trade in passing as a way to gain wisdom, but to the Brecht is is their way of life. The bonus to defense sounds very good though - other peoples may never see a wizard in their life, but the khinasi should be much more familiar with them (at least with magicians) so some defense against magic makes a lot of sense.
04-14-2009, 12:38 PM
Don't gnolls just speak gnollish? Particularly in BR where the Abyss is presumably a particularly nasty part of the Shadow World? Why not have them speak khinasi or brecht as the third option depending on which the tribe in question raids more often
In 4e gnolls speak Abyssal.
Shouldn't the brecht have the option of the mercantile power as well? The Khinasi trade in passing as a way to gain wisdom, but to the Brecht is is their way of life. The bonus to defense sounds very good though - other peoples may never see a wizard in their life, but the khinasi should be much more familiar with them (at least with magicians) so some defense against magic makes a lot of sense.
I was thinking on this after the fact and I might add this to them as a choice as well. The only problem I think with giving a couple of the human races choices is that the other ones don't have another choice and I might find it hard to come up with ones for the other races.
04-14-2009, 02:04 PM
The simple way to do it would be to include it as a racial feat also. That doesn't mean you have to have it as a bonus feat to start, but allow any Brecht to take the feat as they progress in levels.
If you want to use the bonus feat idea for every race not all of them have to be new and created by you. Take a look at the players handbook. If a feat in there makes sense then include them in with the bonus feat options when you create the character.
I try to come up with a few racial feats today while I work. Maybe a couple of them will turn out to be ok.
04-14-2009, 04:03 PM
Here are a couple I have come up with. Nothing crazy yet.
- Brecht - Sailors legs - Can take take 10 on Acrobatic balance skills even when in distress.
- Rjurik - Hardy - Because of harsh reality of the cold envirenment, those with this feat take -2 damage from abilities with the cold descriptor.
Thats all I got so far. Since 4th edition is mostly combat I am going that direction. Ultimately I would love to see non-combat feats to compliment a Birthright campaign.
04-14-2009, 07:01 PM
At 05:38 AM 4/14/2009, tpdarkdraco wrote:
>>Don`t gnolls just speak gnollish? Particularly in BR where the
>>Abyss is presumably a particularly nasty part of the Shadow
>>World? Why not have them speak khinasi or brecht as the third
>>option depending on which the tribe in question raids more often
>In 4e gnolls speak Abyssal.
In 4e the authors are probably making an association between that
race and their patron, Yeenoghu. That makes less sense in BR since
the planar structure isn`t such a factor in the setting. In BR,
elves speak Sidhelien, there is no Common Tongue and there are old
and new versions of some of the human languages. Likewise, gnolls
should have their own tongue that doesn`t reference the Outer
Planes.... (It might actually be Abyssal, but we shouldn`t call it
that in the setting.)
04-15-2009, 12:20 AM
Here are a couple I have come up with. Nothing crazy yet.
- Brecht - Sailors legs - Can take take 10 on Acrobatic balance skills even when in distress.
- Rjurik - Hardy - Because of harsh reality of the cold envirenment, those with this feat take -2 damage from abilities with the cold descriptor.
Thats all I got so far. Since 4th edition is mostly combat I am going that direction. Ultimately I would love to see non-combat feats to compliment a Birthright campaign.
Some interesting ideas here. Although the "Rjurik Hardy" would be more applicable to Vos as their environment is much colder.
I agree that 4e is more combat related and that BR need more additions to compliment it. Perhaps feats could be created to add Skills eg Administration, Strategy & Warcraft.
At 05:38 AM 4/14/2009, tpdarkdraco wrote:
>>Don`t gnolls just speak gnollish? Particularly in BR where the
>>Abyss is presumably a particularly nasty part of the Shadow
>>World? Why not have them speak khinasi or brecht as the third
>>option depending on which the tribe in question raids more often
>In 4e gnolls speak Abyssal.
In 4e the authors are probably making an association between that
race and their patron, Yeenoghu. That makes less sense in BR since
the planar structure isn`t such a factor in the setting. In BR,
elves speak Sidhelien, there is no Common Tongue and there are old
and new versions of some of the human languages. Likewise, gnolls
should have their own tongue that doesn`t reference the Outer
Planes.... (It might actually be Abyssal, but we shouldn`t call it
that in the setting.)
Yeah I understand what you are saying Gary. Makes sense I guess it can be called "Gnollish" then. I am at work so I don't have my books with me but don't Gnolls have a patron like the Orogs do??
04-15-2009, 12:44 AM
When Andrew Tall wrote the wiki's page on gnolls, he stated that they were "one of the races of beast-men created by Azrai". This works on the idea that Azrai made many races, some of which may still be found in Aduria. The page on Yeenoghu continues this idea by suggesting that Yeenoghu may have been one of Azrai's sorcerors, maybe even one of the Lost, and he may have been directly responsible for the gnolls' creation. It names one of his priests as being from the Gnoll Fells.
That's an interesting idea. But haven't there already been gnolls, goblins, orogs.. before the Lost? As I remember from history classes, way back when elven society flourished on Cerilia, centuries before humans arrived, they enslaved some of the primitive races and taught them culture and civilization.
04-15-2009, 10:25 AM
When Andrew Tall wrote the wiki's page on gnolls, he stated that they were "one of the races of beast-men created by Azrai". This works on the idea that Azrai made many races, some of which may still be found in Aduria. The page on Yeenoghu continues this idea by suggesting that Yeenoghu may have been one of Azrai's sorcerors, maybe even one of the Lost, and he may have been directly responsible for the gnolls' creation. It names one of his priests as being from the Gnoll Fells.
I think that I got the idea of gnolls as one of Azrai's beast-man races from someone else, not sure who. Quite when Azrai is supposed to have started experimenting I don't know - but I doubt the Lost were his first creation, most early attempts are miserable failures like gnolls.
The gnolls do have clerics though - the gnoll fens in Vosgaard is led by a priest (Ghus something or other) so a patron of some sort is needed, although it could just be a phantom, a shadow of Azrai, or a guise of Belinik.
Hmm, I really dislike that throwaway line in PSOT that talks about slavery, it is completely against elven nature, totally counter-productive for the elves, and basically screams human/goblin propaganda... Like much of PSOT's timeline I'd consign it to the dustbin as a) contradictory and b) useless crap.
04-24-2009, 02:44 AM
Here are the re-worked Human Races. I am also going to work on regional feats that will add to role play as well as general ones to the same effect.
ANUIREAN (an-WEER-ee-ans)
Stubborn, ambitious and proud, Sons and daughters of a great empire that once was.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 56- 62
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Wis, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Anuirean and choice of one other
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Anuirean Birth: Chose one of the following at character creation.
Military Training: You have spent time in service of your lord. While you are adjacent to an ally you gain a +1 to your melee attack rolls.
Diplomatic Tongue: Growing up amongst courtiers you learnt to say the right things. Once per Skill Challenge you may re-roll a failed diplomacy check. You also gain a +5 bonus to your next Insight check this Skill Challenge.
Skill Bonus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
Defense Bonus: +2 to Will
Where is the profit you say! Self-reliant and fiercely independent.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 52- 510
Average Weight: 135 220 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Low Brecht and choice of two others.
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Brechtur Education: Chose one of the following at character creation.
Blackstrike Basics: You gain proficiency with the rapier. While you are wielding a rapier and wearing light or no armor you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Mercantile Endeavors: The Brechts live and breathe trade. You gain 10% discount to all items.
Skill Bonus: +2 Bluff, +2 Perception
Defense Bonus: +2 to Ref
KHINASI (kih-NAH-see)
Well-educated traders, merchants, and practitioners of magic that know that an individuals decorum, hospitality, and conduct are far more important than gross wealth
Racial Traits
Average Height: 58- 62
Average Weight: 135 200 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Int, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Basarji and choice of two others
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Khinasi Education: Chose one of the following at character creation.
Magical Defense: Those that hail from Khinasi have grown up with magic being part of their lives. Because of this many people know how to defend themselves if attacked by a magic user. +1 defense bonus vs. arcane attacks.
Magical Aptitude: Wizards from Khinasi have an extensive amount of resources to become successful. You gain +1 to arcane attacks due to your education.
Mercantile Endeavors: The strong guild system and the day to day bargaining all Khinasi are exposed to allow you to haggle for the best price. You gain 10% discount to all items.
Skill Bonus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Arcana
Defense Bonus: +2 to Ref
RJURIK (ree-YOU-rik)
Notable foresters & independent warriors, A wild and hardy people with a deep reverence and respect for Cerilias wilds
Racial Traits
Average Height: 58- 64
Average Weight: 145 230 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Rjuven, Anuirean
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Rjurik Hardiness: Chose one of the following at character creation.
Survival Instinct: Your instincts have been honed living in the wilds of Rjurik. Once per Skill Challenge you may re-roll a failed Nature check. You also gain a +5 bonus to forage checks.
Greater Endurance: The wilds of Rjurik have increased your endurance. You can use your second wind twice in an encounter.
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Endurance
Defense Bonus: +2 to Fort
At home in the bitter cold of their homeland, Strong and warlike people with a rigid code of face and honor
Racial Traits
Average Height: 58- 64
Average Weight: 145 230 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +2 to other ability of your choice.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6
Vision: Normal
Languages: Vos, Goblin or Gnollish
Bonus At-Will Power: You know 1 extra At-Will power from your class.
Vos Hardiness: Chose one of the following at character creation.
Barbaric Rage: While you are bloodied, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls on melee attacks. Increase the extra damage to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.
Arctic Blood: You are from the frozen north of Vosgaard and it seems that your blood runs with ice. You gain resistance 2 to cold based damage.
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Intimidate
Defense Bonus: +2 to Fort
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