View Full Version : Halflings

03-19-2008, 08:57 PM
Do any "true" halfling areas akin to "The Shire" exist or are they merely living aside humans?

Are there any references to halfling bastions left within the Shadow World?

03-19-2008, 09:53 PM
The only halfling realm is in Brechtur next to Coulabbhie. It is called 'the burrows'. Halfling populations also live i human and elven lands. Bloodspawn notes that some halflings (generally serving the Lost) still live on the shadow world but doesn't go into detail.

03-20-2008, 02:32 PM
Right. But I meant on a smaller scale, say a province or city level rather than a full realm.

Has anyone added any homebrew versions to their campaigns?

03-20-2008, 07:00 PM
At 07:32 AM 3/20/2008, Lawgiver wrote:

>Right. But I meant on a smaller scale, say a province or city level
>rather than a full realm.
>Has anyone added any homebrew versions to their campaigns?

Outside of the Burrows, I wouldn`t include them at anything more than
a village or small town here and there. As a general rule they
shouldn`t exist in groups of more than a thousand or so. However, in
that context they could be all over the place and doing any number of
things. For instance, in the Gheallie Sidhe reference work I wrote
up a few weeks ago I propose a community of halflings living in Cwmb
Bheinn and "cooperating" with the GS. A halfling district of the
Imperial City has a certain charm. Any number of cities might have
their equivalent of insular, halfling communities that "integrate"
culturally but still manage to keep to themselves.


The Swordgaunt
03-20-2008, 11:54 PM
I used a hafing "ghetto" in the Imperial City at one point. It was called the Rookery, and I portrayed it as a feux-Victorian London city block with maze-like halls, crawl-ways, stairs and narrow alleys. I do not remember exactly what they were up to, but since I have an inherent distrust for halflings, I can guarantee it was no good.