View Full Version : A Shadow in the South

10-27-2007, 09:52 AM
I'm considering starting up a fairly small, low-key Birthright 3.5 game set on the Southern Coast. We have two players already.

The game is located at rpol.net, under the name [Birthright 3.5] A Shadow in the South. You will need to send a Request to Join once you have located the game (http://rpol.net/game.cgi?gi=27524&gn=%5BBirthright+3.5%5D+A+Southern+Shadow&date=1193500059).

11-21-2007, 03:02 PM
Hi all, I'm one of the players in this game (a replacement player actually), just wanted to add that the game needs 1 more regent to replace Roesone's player, since the current one had surgery and decided to take on a less time-consuming role as Hermedhie.

02-09-2008, 09:59 PM
We still have room for the MOC if anyone is still interested :)

02-10-2008, 02:35 PM
Just to hijack my friends thread this is all so a game by me and Thelandrin
it's in Brecht all the great bay i'm looking for about 6-10 player keeping it small cose game seem to last longer the smaller thay are.
I'm not kicking it off until me and Thelandrin are redy to rap up the southen coast. but iam now redy to open for players here the thread give me a bell if you like to play.


02-11-2008, 06:10 PM
I'm interested. I'll drop by the site.

02-12-2008, 03:13 PM
Just to hijack my friends thread this is all so a game by me and Thelandrin
it's in Brecht all the great bay i'm looking for about 6-10 player keeping it small cose game seem to last longer the smaller thay are.
I'm not kicking it off until me and Thelandrin are redy to rap up the southen coast. but iam now redy to open for players here the thread give me a bell if you like to play.


From what I've experienced and heard from others Brecht games tend to be difficult to run. Is this game going to focus on a specific region or will it span the whole of the Great Bay area? I definitely interested as I have only gotten to play Birhtright once in the Brecht sphere of influence.

02-13-2008, 01:19 PM
Went to the site and registered. PM'ed with a join request. Your game looks extremely fun!

05-08-2008, 04:35 PM
To infrom ever one the Shadow of the south game has now close.
The Haven's is now on the map for all those previous players who did regester please contact me before the 20th of May.
As after that i will be taken any new comers on my list it seem i will have some openings so any one interested drop us a line :)

05-08-2008, 05:01 PM
Here's the link to Getter's new game: http://rpol.net/game.cgi?gi=29208&gn=Birthright+3.5.Winds+of+the+Storms+Bay&date=1210265969

To everyone who played in my game, thanks a lot. It was a blast, albeit hard work!