View Full Version : Realm Magic - Keep or what?

Green Knight
03-12-2002, 07:50 PM
Realm magic is special to BR. I assume most would like to keep it in 3E as well, but some might not. Assuming it is retained, should it stay the way it was in 2E or should it take on another form?

Green Knight
03-12-2002, 07:55 PM
Much as I like BR and RM, I honestly think it sucks the way it was in 2E. With about 0 spells to chose from and half of them broken in addition to a strange level system. It caused me heartaches and headaches.

With 3E now out, why not change it a bit? It will still be Realm magic, but sooo much better ;)

A) Assign a spell level to realm spells.
B) Only casters who normally would be able to cast that spell level have access (why the xxx didn't they do this in the forst palce?).
C) Require a source/temple holding equal to spell level to cast realm spells.
D) Add in some other balancing stuff

03-13-2002, 06:09 AM
Hmmm. You can't somehow access the developer boards, can you? Some of that sounds awfully familiar.

Green Knight
03-13-2002, 06:14 AM
Sorry, but I'm somewhat new to the whole internet-thingy. Never spent much time on bords like this until a few months back. Sure uses up a lot of time ;) If I'm only repeating what others have said before, please point me in their general direction.

Arch-Sorcerer Gargamel
03-13-2002, 06:59 AM
Spell levels? Would that mean that you only get a certain amount of spells of a given level per time period? I believe the reason that spell-levels exist is to limit the frequency and variety of more powerful spells that can be cast to overcome problems. All Realm spells are limited to one a month, anyway, so they used caster and source levels to limit the users of realm spells and used regency and GB cost to limit the quantity of spells cast. Spell levels don't seem to be neccesary for this matter, but I could be wrong.

03-13-2002, 08:46 AM
Realm spells always had level requirements, in the form of caster and source level requirements. The problem with this is that it is hard to gauge what goes where, and thus produce a proper semblance of balance between realm spells, also making it hard to make new realm spells that were balanced with the existing ones.

Lord Eldred
03-14-2002, 01:32 AM
Realm spells is one thing that we have never had a problem with because the wizards don't want to take the time to cast them when other more pressing needs are occuring.