View Full Version : Scion levels...

12-26-2005, 08:00 AM
Hey all,

I was just curious, seeing that the Scion section in the Birthright 3.5 reads and feels a bit awkward, why can't that be switched over to the "next biggest thing to hit WotC since 3.0", racial substitution levels.

That way, it helps customize and personalize the character a bit more, seeing that they are substituting a life as a common (fighter/rogue/bard) for that of royality...

Just a thought.

12-28-2005, 01:58 AM
Racial substituion levels are substitution levels for a class that are race specific. In order to do what you are proposing you'd need to come up with a substitution method for each class available as well as for prestige classes since there is no requirement to take scion class levels at any certain time. The specific class levels would likewise have to be dtermined so that what the equivalent standard class benefits could be "substituted" for. Also non-bloods could theoretically become blooded at some level other than first due to ursupation.

Being a scion is not royalty (that is is what the noble class is about). There is no real tie to anything associated with nobility in the scion classes either. A character can be of noble birth even if not a scion - there are wealthy non-bloods throughout Cerilia and that is part of what the noble class is supposed to refelect.

01-05-2006, 08:06 PM
Yes, and when you look at the races that are broken down in your PrC list, these things can be used at "racial substitutions" instead... Two level PrC's are just not really with the flow of things normally for PrC's in general, that is what they came up with substitutions in the first place. But whatever, you guys do it your way and I will mod it when it gets put out

Magnus Argent
01-05-2006, 08:46 PM
Yes, and when you look at the races that are broken down in your PrC list, these things can be used at "racial substitutions" instead... Two level PrC's are just not really with the flow of things normally for PrC's in general, that is what they came up with substitutions in the first place. But whatever, you guys do it your way and I will mod it when it gets put out

If you look at the game mechanics involved in what you're talking about and the BRCS, what's the difference? I don't see any.

01-05-2006, 11:46 PM
Oh and scion classes are not prestige classes. They are classes that don't count towards multiclass penalties. Think of them more as LA adjusted racial/template levels - like what was done in Savage Species or the Savage Progression series at WotC.

To be a prestige class would require a 4-6th character in order to qualify.

And the scion class stuff, all of Chap 2 is pretty much "done" as is Chap 1 (the revised and "sanctioned" versions from the BRCS lateest version pinned thread on the BRCS discussion forum.

They will, of course, be subject to final tweaks to fit anything that gets changed and thus requires a retrofit - but the basic class stuff is pretty much set in stone, IMO.