View Full Version : Discussions on battle grid size

03-18-2005, 10:40 AM
Let's do some engaging here on what would be the best size for a battle grid square. Based on the results of the last poll and the choices presented the votes were all around the place.

Based on the discussion from the poll I'd recommend a 100 ft square battle square.

03-18-2005, 11:24 PM
Agreed; not only is it close to the 200-men unit equivalency, it also fits nicely with preexisting mechanics (like spell ranges).

03-19-2005, 04:51 AM
If the Stack/No Stack poll closes the way it looks now, there will be no stacking in the battlesytem. In which case 100' squares seem pretty optimal. They're so fitting in fact that I really don't think another poll is necessary. The last one on battle grid size was useful in part just to illustrate and discuss the dynamics and consequences of changing the size of grid squares on the battlefield.
