View Full Version : RE: (Was T&T6SD)Experience

John E. Raymond
04-18-1999, 09:41 AM
>>They have the villians lay off someone with a lot of wounds, when
>>natural selection dictacts to all by instinct to kill the wounded, the
>>weakest link in the chain, especialy if they are a contantly high damaging
>>fighter. No Mercy to the PCs : )

Ok...I suppose I have my opinion...to start with...most DM's don't follow
one of the major rules of combat...perhaps they don't know what it is...but
the first thing you do is make sure you take out the most powerful opponent
first...and then work your way down to the weakest...that way...when you are
at your strongest you are fighting their strongest...and as you get
weaker...you are fighting weaker opponents...however...once someone is
weakened...sometimes it makes more sense to change targets...depending on
perceived threat...

However...as for the Killer GM syndrome...think of it another way...how
would you feel about your favorite books, movies, Comics, and TV series if
the main characters (the "HEROES") died every week...or every episode or
every issue...and there were constantly new heroes...I don't know about
you...but I suspect that no one would enjoy them. In fact...one of the main
things people enjoy about them is seeing someone do something
outlandish...heroic...against all odds...and yet still coming out on
top...lets face it...if a killer GM was running The Star Wars Trilogy as a
game...the Rebellion would have been crushed...and the movies would have

On that note...and for that reason...players are heroes in my games...and do
survive against all odds (that of course assumes that they don't do
something stupid...but I'm not going to kill a character that had a good
plan...just because he fumbled a die roll...or the monster should have
gotten a critical...)