View Full Version : Adurian Empires #8 - Halwan

11-30-1996, 12:00 AM
> I think the implication was that the Silver Princess was also at Deismaar.
> I don't think it is impossible that an "Anti-Gorgon" so to speak exists.
> This ehrshegh is probably the "big one" on the side of good. I don't see a
> problem with it.

Yeah, I tend to agree (throwing my 2GBs into the ring). There's a
hell of a lot of big bad guys, the Gorgon being chief among them.
However, he's (despite his power and the threat he represents)
something of a peripheral character. You may meet his agents, or
plots of his agents - and even then it could be someone else
pretending to be agents of the Gorgon - but you're most unlikely to
ever meet him in the old furry-hindlegs sense of the word. Powerful
NPCs like that are built as patrons or threats, and, as long as they
don't show up in person too often without good reason, they're cool.

> I don't see a problem with one or 2 REALLY high level
> NPCs. The thing I didn't like about FR (not to bash on the FR setting) was
> that these high level NPCs were too commonplace and played too central a
> role.
There was a comment made by one of my gaming group during one of my
first sessions as a BR GM a year or so ago. They were in an inn,
questionning the bartender, without a great deal of success. One of
my players said "But, he's a bartender, why can't he help us? He
doesn't know anything [about an assassin they were looking for]". One
of the other players came out with a classic line:
"This isn't the Forgotten Realms, where every inkeeper is a retired
9th level fighter."

Excellent stuff.


"Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then
the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a
different universe."
"And now you kill the lambs," whispered Dardalion.
"No, priest. No one pays for lambs."
- David Gemmel, Waylander

11-11-1997, 05:26 AM
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Here is the latest of my Adurian Realms. Another three may also be done
by the end of the week.

- --
Ian Hoskins

e-Mail: hoss@box.net.au
ICQ: 2938300
Home Page: http://www.box.net.au/~hoss/birth.html

>From the Darkness we came,
and to the Darkness we will return.
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The Principality of Halwan

Alignment: Neutral Good
Status: NPC Realm

Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
Halwan (10/0) HCL (10) HTV (10) HCG (10) SP (0)
Golden Hills (8/0) HCL (8) HTV (8) HCG (8) SP (0)
The Moors (7/2) HCL (7) HTV (7) HCG (7) SP (2)
* Fortified holding

Abbreviations: HTL = Halwan Council of Leaders (various); HTV = Halwan
temple of Vorynn (Anna Storinius); HCG = Halwan Council of Guilds (Verne
Judicus); SP = The Silver Princess

Province/Holdings: Once long ago Halwan was part of Nehalim but for over a
thousand years it has been an independent nation ruled by the Silver

* Law: In Halwan the elected government, the Council of Leaders run the
law holdings.
* Temples: Only the Temple of Vorynn is allowed in this realm. Other
temples do not find much support among the people.
* Guilds: There are many guilds and merchant groups throughout Halwan
but their elected representatives are the Council of Guilds, currently
headed by Verne Judicus.
* Sources: The Silver Princess hold all the sources inside the
principality, and in many nations surrounding the tiny realm.

Regency Generated/Accumulated: 94/199

Treasury: The treasury is low at the moment as a lot of gold has been spent
developing the new Halwan airship. Despite this there is still 45 GB left,
and the realm generates an average of about 75 GB a turn, after taxes on
trade routes and income from the Gold Mines is added.

Army: Halwan has a small army, currently comprising only 3 units of Swords,
and 2 of Archers. Their navy however is very strong with 5 Catamaran's, 7
Trimarans, 5 Flyers, and 3 of the powerful airships, created by the
Princess herself.

Regent: The Erhshegh known as the Silver Princess (Ferh; W27; Vo, True, 94)
has ruled this realm for over a thousand years, ever since she led a
rebellion against the Nehalim rulers. For further information about her
please see her character sheet.
The Silver Princess is loved by her people and none would even think of
trying to remove her. She has little to do with the day to day activities
of her realm, instead allowing the people to elect a Council of Leaders
once every five years to take care of most matters. She prefers to continue
her magical research. After a thousand years she has discovered many
things, including the secrets of True and Realm magic and has become quite
powerful. The Princess is assisted in her research by other Halwan mages,
including descendants of hers. Long ago she had three children, who over
the years have had children of their own. After a thousand years many in
Halwan can claim to be related to the Princess, and although the bloodline
has become tainted over the years there are many blooded individuals in the
realm. Due to their relationship with the Principalities ruler, these
blooded individuals are often elected to power in Halwan.

Lieutenants: Lady Serene Judicus (FNe; G7; Vo, tainted, 3) runs the
Princess's silver and gold mines in the mountains in Golden Hills province.
These vast mines bring large amounts of money into the Principalities
coffers and Serene is always careful at her job. Her father Verne is the
current head of the Council of Guilds and a strong supporter of Serene and
the Princess.
The Council of Leaders are considered lieutenants of the Princess, although
they do change every five years. These elected leaders have the tough job
of running much of the realm. Unfortunately they often disagree on many
matter and these arguments can continue for several days. The head of the
Council, currently Unuien Kastius (MNe; T3; Vo, tainted, 5) is a strong old
many who has been a member of the Council for nearly forty years. He is a
descendant of the Princess, although only the faintest ties of blood still
link them.
Keri (FNe; W12; Vo, minor, 21) is the Princess current favourite
apprentice. She looks after the rest of Halwan's mages as part of her job,
and assists the Princess with spellcasting and research. Keri is also the
current head of the Council of Mages, appointed only recently to the
position. There are five other blooded apprentices currently living in the
palace, including Harkien Gorn (MAn; W7; An, major, 45) who has travelled
from Anuire to Halwan in search of a skilled teacher.

Important NPCs: Anna Storinius (FNe; Minor; 12) is the current high priest
of the Halwan Temple of Vorynn. She has only recently been appointed to the
position, and at only 35 is the youngest priest ever to hold the title of
High Priest in Halwan. The temples is the only religion permitted, or
worshipped in Halwan, although shrines to other gods have sprung of from
time to time. The other religions have never managed to find much support
in Halwan though and are usually shut down after a few month. Anna is
currently interested in expanding her temples into other lands, including
Nehalim to the south. So far she has not been that successful though.
Verne Judicus (MNe; G12; Vo, major, 56) is the head of the Council of
Merchants and Guilds. The council of guilds is elected much the same as the
council of leaders, except only merchants and shop owners can vote in the
elections. The Council of Guilds handles all trade into and out of Halwan
and owns a massive fleet of vessels for transporting goods to market in
Nehalim and beyond. Trade routes leave from all of Halwan's cities to the
ports to the Nehalim, including the massive city of Nehalim itself.
Jewellery, gold, and silver from the mines are the most common exports. The
leader of the guild is invested with the power of its bloodline when they
take office, and then divested with they leave. This means the guild
collects a large amount of regency, which they can use to expand their
influence into other realms.

Description/History: For many centuries this provinces of Halwan belonged
to the Rjurik peoples, and then after they were driven out or enslaved the
lands fell under the control of the Nehalim empires. With the two large
provinces holding one of the two passes into the northlands of Nehalim it
has always been an important part of the region. Over a thousand years ago
the Erhshegh now called the Silver Princess claimed the two provinces after
leading a small army over the mountains from Nehalim. With her magical
abilities she managed to hold off all attackers for the past thousand years
or so, and just recently signed agreements with Nehalim and Nordli to the
north to allow their caravans to travel through Halwan. Up until the
agreement was signed all traffic was forced to go through the dangerous
eastern pass, leading to many deaths each year.
In the years after the realm came under the control of the Silver Princess
it has flourished. Despite the conflict between Nehalim and Halwan the
population has expanded dramatically and now numbers more than two million
people. Most of these live in the city of Halwan itself, although many more
also live in the two province, usually as farmers or mine workers. For such
a massive population it has a small army and has relied on the reputation
of the magical abilities of its ruler to prevent most invasions.
The principality does not have the farmland available to support such a
large population so most grain is imported from the northern realms, and
fishing is also used as a source of food. Halwan has a very large fleet of
vessels based in the harbour, or in towns along the coast. Each day
hundreds of deep sea fishing vessels leave port to search for schools of
fish. These ships can occasionally stay at sea for several days filling
their holds. Other vessels travel along the coastline trading Halwan gold
for loads of grain and other foods. Timber is also scarce and in usually
imported from the principality of Aral where vast forests are planted for
With a wizard as their ruler magic plays and important part of the way of
life for Halwan. The realm has the largest population of True wizards
anywhere, with at least three hundred making their homes here. Many of
these could find a job in other lands, but prefer to stay in the city of
their birth. Magicians are also found here in large numbers and magic finds
its way into the lives of many of the people of Halwan. Magical items and
weapons are also a rich source of income for Halwan with many items being
sold to the nobles of Nehalim. Special orders are often sent from the south
for weapons for one of the Nehalim princes, and even the royal sword of the
Nehalim emperor was crafted here in Halwan. All wizards and magicians in
the city are part of the Council of Mages, which meets once every month to
talk about magical matters. The Silver Princess usually appoints the head
of this council, often one of her apprentices is appointed. In times of
trouble all mages and magicians are expected to aid Halwan with whatever
powers they have available.

Provinces: There are three province's that make up Halwan, including the
massive city of Halwan which supports a population of more than one million

* City of Halwan (10/0) Is the capital and the largest city north of the
imperial capital of Nehalim. It is a city built on the slopes of a
large hill on the coastline. At the base of the hill is the harbour,
and most of the Halwan's shops and guilds. On the plains surrounding
the hill are the homes of the more than a million people who live in
the city. These home stretch for many miles. They are generally three
to five story high building, similar to those in Aduria. Each home
usually supports ten to twenty families, with each living in an
apartment. Most of the richer merchants, wizards, and nobles live on
the slopes of the hill, with their importance or wealth ranked by
their distance from the summit. The summit itself is home to the
Silver palace and the halls of government. Paved roads are found
throughout Halwan city, and in much of the rest of the realm as well.
With the lack of good supplies of timber in Halwan mud brick or stone
are the most common building materials, with Marble and wood common in
the homes of the wealthy. It is something of a status symbol to have a
wooden floor in Halwan as only the rich can afford to import the
timber needed.
Throughout the city large areas of parkland and markets where the
people may meet and play. The streets are kept clean by workmen hired
by the Council of Leaders and even the poorest districts are clean and
well kept. Halwan is often seen as the centre of craftsmanship in
eastern Aduria, ranking with the Adurian city of Floresele in status.
The city is home to many Jewellers, Goldsmiths, and other craftsmen
and wares from Halwan are sold all along the east coast of Aduria,
even as far south as the city of Chorbrag.

* Golden Hills (8/0) This province is home to most of the farms and
mines of Halwan. The south of the province is mountainous as the Azure
peaks run through it to the coast. A recently re-opened road travels
along the coastline to Nehalim in the south. All of the usable land in
the province in turned over to farmland, and about a third of the food
needed to feed the city is farmed here. Halwan has some of the best
farmers in all of Aduria. The Golden Hills is also home to half the
Halwan military, which are used to protect the valuable silver and
gold mines in the mountains.

* The Moors (7/2) A flat featureless swamp is what is usually said to
describe this province. Much of the land is been left as a swamp.
Areas have been drained in south however and are now used for
farmland. Also along the coast are many fishing towns and villages.
Over a hundred thousand people live in this province, most of them
coastal fishermen or merchants. The Moor's fishing fleet ranges along
the coastline of eastern Aduria and out in to the water to the east in
search of fish.

Allies: Nehalim and the other east coast realms are all allies of Halwan.
With its powerful mages, and control over the seas and the best pass
through the mountain the other realms have learned to work with Halwan
rather than against it. In the past when there have been trouble Halwan has
closed its borders forcing merchants to travel through the dangerous
eastern pass through the mountains. This not only lengthens travel times by
at least a week but also result in many more deaths among the merchant

Enemies: Although the other nations may wish to take control of Halwan's
provinces, now wish to risk losing their troops to the spells of Halwan's
mages. Halwan is also not an aggressive nation and has not expanded beyond
the two initial provinces claimed by the Silver Princess.

By Ian Hoskins

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11-13-1997, 02:22 AM

> Ain't this country a bit strong???? a wizard of level 27???? Even the
> Gorgon ain't this powerful.

Yes it is rather strong, but it only consist to the two provinces and
the city and is surrounded on all sides by a massive empire. It needs to
be strong to survive. Besides this realm is in Aduria which has been
settled a lot longer that Cerilia so the population of the provinces
would be higher.

- --
Ian Hoskins

e-Mail: hoss@box.net.au
ICQ: 2938300
Home Page: http://www.box.net.au/~hoss/birth.html

From the Darkness we came,
and to the Darkness we will return.

Tripp Elliott
11-13-1997, 04:58 AM
Darkstar wrote:
> FRANKEN*RC wrote:
> > Ain't this country a bit strong???? a wizard of level 27???? Even the
> > Gorgon ain't this powerful.
> Yes it is rather strong, but it only consist to the two provinces and
> the city and is surrounded on all sides by a massive empire. It needs to
> be strong to survive. Besides this realm is in Aduria which has been
> settled a lot longer that Cerilia so the population of the provinces
> would be higher.

Did I read that right? A 27th level Wizard? That guy should be a god
in his own right in the BR Realm. BR is a very low-power world.

My overall impression of Birthright, is that a 7th Level Wizard is quite
the butt kicker on the block, let alone a guy 20 levels ahead of that.
I think you might want to consider toning him down a little.

Just my 2GB.


11-13-1997, 11:51 AM
On 13-Nov-97, Tripp Elliott (kmelliot@erols.com) wrote about Re: [BIRTHRIGHT]
- - Adurian Empires #8 - Halwan:
- ->Darkstar wrote:
- ->>
- ->> FRANKEN*RC wrote:
- ->>
- ->> > Ain't this country a bit strong???? a wizard of level 27???? Even the
- ->> > Gorgon ain't this powerful.
- ->>
- ->> Yes it is rather strong, but it only consist to the two provinces and
- ->> the city and is surrounded on all sides by a massive empire. It needs to
- ->> be strong to survive. Besides this realm is in Aduria which has been
- ->> settled a lot longer that Cerilia so the population of the provinces
- ->> would be higher.

- ->Did I read that right? A 27th level Wizard? That guy should be a god
- ->in his own right in the BR Realm. BR is a very low-power world.
- ->My overall impression of Birthright, is that a 7th Level Wizard is quite
- ->the butt kicker on the block, let alone a guy 20 levels ahead of that.
- ->I think you might want to consider toning him down a little.

I have to agree, level 27 is far to high for BR and it sound quite FRish. Even
Endier is surrounded by mighty emptires and Guilder Kalienhas over 5 times
lower level. Whitout adding 15 levels for all regents mentioned, that 27 will
always to be to much.

//Trizt of Ward^RITE


11-13-1997, 07:14 PM
BI>But Endier is surrounded by different empire and they are not likely to
BI>gang up on poor little Endier. Halwan is surrounded by one empire, and
BI>one as about half the size as all of Anuire.
BI>Also Guilder Kalien is not 1550 year old. You would learn a bit over
BI>that period of time I think. After all the Gorgon did. He is level
BI>F25/W16 and has only had the same period of time as the Silver Princess
BI>to learn his skills so 27th level is not too high.

Gorgon also fought at Deismaaar and has fought so many major
battles against other big NPC's we can't keep count. The Gorgon's
battles are legendary and as a result everyone is shooting for him.
This results in tons of xp and lots of levels.
Another being as powerful should be unlikely if not
impossible. Obtaining that kind of xp would be real tough.
Also, throwing in characters at 27th level doesn't have the
feel of Birthright. If you feel you need characters at that level, give
FR a try. You can add 27th level characters any day of the week and
twice on Sunday. As for BR anything over 20th level is approaching
divine status. (Gorgon isn't a god, but he is close.)

My 2 GB.

Robert Thomson

Bryon Switala/ Adurian D
11-13-1997, 09:59 PM
At 01:14 PM 11/13/97 -0600, you wrote:

Standing on Ian's side and deflect some of the stones. ;-)

> Gorgon also fought at Deismaaar and has fought so many major
>battles against other big NPC's we can't keep count. The Gorgon's
>battles are legendary and as a result everyone is shooting for him.
>This results in tons of xp and lots of levels.

From Ian's History of Halwa-The Silver Princess
Long ago she served in the Adurian army as a magician and was part of the
force sent to Deismaar from Aduria. She was close to the God Vorynn during
the destruction and absorbed much of his essence.

> Another being as powerful should be unlikely if not
>impossible. Obtaining that kind of xp would be real tough.
> Also, throwing in characters at 27th level doesn't have the
>feel of Birthright. If you feel you need characters at that level, give
>FR a try. You can add 27th level characters any day of the week and
>twice on Sunday. As for BR anything over 20th level is approaching
>divine status. (Gorgon isn't a god, but he is close.)

Can we please stop s**ting on the other settings of TSR's. I like playing in
all of them. I like all of AD&D and TSR, I don't think anyone of them is
bad. They each have things that I enjoy.

The Character Ian made is ment to be strong. I do believe that he wanted her
to be close to the Gorgon in strength. Whom I see as a much more powerful
character. As said many times before if you don't like something, then
don't allow it in your game.

In Ian 's interpretation of Aduria he has very few Blooded Scoins, but I my
game I allow more Blooded individuals. Yet, most are weak. This way my
players are happy and I stay close to Ian's intent.

>My 2 GB.

My 3GB

Bryon Switala
Birthright-The Adurian Empire (Ian's Creation-My Translation)

Birthright Destiny of Regents PBeM

Civil War On Line Emerald Coast Crier

Christopher Kira
11-13-1997, 10:30 PM
After all the Gorgon did. He is level
>BI>F25/W16 and has only had the same period of time as the Silver Princess
>BI>to learn his skills so 27th level is not too high.
> Gorgon also fought at Deismaaar and has fought so many major
>battles against other big NPC's we can't keep count. The Gorgon's
>battles are legendary and as a result everyone is shooting for him.
>This results in tons of xp and lots of levels.
> Another being as powerful should be unlikely if not
>impossible. Obtaining that kind of xp would be real tough.

I think the implication was that the Silver Princess was also at Deismaar.
I don't think it is impossible that an "Anti-Gorgon" so to speak exists.
This ehrshegh is probably the "big one" on the side of good. I don't see a
problem with it. I don't see a problem with one or 2 REALLY high level
NPCs. The thing I didn't like about FR (not to bash on the FR setting) was
that these high level NPCs were too commonplace and played too central a
role. They did things that made the players say "Why should I bother...
he/she will do all the important work" or "Why should I try... he's so
powerful, he can foil all my spells and still knit a sweater in the same
round." That's wrong. However, in BR, you aren't supposed to fight the
Gorgon (until REALLY late in the campaign). He's suppossed to be there...
always causing trouble, always a threat, but never actually directly
fighting the PCs. He is an instigator of other things. The Silver Princess
can also be such.

My only concern about beings as powerful as the SP is that the avatars of
the gods themselves are not that high. In my campaign, I adjusted them
slightly. In FR, it was far too commonplace to see these beasts of wizards
and priests doing what they wanted. If you keep the really high level
rulers to a limit, it can work out ok.

Once again, this is all IMHO.


Jan P. M. Arnoldus
11-14-1997, 06:36 PM
Darkstar wrote:

> Yes a 27th level wizard. Of course she is rather old, as old as the
> Gorgon in fact. Remember that the Gorgon is a 25th level fighter/16 th
> level wizard so someone who has had as long as he has to live would be
> fairly powerful. The wizard has to be the level she is otherwise here
> realm would not exist. Halwan is surrounded by a rather large empire
> with a very large army so it is the magical powers of its ruler that
> have kept it intact for so long.

What's the problem with a high level NPC, once in a while. It's nice to find a
high level goodaligned PC in Cerillia for a change.
I do have one point of criticism on the character as it stands:
The Bloodline strength is TRUE.
Now this shouldn't be possible, from the description of the character we learn
that she was just in the neighbourhood when Vorynn made his exit. Sorry Ian it
doesn't work this way, if you read the section about TRUE bloodlines it say
that these bloodlines have only one source: the chosen CHAMPION of the god. It
isn't enough to just be standing next to Vorynn when he says bye bye, she had
to have been his champion.
As I read the description of the character this wasn't the case so she should
have a GREAT bloodline.

BTW This may be the reason that some gods didn't spawn a TRUE bloodline, none
of their champions were left alive after Deismaar and the ascencion of the new
- --
Greetings Jan Arnoldus 080768ja@student.eur.nl
************************************************** *********************
Let the Prince of the Morning sing to the land that green things will
grow and the valleys give forth lambs. Let the arm of the Lord of the
Dawn shelter us form the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend us.
Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.
(CharaL Drianaan te Calamon, The Cycle of the Dragon)

Adam Theo
11-16-1997, 02:01 AM
hello, Adam Theo here,
ok, i havn't had much time to read the new realm, but my oint on the
SP: if she was around since Da Really Big Battle, then that allows for
a high level. not 27th in it's own right. i'd say 18th-20th. the
Gorgon is that high mainly b/c of him in so many big battles and fights
to get xp. he and his realm has been fighting and grinding away every
decade of the past 1500 years. that's along time. so that's why he's
so far beyond that 18th-20th range. so if this SP has also been
fighting for her right to live and the prosperity of her realm, then i'd
say a few levels higher is ok. say 23rd. the gorgon has also been
personally confronted so many times. personal battles with scions and
heros that are pretty darn powerful themselves. so that's for the
higher level. so if SP has had to face the same, then that could
explain alot. and one last thing: the Gorgon has puyshed himself every
step of the way. not once has he taken a rest-break from his work. not
once. that in itself would see to it that he is extreamly good at what
he does. he is speciallized in every weapon. and i say mastered to
different levels in a great many (from player's option). i say three
grand masteries. if the SP has done the same with her magic, and same
as everything else, then i say very possible for 27th.
but we come to the real important argument, the only one IMO that
matters. does it fit with the "feel"? if you say yes, then go for it!
if no (like myself), then take it down, or away completely. if i
implement this into my games (i probably will), i'm going to say she's
20th. same as Magian, who's darn awful as it is. but she will have
some non-level "goodies" that place her above the Magian and on good
ground (not equal) with the Gorgon.
until i read the realm, that is all i have to say. hope someone likes
my stuff.

adamtheo@usa.net Florida, USA
adamtheo@hotmail.com *Webmaster* want a website?
ICQ: 3617306 * page me at http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3617306
ichat: adamtheo
* a free-market libertarian confucionist social-darwinist

Destiny of Regents Birthright PBeM
* http://www.Geocities.com/TimesSquare/Realm/2315

11-17-1997, 10:30 AM
Why change anything? My suggestion is that he use that other guy's rules for
Scion-worship and have the Silver Princess rule all of Aebrynnis through her
fanatical hordes of priests, in much the same way as the now-defunct Dark Sun
world's Sorceror Kings did. She could then wipe out all the Awnsheilien, the
Evil Regents, and the Dark Lords of the Shadow World, leaving the world free
of menaces, and the need for adventurers.

11-17-1997, 02:35 PM
JLR881@aol.com wrote:
> Why change anything? My suggestion is that he use that other guy's rules for
> Scion-worship and have the Silver Princess rule all of Aebrynnis through her
> fanatical hordes of priests, in much the same way as the now-defunct Dark Sun
> world's Sorceror Kings did. She could then wipe out all the Awnsheilien, the
> Evil Regents, and the Dark Lords of the Shadow World, leaving the world free
> of menaces, and the need for adventurers.

Hmmmmmm, do you want a reply to this?

- --
Ian Hoskins

e-Mail: hoss@box.net.au
ICQ: 2938300
Home Page: http://www.box.net.au/~hoss/birth.html

From the Darkness we came,
and to the Darkness we will return.

James Ruhland
11-17-1997, 06:36 PM
> >
> > Why change anything? My suggestion is that he use that other guy's
rules for
> > Scion-worship and have the Silver Princess rule all of Aebrynnis
through her
> > fanatical hordes of priests, in much the same way as the now-defunct
Dark Sun
> > world's Sorceror Kings did. She could then wipe out all the
Awnsheilien, the
> > Evil Regents, and the Dark Lords of the Shadow World, leaving the world
> > of menaces, and the need for adventurers.
> Hmmmmmm, do you want a reply to this?
Well, he's getting one now. Darkstar hasn't described the S.P. as someone
wha galavants around, F.R. style, righting all the wrongs of the world and
making it safe for pipe smoking P.C.s Her realm is threatened by the most
powerful of the Adurian empires, and it is her strength which keeps it
free: she doesn't have time to leave it to make the world safe. Nor does
she have the power to singlehandedly overthrow Aduria (which no doubt has
it's own moderately high level NPCs--none a match for her one on one, but
able to keep her in check). I dk what dude is getting all worked up over,
though; It's not like the S.P. is a "official" persona that will apear in
novels (where most of the damage, IMO, gets done to gameworlds). If you
don't like her, don't use her, or lower her level.

11-18-1997, 12:12 PM
In a message dated 97-11-18 04:18:18 EST, you write:

Well, he's getting one now. Darkstar hasn't described the S.P. as someone
wha galavants around, F.R. style, righting all the wrongs of the world and
making it safe for pipe smoking P.C.s Her realm is threatened by the most
powerful of the Adurian empires, and it is her strength which keeps it
free: she doesn't have time to leave it to make the world safe. Nor does
she have the power to singlehandedly overthrow Aduria (which no doubt has
it's own moderately high level NPCs--none a match for her one on one, but
able to keep her in check). I dk what dude is getting all worked up over,
though; It's not like the S.P. is a "official" persona that will apear in
novels (where most of the damage, IMO, gets done to gameworlds). If you
don't like her, don't use her, or lower her level.
i just e-mailed you my response, but evidently not in time for yours. I
didn't think that personas that appear in novels are necessarily "official".
They invariably tend to be game-breakers (Dry-Zit the dark elf) and no
matter who or what they fight, they find a way to win. While i agree with
your previous, these NPC's don't do any damage until an inexperienced DM lets
them into his/her campaign. Thank you for your timely response.