View Full Version : Domain Compilation Was: BR New

John Rickards
11-30-1996, 12:00 AM
> As for only doing it on CD: I don't like that idea. When I'm 'gaming' I
> prefer having real books, and not only printouts. I like the general idea of
> CDs, but I want the sourcebooks in paper. If you're sitting there you
> suddenly realize you want to look something up that you didn't think about
> when printed out the pages. (Obviously, this won't happen if you print out
> the whole source books, but then what is the purpose of a CD?)

Speaking for myself, I could do without having to print out any
information I wanted from a CD. It would, in all probabililty, work
out cheaper than buying a load of books, but printing things is
problematic at the best of times as far as I, and I would guess, a
lot of other GMs and players, go. Personally, I'd stick with books.
Or do the CD as an option.

My 2GBs.

John Rickards

"He who is looking for something has lost something."
"And he who is not looking?"
"He gets run over."

PS. Dan. Hahahahaha.

Daniel Gothe
10-06-1997, 08:06 PM
>>Not a bad idea. It might be possible to release a group of sourcebooks
>>(maybe some old and even some new) in the future, rather than just single
>>domain packs.
>I think a book describing each region (Northern, Western, Southern, Eastern
>etc) would be good.

Hmmm.. Wouldn't a book describing each part of Cerilia (Anuire, Brechtur,
Khinasi, Rjurik, Vosgaard and one for 'odd' domains like Turhaivel and
Baruk-Azhik etc) be a little better. At least I think it would make more
sense than the above mentioned. I don't know if this is what you meant, but
it sounds awkward to do it that way when Cerilia is already 'divided' into

I realize that Anuire and Khinasi are best covered when it comes, and that
Rjurik only has two and Brechtur, Vosgaard none(except Muden Online).
However, I would still prefer to have them divided into the countries.

One could include Anuire and Brechtur(including new domains) and one
Khinasi + all the others. Or at least something like that. Then there could
be one for all the 'odd' kingdoms, ruled by Elves and Dwarves. Maybe even an
NPC domain compilation.

As for only doing it on CD: I don't like that idea. When I'm 'gaming' I
prefer having real books, and not only printouts. I like the general idea of
CDs, but I want the sourcebooks in paper. If you're sitting there you
suddenly realize you want to look something up that you didn't think about
when printed out the pages. (Obviously, this won't happen if you print out
the whole source books, but then what is the purpose of a CD?)

Anyway, just my 2 cents...

Daniel, Sweden

As you can see above, I am from Sweden. My local Game Store has had a TSR
order waiting for three months now. They have sent their order, but haven't
recieved anything yet. They are probably the 'biggest' roleplaying/strategy
game store in Scandinavia, and usually have EVERYTHING in stock. But now
they hardly have the core rules of ADD (DMG, PHB).
First they thought it was the merger between TSR and WOTC that caused the
delay, but now everything seems to be coming out according to schedule
again, but we're not getting anything here..
Does anyone other than those of you in North America been able to buy any
'new' stuff like King of the Giantdowns? Or is the problem 'local'?

Hmmm... BIIG P.S. there...

Daniel Gothe

"Computer programmers do it byte by byte."

Neil Barnes
10-07-1997, 09:10 AM
Daniel wrote:
> As for only doing it on CD: I don't like that idea. When I'm 'gaming' I
> prefer having real books, and not only printouts. I like the general idea of
> CDs, but I want the sourcebooks in paper.

Also like boxed sets, you can't hit a recalcitrant player with a CD - only
throw it, and it's far too likely to be damaged if you do that.

> Does anyone other than those of you in North America been able to buy any
> 'new' stuff like King of the Giantdowns? Or is the problem 'local'?

I've not seen any of the new stuff, but I've been too broke to go shopping
recently :P
