View Full Version : Wiki TABLE made easy! (plus TABLE tutorial!)

11-06-2011, 02:13 PM
I have created a class for wiki table, that is uniform and uses the forum styles with some little adjustments.

the class is calles: wikitable

with this class there is NO NEED to put a class on a row, tableheader, caption etc.
there is NO NEED for the align=top anymore.
EVEN/ODD rows are calculated automatically so NO NEED to put even/odd row classes anymore

simply use:

[table] class="wikitable"

and the code formats the rest

I also noticed that it is often unclear how to make a table (or make use of all the possible features)

html tables have certain tags you can use, but ofter are forgotten.

the tags i mean are: TH (tableheader) and CAPTION (caption for the table)

the BB-code for caption is:
|+ Text of table caption

the BB-code for TH is the ! infron of a cell (instead of | which you would normally use)

! This is a table header (TH)
| This is a normal cell (TD)

take a look at Timeline_of_Cerilia to see everything in action!

ALSO: the standard value of a TABLE WIDTH is set to 50%
if you like to overwrite that replace it with a Style ie

[table] class="wikitable" style="width:100%"

have fun!

11-17-2015, 01:14 PM
Anyone have any idea what other variables can be used with this and possibly a place to view the code? I know you can set the background color, text formating, etc. Was curious if there was anything else.

10-10-2017, 12:56 AM
Anyone have any idea what other variables can be used with this and possibly a place to view the code? I know you can set the background color, text formating, etc. Was curious if there was anything else.
