View Full Version : The Nightowl

11-26-2003, 01:37 AM
Here's another new ershegh write up. I'm going to break it up into several posts so as to not run into any problems with the maximum lines for the listserver.

This description also includes some possibilities regarding the question asked a few weeks ago regarding the Aebrynian constellations that could be used for the zodiac. Not all of the celestial objects described below might fit into the zodiac itself, but they seem apt for the night sky of Aebrynis and might be part of a larger, more comprehensive BR star chart.

This character fits into the existing campaign material without much, if any, modification necessary, and can be used to provide adventure hooks for campaigns in Southern Anuire. Along those lines, the description gives some hints at a whole level of campaigning that is often ignored in BR: espionage and counterespionage.

Last, the Sisters of Sleep described below could be an assassin/shadowdancer type prestige class, while the Sisters of the Nine Visions might have levels in Divine Oracle (or similar) class.


11-26-2003, 02:32 AM
Background/History, Part 1

Report by Logren Eastark, Gessarin College

Master Rall,

As I am sure you are aware this has been a very difficult task, but I had

no idea how perilous it would prove to be. I knew it would be difficult

for the ershegh that I was assigned to interview is one of the most

secretive of all those transformed by the blood of the gods. It has been

over a year since I arrived in Medoere pursuing an interview with this

elusive creature. It was not long before I realized my efforts were being

actively frustrated by agents of Medoere. As an embodiment of one of the

most cherished symbols of that temple I had believed that their efforts

were simply them feeling protective over a living representation of their

faith. I understand, at first, the seriousness of their efforts. It was

not until recently that I learned the Medoereans were protecting what has

become an important state asset. I am ashamed to admit I had to learn this

from a representative of the so-called Sisterhood of Sleep, the group

responsible for performing what would be called espionage in a more secular

realm. As I was returning to my room at the Pale Horse Inn after a rare

night of leisure I felt a hand fall softly upon my shoulder. Before I

could turn I felt the edge of a blade at my throat, and a whispered voice

asked me what my interest was in the Nightowl.

I had left a recent copy of Chardna`s Astronomical Survey at the Shrine of

Night in Alamier in hopes that it might tempt the Nightowl to meet me. The

ershegh has become a sort of patron saint there. He has appeared to

worshippers at that shrine from time to time and given advice to the

faithful. Though the accounts of his appearance have been somewhat

sketchy--one acolyte described a creature whose vast wings blotted out the

sky--it is agreed that actual visitations have taken place, and it is said

that his powers as an oracle are significant. As a creature of the night,

I thought a treatise on the stars might be of interest to him. I had no

idea how right that supposition was at the time, nor did I know how much

danger that gift would put me into.

The Sisterhood, of course, does not officially exist, but the rumors of

their activities are nearly as rampant as they are ominous. Deaths or

disappearances in the night are often attributed to their activities. Some

say that they are the remnants of one of the more militant sects of

Ruornil`s worship from the period of Medoere`s separation from Diemed, and

that the sisters themselves are the veterans of that rebellion. They were

scouts and saboteurs who fought a war of assassination against the forces

of Diemed with fanatical zeal, and it is to their efforts that the success

of Medoere`s much smaller, ill-trained and ill-equipped army is sometimes

attributed. Another, more reasonable explanation is that they are the

inner circle of Medoere`s Sisters of the Nine Visions in Caerwil, organized

in response to the machinations of Diemed`s spy network.

Regardless of their origins, I had never given much credence to the

stories--they always smacked of old wives` tales--but after the events of

the past several days I am convinced that should one question the ghosts of

certain agents of baron Diem who have died mysteriously both in Medoere and

in Diemed proper I am confident they would confirm many of the tales.

With as much confidence as I could muster I assured the Sisters`

representative that I only wished to speak to the ershegh in order to learn

about his life for the edification of myself and my college. I was told

that my inquiries could lead to a swift and silent end on my part. I was

to desist immediately. Only the blade at my throat prevented me from

nodding vigorously.

To my surprise, however, a note was slipped under the barred door of my

room at the Pale Horse Inn that requested I appear the bell tower of the

Shrine of Night at midnight to meet the Nightowl himself. The interview,

the note informed me, was under the condition of complete secrecy, and

implied that any information gathered was to be kept in the strictest

confidence for the safety of all concerned. I urge, therefore, that this

report be placed amongst the sealed documents of the College that I might

continue to serve the College`s higher purpose for many years to come, and

I might add so that your own safety, my Master, might not be compromised.

The note further instructed me not to speak unless questioned, for the

Nightowl is shy of strangers. I could bring no light, nor was I to strike

one during the interview. I was to prepare my questions in advance and

leave them in the offering box at the shrine by noon. The ershegh would

answer the questions or not as he saw fit. Anything I did to harm or

otherwise upset him during the interview would be met with "dire

consequences." I made a list of questions that would provide the

information that we seek on each of the creatures we interview, and left it

at the temple as I was instructed. I did not, however, have any control

over whether the Nightowl would answer those questions, but as is clear

from my recording of his words below he addressed most of them. I submit

this report in the hopes that it will shed some light upon a creature for

whom we have as of yet only seen in the shadows.

I arrived early for the interview and climbed the campanile. It was a

moonless night, and the stars gleamed down into the belfry brightly enough

for me to notice that there were no bells, nor any ropes to ring them had

they been in place. The floor was strewn with twigs and hay, enough to

make a passable aerie of the tower. Here and there bones littered for floor.

There was a soft whispering sound and a shadow lit upon the open sill of

the belfry. It was an owl. A rather large one. I could see its outline

and the gleam of its eyes in the dark but little else. It looked me over

carefully and without fear. It seemed to scan the interior of the belfry

itself before it settled into a corner. I had suppress a nervous giggle at

my own foolishness. I had thought for a moment that this common bird was

the ershegh. A moment later the Nightowl himself lit upon the

ledge. After the appearance of the common owl, the Nightowl`s size was a

shock even though he was the height of a man. He moved with no more sound

than had the owl that heralded his arrival.

"Greetings," the bird-man said. His voice was soft and mellifluous. I

bowed slightly in response, my dry throat making it easy to keep to my

strict instruction not to speak.


11-26-2003, 02:32 AM
Background/History, Part 2

"I prevailed upon the Sisters to arrange this meeting. Though they have

their reasons for secrecy, they are sometimes too zealous in protecting me

from outsiders. The book was a most kind gift, and I have enjoyed it more

than you can as of yet understand. I will tell you now the story of my

transformation, not for your edification, but because the stars themselves

have bid me to, and their words cannot be denied."

"My family and I were on a boat crossing the Suidemiere when my powers

began to coalesce. I was sixteen. I had always had difficulty sleeping

through the night as a youth. The rocking of the ship and crowded

conditions on board did not help my sleeplessness. I decided to go up on

deck to look at the stars as was my custom on my many wakeful

nights. Moving quietly so as not to waken the crew or any of the other

passengers, I made my way out onto the deck and groped towards the

railing. It was a moonless night, cool and crisp. I had no fear of the

darkness. I had always felt more comfortable in the night than in the day,

but this night felt more welcoming than any other had in the past. I had

never before truly seen the beauty of the night. With my hand upon the

slick wood of the rail I turned my gaze up to the skies, looking for the

familiar constellations that have fascinated me since I was a small child."

"As I stood staring at the figures that had always been my childhood

companions I began to sense a change in my perception of them. In a matter

of moments, the night came alive before my eyes, and I saw the stars as if

for the first time. The countless points of light that form the Great

Spiral danced before me, and I could see the shimmering spear of the

Huntress come alive as if she were plunging it in for the death blow on the

Golden Hart she chases every night. To my right upon the horizon was the

Unicorn, whiter and more beautiful than I had ever seen it before, and as I

stared at the glowing lights of the Ruornil`s Silver Citadel I found to my

amazement that the light of the stars seemed to blaze away the darkness

until the night became as day. The black of night faded to cobalt which in

turn became a dark purple then a gentle violet and finally through a myriad

of warmer shades until I could see as clearly as if it were noon on a clear


"Out there on the water I felt small, innocent and alone, but I was not

lonely for I was wrapped up in the night like a swaddled babe. I longed to

leap from the boat and join the stars in their nightly cotillion across the

sky. Filled with rapture, I stretched out my arms in homage to the beauty

before me, and I felt the power of my birthright. I felt it in the pulse

of my heart and in the blood that it pumped through my body. It set my

sinews and my bones to vibrating. I could sense the world about me in more

detail than I had ever known, and just as I was now able to sense the true

nature of the world around me I began to feel the truth of the world within

me as well. I knew I was no longer a boy, no longer a human. I was

something more."

"It was like a rapturous dream come to life. The kind of dream in which

your fancy takes flight and you begin to know the true meaning of

things. And in the way of dreams I knew that I had discovered my truth and

my destiny. I longed for it like I had never longed for anything

before. The pain of death can be only a tiny fraction of the sensations I

felt as I came for the first time to truly know life. How perfect it

was. By the gods, how weak and feeble are these words I use to express the

perfection of the night.... I know now that before I gained my powers I

was like a blind man locked away in some oubliette. Sad, pitiable and

ignorant. Now I have all the wonders of the night as my companion and it

is in the time most people consider the darkest and most forbidding that I

am most alive."

"The sky called to me and I answered. I felt myself changing. My body was

lighter, the air thicker. I was filled with the knowledge that I could

pull myself up and away from the earth more easily than a child might climb

a tree. I did not resist the urge to do just that, and as I rose into the

air I felt a freedom greater than any earthbound creature can know. The

ship grew small behind me. I left my family and my humanity on that ship

but I felt no sense of loss. I knew only the exhilaration of the

night. It called to me as it calls to me even now...."

The Nightowl seemed to swoon a bit, but he recovered. He looked out at the

night sky and as he continued he continued to peer at the stars.

"It was within weeks of first knowing the adoration of the night that I

began to hear the voices of the stars. It began as a whispering, but soon

the murmuring of the sky became voices that I could hear as plainly as any

other. Can you see the constellation there? That is the Nesirie`s

Trident. In times past it was called Masela`s Trident just as the

constellation Haelyn was once Father Anduiras. You see the three stars

that form the tines of the Trident, yes? I see them as well, but I also

see the Trident itself, and I hear its voice. `A storm,` it says. `A

storm is coming....`"

"That constellation is there... the circle of stars with blackness between

them. That is the Well of Spirits. Some elves believe it is where their

souls go when they die. The goblins call it the Eye of Death. Whatever

its name, it whispers to me the names of those who have died.... `Sir Karl

Wohlson of Danigau,` it says.... `Hruthgar of the Jarnkasspel....` An

endless litany of the dead."

"The planets have voices too. The red one that men call Cuiraecen`s

Keep. `War,` it says. `There will be war.` It speaks to me of the

defenses of Baruk-Azhik and how the orogs have bred giant lizards and

constructed engines of war to besiege them. That blue planet there is

Masala`s Tear. It tells me of the lost lands of the Masetians, and what

secrets lie in their ruins. There are more lights in the sky unseen by

men, but I can see them. I trace their paths through the sky as diligently

as they observe us, and I can tell you true that they foretell the future

as surely as I can read the tome you gave me. One spoke to me yesternight

and bade me tell you the story of my life, so I have come here and I have

told you my tale. I know not what fate the stars have seen in this,

Gessarin. I know only that they see all and know all. I am but the

servant of the sky. Their voices... call to me.... I am... a slave... to

the... stars...."

With that the Nightowl seemed to let out a soft but heartfelt groan, as if

he were in the embrace of a lover. There was a soft, susurration as his

wings caught the air and he was gone. The owl that had preceded him into

the belfry followed silently after him now. I tried to see in what

directly he had flown, but it was useless. His flight was as silent as a

tomb, and the night swallowed him up.

A hand fell upon my shoulder, startling me. There were three figures

standing behind me. Had they been there all along? They were heavily

cloaked, and what little flesh I could see was blackened by some cosmetic.

"You`ve had your interview," the one nearest me said. From the voice I

could tell it was a woman. When she spoke I could see in the gloom that

even her teeth were blackened. "Now go." She pointed towards the trapdoor

with a hand that held a long, curved dagger. The blade, not surprisingly,

was blackened. How long had it been pointed at my back?

I did have to be told to leave a second time.

11-26-2003, 02:32 AM
Character Description

Tariq el-Diz was lost at sea the night he vanished from the ship that bore

him and his family from Ariya to the Imperial City. Or so his family still

believes after his disappearance. A creature in love with night and the

stars, the Nightowl has felt little need to inform them that he is still

alive. He left that life behind and has no intention of returning to

it. His family would no longer recognize him if he did contact them, for

his transformation in the years since has been rapid and

significant. Tariq is more owl than man now, and not merely in a physical

sense. His behavior has grown more bird-like in recent years, and he cares

little for the circumstances of his former life.

The Nightowl was a short and somewhat stocky young man before his

transformation began to take effect. His body has become even fuller in

recent years. Covered in dark grey feathers from the tufts that point

ear-like up at the corners of his head to his taloned feet, he has the

characteristic square-bodied shape of his namesake. His feet and ankles

have transformed into talons, which he can use to shred the animals that

are now his only sustenance. The most significant remnant of the

Nightowl`s humanity is in his face, and even that has been dramatically

changed. A beak has replaced his nose and lips, but his face is not

feathered and his skin remains human and expressive. The irises and pupils

of his eyes have grown larger and sensitive to light.

After several months of wandering the Nightowl made his way to Medoere, and

there he resides to this day under the protection of Ruornil`s Celestial

Spell. Many Medoereans revere him as an embodiment of Ruornil`s earthly

power. In truth, the Moon God is the deity for whom the Nightowl has the

greatest respect, but he prefers to the company of his owls to the faithful

of Ruornil. He acts as an agent of Suris Enlien out of a sense of mutual

cooperation, because he has found a home in her demesne, and due to their

mutual respect for the god of the night, but he cherishes his privacy and

nightly studies, and will chafe if they are compromised overmuch. His

prognostic powers are considered vital to the state, so the Sisters of

Sleep have developed procedures for dealing with him that ensure his

cooperation and well-being, and this procedures are strictly obeyed. The

Nightowl, however, often has his own ideas regarding the use of his powers

and his movements--or he takes commands from the unknowable stars, making

his behavior unpredictable. Though the Sisters have gained much valuable

information by consulting him, they have also learned not to attempt to

manipulate or otherwise "handle" the ershegh. Such attempts often

backfire, for he knows of them before they occur.

The Nightowl

Medium Ershegh

Hit Dice: 8d8+7 (47 hp)

Initiative: +2 (dex)

Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)

AC: 17 (+3 dex, +2 natural, +2 dodge) touch 13, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+4

Attack: claw +10 melee (1d6-1)

Full Attack: 2 claws +10 melee (1d6-1)

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Qualities: Low-light vision, extra light sensitivity, animal

affinity, enhanced sense

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10

Skills: Knowledge, Astronomy +16, Listen +13, Move Silently +14, Spot +13

Feats: Skill Emphasis (Astronomy), Weapon Finesse (claws), Weapon Focus


Environment: Temperate forests

Organization: Solitary or flock

Challenge Rating: 9

Treasure: Standard (see below)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Advancement: By character class

Bloodline: Reynir, major, 38. Blood Trait (major), Animal Affinity

(??), Enhanced Sense-Reynir(Major)

Bloodline in BP Style: Re(8/38) BTrt(3) AnAf(4) EnSns(4/2/1)

The Nightowl appears to be a hybrid man and owl. He eschews clothing

but wears a silver necklace with the device of Ruornil upon it, a gift from

the High Priestess of Medoere, that has the power to protect him from

magical detection or mind reading (treat as a ring of Mind Shielding.) It

is believed he has access to additional equipment and revenue from the

coffers of Ruornil`s Celestial Spell for the asking.

The Nightowl`s arms have completely transformed into wings. He may not

wield nor carry items with them, wear rings or gloves, or use them to

operate any mechanical item that requires more than a push. His feet,

however, have become more articulated and though they do not have the

utility of hands he can use them to grasp items while in flight.

The Nightowl prefers to attack his prey by swooping down upon it in the

night. If caught by surprise in daytime or confronted by bright lights he

will flee.

Nightvision (Ex): The Nightowl can see in conditions of night or

darkness as well as if it were daylight.

Extra Light Sensitivity (Ex): In conditions of bright light the Nightowl

suffers a -3 penalty to attack rolls.

Animal Affinity (Su): The Nightowl gets a +2 bonus on any activity

having to do with interacting with an owl. He has the equivalent of

_Animal Friendship_, affecting up to 16HD of owls. He has empathic

communication with them if they are within 60` and he may speak to them as

if using _Speak with Animals_. (The Nightowl generally is in the company

of 2-5 owls with 2HD. He uses these owls as spies and scouts.)

Enhanced Sense (Su): The Nightowl`s ability to tell the future gives him

the following benefits. Once per night he may reroll any attack roll,

skill check or saving throw. He gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC. He may use

_Augury_ and _Divination_ twice per night.

11-26-2003, 02:32 AM
Notes and References

1. The Sisterhood of Sleep is an invention, but the Sisters of the Nine

Visions are mentioned in the PSoMedoere p17-18. Unfortunately, that text

tells us very little about them. "Abbey dedicated to a sect of priestesses

of Ruornil who seek omens, portents, and wisdom from the Moon God"

(17). Their abbey also is located in the same woods that contains the

Passage Tree (18) which appears to be a one-way gate into the Shadow World,

giving us some indication of what they may be attempting to scry, divine or

otherwise envision.

2. I don`t give too many details regarding the Sisterhood of Sleep but I

picture them as a sort of espionage/assassination group with all the

fanaticism of the Assassin cult. Their existence may or may not have had

anything to do with Medoere`s independence, but they can be attributed with

much of the continuing independence of that nation. They are under the

auspices of the abbess of the Sisters of the Nine Visions as a subgroup of

that larger, more temporal order. They garner their information in a more

earthly fashion than the spells and meditations that the rest of the

sisterhood engage in nightly. As described, the existence of the Sleep

Sisters is not acknowledged publicly by the government of Medoere, by the

RCS temple hierarchy or by the Sisters of the Nine Visions, but they are

nonetheless employed by them to keep track of and counter the actions of

Diemed`s spies. They also to keep track of other regents that compete with

Medoere like Enlien and even the Spider. If one uses alternate domain

rules, they might represent a secret Law(0) holding in Caerwil under the

control of Suruis Enlien, or one might reduce the Law(2) holding of Guilder

Kalien in that province and give Medoere a Law(1). Alternatively, one

could make one or both of the levels of the RCS temple(2) holding in that

province a specialty holding that has the effect of countering espionage

actions, allowing a free espionage action or otherwise opposing the effects

of the "foreign" law and guild holdings in that province.

3. Here`s a list of the constellations mentioned in the background of the

Nightowl and the real world constellations they were inspired by, are

(loosely) analogous to, or might simply occupy a similar location in the

sky. The names of the gods are in parenthesis because they would have had

different names before Deismaar, and because the names differ by

culture. Also, in one case (Well of spirits/Eye of Death) the

constellation itself has a different name in human and goblin cultures

respectively. In the way of fantasy fiction the constellations will have

the same thematic purpose across cultures, but in a few cases it seems

likely that they would have different names.


(Ruornil`s) Citadel -- Libra

(Haelyn/Father Anduiras) -- Leo

Golden Hart -- Sagittarius

The Huntress -- Virgo

(Masala`s/Neserie`s) Trident -- Orion

Unicorn -- Little Dipper (tip of horn is Aebrynis` pole star.)

Well of Spirits/Eye of Death -- Auriga (a ring of stars with no visible

stars inside them.)


Great Spiral -- I picture this one being a somewhat improbably close

spiral galaxy.

(Cuiraecen`s) Keep -- Mars (could be called "Warrior`s Keep" in old texts.)

(Masala`s) Tear -- Neptune

4. Anyone who is an Arthur C. Clarke fan will recognize the name "Chardna"

for the fictional astronomical tome as being based on Clarke`s Dr. Chandra

who is, in turn, a reference to Professor of Astronomy Subrahmanyan

"Chandra" Chandrasekhar.

Eosin the Red
11-29-2003, 10:14 AM
Another very nice little fella. I like the Sisters of Sleep and the additional detail on the Nine Sisters.

Great job.

12-01-2003, 08:28 AM
At 05:04 PM 11/28/2003 -0500, Eosin the Red wrote:

>Another very nice little fella. I like the Sisters of Sleep and the

>additional detail on the Nine Sisters.


>Great job.

Thanks. Here are some "Rumours and Adventure Hooks" for the Nightowl:

Sleepless in Cerilia

There will be an attempt upon the life of Suris Enlien. The party is

approached by one of the Sleep Sisters who needs their help. As the closet

thing to the realm`s counter espionage agency the Sisterhood is normally

charged with the protection of Medoere`s leaders and important figures from

assassination, however, this time the Sisterhood cannot be involved for the

Nightowl has foreseen that the assassin is one of the Sisters. The

Nightowl has contacted the party (an owl has appeared in their midst with a

note tied to its leg) asking for a meeting.

The Prophecy of Peace

A low intensity conflict has been going on between Medoere and Diemed since

the time of Medoere`s separation from that country. Baron Diem is making

overtures of peace, but he has made such promises in the past, and rewarded

any response with treachery. This time, however, the Nightowl has

predicted that he does not intend to betray any negotiators sent to arrange

an armistice. Nonetheless, the government of Medoere is cautious. In this

case, the Nightowl`s predictions are quite correct. Baron Diem intends to

keep his word. The agents of Endier and/or Ghoere, however, do not want to

see peace between the realms of Diemed and Medoere, and they are willing to

frame either of those nations in order to keep them at odds. Sabotage,

poisonings, forged missives and outright murders may be committed in order

to prevent peace.

The Absent Oracle

The Nightowl is gone. The ershegh has never really been under the control

of the government of Medoere, but despite that fact they have come to rely

upon his nightly prophecies for much of their knowledge of the politics of

Cerilia. The creature will often elude his guards (an easy task for him

given his ability to fly and his prognostic power) to engage in some

activity inspired by the stars, but he has never been gone for more than a

few days. This time he has been missing for over a month, and his

whereabouts appear to be beyond the powers of even the Sisterhood of the

Nine Visions. In fact, things are more desperate than the Sisters know,

for the Nightowl has left Cerilia entirely. Inspired by the stars, the

Nightowl has entered the Shadow World via the one-way gate that the ??

tree. Now he is lost in that dimension and must be

retrieved. Unfortunately, the Sisters have no way of returning from the

Shadow World after entering it via the ???. They must enlist the aid of

the adventuring party to help them explore that world, retrieve their

oracle and safely return him to the world of light.

Good Knight Folks

The existence of the Sword of Enlien has long foretold the coming of a hero

of Medoere who would wield the powers of a paladin to fight for Medoere and

do battle with the forces of the Shadow World. A band of refugees has

arrived in Medoere and their leader has come forth to claim his

destiny. One would think the people of Medoere would be happy to embrace

their champion, but he is not at all what anyone expected. These new

arrives are halfling escapees from the Shadow World. Dale "Digger" Degbert

has claimed the sword as his birthright, and after investigating the matter

in the Shadow World himself, the Nightowl has endorsed his claim.


12-09-2003, 01:07 PM
Here`s a brief prestige class write up for the Sisters of Sleep. The

special class abilities are all written up in the DMG (most of them under

the Assassin prestige class) so I won`t recreate them.



The Sisterhood of Sleep is a subsect of the Sisters of the Nine Visions,

an order dedicated to divining the future and gathering information in

Medoere. While the Sisters of the Nine Visions emphasize reflection, study

and divination for their efforts, the Sisters of Sleep gather information

through more temporal and illicit means. The Sisters of Sleep were

organized in response to the predations of Baron Diem`s spy network and the

infiltration of Enlien`s intelligence network in Medoere. Fanatically

loyal to the cause of their temple and Medoere itself, the sisters operate

mostly within their home territory, but occasionally enter nearby realms in

order to spy, assassinate or perform other clandestine activities upon

their neighbors. In recent years, Sleep Sisters have ranged across Cerilia

gathering information at the behest of their parent organization or the

leadership of Medoere itself.

It is unknown how the Sisterhood goes about recruiting new members, but

it is believed that Sleep Sisters have come from every walk of life in

Medoere. Some are rumored to have been former soldiers, initiates of

various temporal orders or even prostitutes in some seaside

brothels. Whatever their origins the initiates are rigorously tested and

subjected to various magics believed to purify them an ensure their

loyalty. A process similar to that used by the Khinasi to swear mages to

their Five Oaths (also a rite performed by the priests of Ruornil) is

believed to be employed. Absolute secrecy is a priority of the

Sisters. None has yet allowed herself to be taken alive.

Hit Die: d6


Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks.


Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable

Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide,

Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sense Motive,

Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Club, crossbow (any), shortbow (normal and

composite), dagger (any), dart, quarterstaff, sap, shortsword. Any light

armor. No shield.

Sleep Sister

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special

1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Sneak attack +1d6, spells

2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Darkvision

3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Sneak attack +2d6

4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Uncanny Dodge

5 +3 +1 +5 +5 Sneak attack +3d6

6 +4 +2 +5 +5 Hide in Plain Sight

7 +5 +2 +6 +6 Sneak attack +4d6

8 +6 +2 +7 +7 Improved Uncanny Dodge

9 +6 +3 +7 +7 Sneak attack +5d6

10 +7 +3 +8 +8 Death attack


Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

1 0 - - -

2 1 - - -

3 2 0 - -

4 3 1 - -

5 3 2 0 -

6 3 3 1 -

7 3 3 2 0

8 3 3 3 1

9 3 3 3 2

10 3 3 3 3

Sleep Sister Spell List

1st: Detect poison, ghost sound, jump, obscuring mist, sanctuary, shield

of faith, true strike.

2nd: Augury, cat`s grace, darkness, delay poison, knock, pass without

trace, silence, spider climb, undetectable alignment.

3rd: Deeper darkness, locate object, misdirection, nondetection

4th: Clairvoyance/clairaudience, freedom of movement, modify memory,

neutralize poison, poison.

12-11-2003, 03:43 PM
I got a couple of questions about the Sleep Sister prestige class that I

thought I should go ahead and put in the thread itself, especially since I

skipped most of the typical descriptive text for a prestige class....

1. Is the spellcasting ability of the class divine or arcane?

Divine. Since the class is based on their worship of Ruornil (or they are,

at least, closely related to clerics of that deity) they should have divine

magic. It also differentiates them a bit more from the Assassin prestige

class if anyone uses that in their BR campaign.

2. What ability score is their spellcasting based on? Int-Wis-Cha?

Wisdom. (For similar reasons.)

As long as I`m at it, the spells Sleep and Deep Slumber should be added to

the spell list for the prestige class at 1st and 3rd level

respectively. (I`d also add a Mass Sleep spell at 4th level, just for the

sake of rounding out the "Sleep" spell progression....)
