View Full Version : Racial Traits

Raesene Andu
05-30-2003, 11:34 AM
Here are the racial traits for the Quala, Ssarak and Gnolls races with flavour text and additional rules info added. Comments are welcome and please remember these are only draft versions.

Quala Racial Traits

· +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution: The Quala are renowned for their quick, nimble fingers but their small size means they are weaker and not as physically strong as larger beings.
· Small: As Small creatures, Quala gain a +1 size bonus to Armour Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size characters.
· Quala base speed is 30 feet.
· 8 extra skill points at 1st level and 2 extra skill points at each additional level. Quala minds are as nimble as their fingers and they are adept at learning in weeks, skills and crafts that may take other races a lifetime to master. (The 8 skill points at first level are added on as a bonus, not multiplied in; see Chapter 4: Skills in the Players Handbook).
· Cold Torpor (Ex): Quala are warm-blooded creatures, but they retain heat poorly in cold environments. A Quala suffers a –5 penalty to Fortitude saving throws made to avoids subdual damage from cold environments and takes double the normal amount of subdual damage for failing those saving throws. The Quala are native to the warm grasslands of central and southern Aduria and in cooler climates must bundle up to keep warm, for they can easily die from exposure in an environment that a human would find merely uncomfortable.
· Protection from Sonic Attacks (Ex): A Quala’s ears are well protected, giving it a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against sonic effects and attacks
· Scent (Ex): Quala have the scent special quality, as described in the Monster Manual.
· Vulnerability to Gas Attacks (Ex): A Quala’s metabolism and reliance on scent makes it vulnerable to attacks conveyed through gas, including stinking cloud, cloudkill, and poisonous gas. Quala suffer a -4 penalty on saving throws against gas-based effects and attacks.
· Automatic Language: Draconic. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages such as Druidic). Like their cousins the Ssarak, the Quala speak the language of the ancient dragons. They are also adept at picking up the languages of those races around them and may learn any language native to Aduria.
· Favoured Class: Rogue. Since the destruction of their homeland two thousand years ago, the Quala have been forced to rely on their wits and stealth to stay alive and unnoticed by the more powerful races. A multiclass Quala’s rogue class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Ssarak Racial Traits

· +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma: The Ssarak are masters of forbidden knowledge forgotten or unknown by the other races and with their quick minds and their renowned honesty they are adept are charming those they meet.
· Medium-Size: As Medium-Size creatures, Ssarak have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
· Ssarak base speed is 30 feet.
· Dragon Blood: Although their true origins remain unknown, all Ssarak carry within them a tiny spark of the sorcerous power of the ancient dragons and have the ability to cast true magic without a bloodline.
· Natural Armour: Ssarak have +1 natural armour on their torsos, arms and head, and +2 natural armour on their lower bodies and tails. However, due to the serpentine nature of their movement, they are unable to wear any form of armour on their lower bodies and tails without severely restricting their movement.
· Constrict (Ex): Ssarak can deal 1d6 points of damage with its tails following a successful grapple check again medium or smaller opponents.
· Cold Torpor (Ex): Ssarak are warm-blooded creatures, but they retain heat poorly in cold environments. A Ssarak suffers a –5 penalty to Fortitude saving throws made to avoids subdual damage from cold environments and takes double the normal amount of subdual damage for failing those saving throws. The Ssarak are native to burning deserts of central Aduria and in cooler climates must bundle up to keep warm, for they can easily die from exposure in an environment that a human would find merely uncomfortable.
· Protection from Sonic Attacks (Ex): A Ssarak’s ears are well protected, giving it a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against sonic effects and attacks
· Scent (Ex): Ssarak have the scent special quality, as described in the Monster Manual.
· Vulnerability to Gas Attacks (Ex): A Ssarak’s metabolism and reliance on scent makes it vulnerable to attacks conveyed through gas, including stinking cloud, cloudkill, and poisonous gas. Ssarak suffer a -4 penalty on saving throws against gas-based effects and attacks.
· Automatic Language: Draconic. Bonus Languages: Leonic, Human Regional Common. Ssarak often learn the language of the Asla and may also learn the tongues of any of the human tribes in Aduria.
· Favoured Class: Sorcerer. Following in the footsteps of their dragon god, many Ssarak chose to embrace the path of the sorcerer. A multiclass Ssarak’s sorcerer class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
· Base Hit Dice: Ssarak have 1d8 Hit Dice in addition to Hit Dice from their character levels. These Hit Dices give them a starting base attack bonus of +0, Fortitude base save of +0, Reflex base save of +0, Will base save of +2, 5 skill points, (class skills for these skill points are Alchemy, Concentration, Craft [any], Knowledge [any], Scry, and Spellcraft), and 1 feat (usually spent on Improved Initiative).
· Level Adjustment: +1. Ssarak are more powerful and gain levels more slowly than races in the Player’s Handbook. See the Level Adjustment section of the bloodline chapter of the d20 Birthright Rulebook for more information.

Gnoll Racial Traits

· +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Gnolls are renowned for their incredible strength and hardiness, but they do not make good conversationalists and are often viewed as course, violent beasts.
· Medium-Size: As Medium-Size creatures, Gnolls have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
· Gnoll base speed is 30 feet.
· Darkvision: Gnolls can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but is otherwise like normal sight, and Gnolls can function just fine with no light at all.
· Scent (Ex): Gnolls have the scent special quality, as described in the Monster Manual.
· Natural Armour: Gnolls have +1 natural armour due to the thick fur that protects their bodies.
· Automatic Language: Gnoll. Bonus Languages: Human Regional Common. Gnolls often learn the languages of their local human enemies.
· Favoured Class: Ranger. Gnolls are skilled at surviving in the wilderness and can become very skilled hunters and stalkers. A multiclass Gnoll’s ranger class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
· Base Hit Dice: Gnoll have 2d8 Hit Dice in addition to Hit Dice from their character levels. These Hit Dices give them a starting base attack bonus of +1, Fortitude base save of +3, Reflex base save of +0, Will base save of +0, 6 skill points, (class skills for these skill points are Intimidate, Listen, Search, Spot, and Wilderness Law), and 1 feat (usually spent on Power Attack).
· Level Adjustment: +2. Gnolls are more powerful and gain levels more slowly than races in the Player’s Handbook. See the Level Adjustment section of the bloodline chapter of the d20 Birthright Rulebook for more information.

06-03-2003, 11:57 AM
erm... gnolls come from hyenas and hyenas are supposedly sneaky cowardly creatures of cunning...

So I would't personally give a +4 to Str and a -2 to Intelligence...

As for the Qualla and Sarak or whatever, I have no idea what they are ;)

06-03-2003, 07:32 PM
The bonuses and penalties don't seem to be balanced for any of them.

01-09-2010, 06:23 PM
Are that your prefered stats? Well just got started playing and I hope this could help me well! Thanks!

01-10-2010, 05:52 PM
Check that you GM is happy with Adurian races, and that the level adjustment balances out the ability bonuses and abilities. Any feedback though would be great, I think that these were wiki'd but they are so old that they might not have been.

12-23-2010, 07:10 PM
I'm assuming this is for 3.5 rules, right? It does seem a little unbalanced. Then again, I'm more used to 4th ed myself. And just because something is sneaky doesn't make is smart. Lots of thieves are not geniuses.